The Villain Figures That Never Were!

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Rita Repulsa (prototype)
The ORIGINAL Rita Repulsa figure!

Over the course of 20+ seasons, Bandai of America (BOA) has supplied Ranger Nation with hundreds of figures, more specifically, villain figures. Most villain figures from back in the day included the “monster of the day,” but there were also figures of various leaders and their henchmen, such as Lord Zedd, Master Vile, Goldar, Rito Revolto, etc. The one figure fans desperately wanted that was missing for years was a Rita Repulsa figure, as seen above. As you can see, BOA had planned and even produced a Rita Repulsa figure, but for some reason, the idea was scrapped, and we wouldn’t see a Rita Repulsa figure until Samurai in 2011.

This got me wondering what other possible villain figures that Bandai had potentially planned but scrapped. So in this article, I will be showcasing all of the prototype villain figures that were never released.


Scorpina (prototype)

Scorpina was one of Rita’s most diabolical minions (besides Goldar) who constantly aided her in her battle against the Rangers. It’s strange that they decided to make a figure based on her giant monster form, but the detail is still pretty great. The image is blurry, but it’s easy to tell that a lot of work was put into it!

Mutitus (prototype)

Mutitus was featured in the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers “Island of Illusion” 2-parter. He was a powerful zombie-like monster that was summoned by Rita to help her trap the Rangers on the Island of Illusion. Personally, the figure doesn’t look too much like how it did in the show, but the effort shows; the detail is still great.

Witchblade (prototype)

Witchblade was featured in the Mighty Morphin’ Alien Rangers episode “Water You Thinking?” She was sent to Earth to prevent the Alien Rangers from finding pure water. This figure looks very awesome and I’m sad that it was never released! All the more reason to enjoy the prototype!


Maligore (advertised)

I find this to be extremely disappointing! A Maligore (from Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie) figure was planned and even advertised, but never released. To this day, we haven’t even seen a photo of a possible prototype. That’s too bad, because a Maligore figure could’ve doubled as a Dark Specter figure later during the Power Rangers in Space toyline.

Terrorsaur (Metallasaurus)

There is, however, a prototype of the Terrorsaur figure, which is actually an incorrect name given by BOA. The correct name is Metallosaurus, and it was General Havoc’s Zord from Power Rangers Turbo. BOA could’ve possibly acquired the name “Terrorsaur” by combining Metallosaurus and Terrorzord. It’s also interesting that they decided to make a figure based on General Havoc’s Zord, instead of actually releasing a zord.


There are rumors that apparently BOA had planned an Emperor Gruumm figure, but I have no prototype or advertisement to support that statement.

Mystic Force


Morticon served as the general of the Morlock army for the first 12 episodes of Power Rangers Mystic Force. This figure was likely cancelled due to his short appearance in the season. The detail is incredible, though, and it’s odd that the figure of the prototype is actually a press release photo.

Styxoid/Re-colored Hidiac

  The Styxoids were more powerful foot soldiers that serve Koragg. The prototype figure looks like a repainted Hidiac figure.

Jungle Fury

Battle Armor Dai Shi
Battle Armor Dai Shi

Although no prototype for the figure itself exists, a Battle Armor Dai Shi was planned for the Power Rangers Jungle Fury toyline. My guess is that the Battle Armor Dai Shi figure was based off his Phantom Beast King mode in the season. Or it possibly could’ve been an “armored might” type of figure. We may never know.

Dino Charge

So far for the Power Rangers Dino Charge toyline, BOA has planned 3 villain figures!

Sledge, who is the only one without a prototype as of yet, is an intergalactic bounty hunter who’s determined to locate the Energems, harness their power, and destroy Earth.


Fury is one of Sledge’s minions.


The Vivixs serve as the foot soldiers of the season.


All of these figures are very cool, and I’m curious as to why BOA went through all of the effort to plan and produce the prototypes,only to scrap them in the end. I mean, who are they kidding? Fans would eat these figures alive! I personally didn’t know that half these figures were originally planned and now I’m left disappointed that they were never actually released.

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What do you think? What is your favorite prototype villain figure?

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