Super Megaforce Episode 12 “United As One” Review

There’s not a lot that can be said or reviewed about this episode. The episode is mostly an Emma focus-episode with a splash of Orion and a twist of the other Rangers.
While the episode is fun to watch it is simply filler that does not shoot the story forward. I will say though that it was cute to see the re-imagining of the Pink Ranger costume change scenes! Another saving grace for this episode was the plethora of original footage filmed. But is that enough to save the episode?
(As always thanks to my Flying Monkies for my inspirations)

Prince Vekar is Sick: As I’ve said about a hundred times, Prince Vekar is one of my favorite parts of Super Megaforce. So, any scene where he is being goofy or over the top is  always my favorite. In this episode Prince Vekar is sick and Levira comes up with a plan to recruit Desolar who is able to absorb human happiness into his staff! The several scenes depicted with Vekar, his lackies and Desolar were hilarious!
However, can we talk about the fact that they played Master Xandred’s theme from Samurai during these scenes? A theme which originally belongs to Rita Repulsa was being replayed during this episode and more to come for some unknown reason. You can even hear Dayu’s harmonium in the background. Lazy and Cheap! [Clip]

Desolar: This monster had two interesting ideas under his belt. He was able to steal happiness with his staff and was able to change his size into three modes. While two of his modes are generally acquired by all monsters of the day, Desolar was also able to shrink himself to the size of a small bug. I loved the scenes in which this mode caused crazy trouble for the Rangers especially when it enabled Desolar to take control of the Q-Rex Megazord!One complaint about Desolar? His voice is terrible!

Battle Inside the Megazord: As I said earlier, there were tons of original footage shot for this episode and one of the most interesting scenes was while Desolar was inside the actualy Megazord and causes tremendous damage!
In the Gokaiger footage the Rangers chase the monster around as well as in their sitting room; footage that cannot be used. A random room inside of the Megazord was created for this scene as the Rangers continue to chase Desloar throughout! The best part has to be when Desolar shrinks again and finds himself inside of Jake’s spandex! (.) At least the production team is trying a bit with this new footage.

Emma’s Cosplay Challenge: These scenes were some of my favorites in Gokaiger and they are some of my favorites during the translation. First, Emma dresses as a Bride and she and Orion re-create the scene first from Ahim and Gai of Gokaiger. Watching Orion make the same kind of Gai faces was hilarious and Emma looked fabulous in her wedding dress. She even wielded her Gosei Morpher and Super Mega Blaster to perfection!
Later she takes on the costumes of a Cop, Paramedic and a Cheerleader in order to trick Desolar. I don’t know about you but mostly my eyes were on Orion and all the goofy faces he makes! This was a spot on recreation of the Gokaiger scenes, now is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Emma Ditches Out: This is one of the reasons why I don’t much care for Emma’s character. I know, I know. This is the way the show is written and it is also written that way to compliment the Sentai footage but too many times have we seen Emma crap out?! During Megaforce she didn’t help the fight with Glytcher and instead chose to bake a pie. Granted, she came in and “saved the day” by tickling the giant Glytcher in the crotch with her Phoenix Zord, but still. Then, AGAIN, it happens in Super Megaforce. Emma has an awesome battle alone with Desolar and then suddenly decides to leave the battle. She asks her friends to finish him for her and instead heads to help the little boy from earlier get wind for his kite. Cute, but lame as hell. I have to say that because of this writing I have placed Emma as low on the list of Powerful Pink Rangers as she can go.
A final thought that I share with Victor of the Modern Gafa, why the hell didn’t Emma use the Pink Mystic Force Ranger Key for both the kid and Orion’s kites?

Legendary Dino Thunder Mode: This change was a beautiful mix of original and Sentai footage attempting to tribute Dino Thunder. While they took a few liberties with the Dino Thunder calls, I still enjoyed seeing these suits in action as well as all the attacks and weapons used! This is just good old fashioned Nostalgiaganza!
Again, this scene would’ve been so much more epic we had gotten the Dino Thunder theme music. 🙁

Legendary Q-Rex Megazord: While this was generally rushed in Gokaiger as well, I felt the same from the introduction of the Legendary Q-Rex Megazord. Also, why is it called that? All of the new combinations are usually named after the power that inspired them. Legendary Samurai Megazord, Legendary Mystic Force Megazord etc etc. Perhaps it should have been named the Legendary Dino Thunder Megazord because after all it is inspired by that season and the tribute we had just seen.

The Ending Scene: I do quite enjoy this new relationship between Orion and Emma. Orion sharing the pictures of her to the others was hilarious!
The end scene was rather cute with Emma giving Orion a kite and again using her Gosei Morpher to create more wind.
STRANGE: Have you ever noticed how close the music at the end of this episode sounds so familiar? Almost like the music sung by the band in MMPR Season 3, “Potion Notion” and a little bit like the Cranberries….
Check Out the Comparison!

Final Thoughts

All in all this episode was fun to watch. Like I said earlier, this episode is not game changing and did not do much for progressing the story but we did get some cute scenes from Emma & Orion, a new Megazord combo and a cool Dino Thunder team change! If that’s what we can take away from this episode then let’s take it!


Story: 7/10
Action: 8/10
Monsters:  9/10
All Together: 8/10

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