Ressha Sentai ToQger: Station 30 Review

TOOT-TOOT RESSHA SENTAI TOQGER. Let’s go! Today’s episode is entitled: “The Birthday Celebration”

We start today’s episode with Kagura remembering Mio’s birthday is today!

She wants to bake her a cake!

Her first cake isn’t a success and Akira’s response is life.

Kagura heads to a bakery to fine tune her skills!

Today’s monster is Wig Shadow. He puts wigs on people with a baby chicken in a nest in it. These monster designs, WOW. haha And if the chick dies, THEY DIE. OH MY. Kagura was baking so she didn’t get a wig.

At the Shadow Line Base, Marquise Mork is not liking Madame Noire’s monster. Tension.

Akira with a wig is just fantastic.

Nothing happens for five minutes while Kagura bakes. After finishing her cake and on her way home, Kagura finds Wig Shadow and he destroys Mio’s birthday cake. WHAT A LITTLE BITCH. The rest of the team shows up but can’t fight because of the chicks on the head, so Kagura does some amazing one-on-one crazy ass fighting.

His wig can grab people. lololol

Suddenly, the chicks mature, attack Wig Shadow, and run away. This was pretty funny.

Kagura uses the Hyper ressha but is standing too close to Mio so they both get the power-up and are attached. haha

They do a combined kick move that’s pretty sweet. They take him out and he grows.

They call upon Choo Choo ToQ Dai-Oh and Kagura & Mio sit together. hahaha

“Imagination Express” takes him out. The monsters defeat line was just superb writing.

Mio finally realizes where Kagura has been and is warmed by the gesture.

The chickens run along the train. hahaha

Wagon brings out her famous roasted chicken right after the team sees their chickens and I just can’t. Pretty funny episode.


Literally half this episode was Kagura baking a cake. haha Although vaguely boring and another PINK RANGER BAKING A FUCKING CAKE, I enjoyed the humor a bunch. Really just a fine episode, but next week looks really exciting. I give this episode a 5.5 out of 10 for blandness.

Next Time

We get to meet the Rainbow Line president! (Hint: He’s a bunny. haha)

And we visit the Hyper Express Terminal!

Until next time, this has been SimplyScott1/PowerSentai. Stay imaginative!