Super Megaforce Episode 10 “The Perfect Storm” Review

Come with us and let me take you on a journey that will last a few paragraphs at best. Power Rangers Super Megaforce has been leaking on the internet a week before air but for those who haven’t seen it here is my review of the newest let-down, “The Perfect Storm”

The Problem with Tensou, I have to admit I was not a fan of this part. But I must give the show props for creating something original in the first half of the show. I will admit that this whole part of the show was interesting to me, not in content but in the fact that it exists. We rarely see the Rangers just getting into mischief or running around the town.  The parts with Jake bouncing off walls and running all over town was very well done. Those parts, I like! I also enjoyed the parts with Gia in the mall, or perhaps I more interested when we actually get some Jake or Gia focus. I just didn’t really care for the parts with Tensou, I mean I think he’s cute and all but I don’t really care about him. I just couldn’t get into the idea of him missing as a bad thing. Then most of the episode everyone is running around looking for him and all I can think is “When are they gonna morph!?”

Jake and the Cat lady, It’s those rare comedic moments that appear randomly that everyone remembers. For Samurai, it was the Roller Coaster Guy and the Mailbox Guy. For Megaforce it was the construction worker and the too much mustard. This time around we have the little old lady on the bus who attacks Jake with her stories about her allergies and her cat named Jelly Bean! See the Clip Here I was also surprised to find out that Elizabeth McRae, who played the old lady on the bus, also voiced the White Tribunal from Power Rangers Mystic Force!


The Plan, I believe this idea was a failed Vrak experiment. Gee, way to throw shade at your missing brother Vekar! In all seriousness I did enjoy the fact that we are finally referencing Vrak! I can say that I do love the monster design behind Sirjinkor but he wasn’t too effective against the Rangers.

Legendary Squadron Mode, now this is very interesting indeed! I love that they finally morphed into a full team. While we didn’t get an explanation why White MMPR goes along with the other suits, instead Orion just mentions a change to Mighty Morphin’ while the others morph into Legendary Squadron Mode. I am assuming that Squadron is a reference to the word “Sentai” which I hope is an actual reference! I actually very much loved that we at least got a name for the teams! I would love to see names of the Flashman and Maskman suits being used.

Zeo Mode, I was so happy to see this footage being utilized! Zeo is my favorite season and to finally see a full team change was awesome especially because that they performed that awesome Dynamite Attack! I especially loved that Orion called out that they could harness the power of the Zeo crystal! Actual throwbacks! Love that!

The Megazord Battle, This was the first time that the  Rangers used the Legendary Samurai Megazord with the Q-Rex  and it was pretty epic! Gotta love that Super Mega Fire Smasher! I found it interesting in this episode that the Rangers also had to stop a meteor from striking earth as well as defeating the monster. What surprises me is that the show’s producers produce episodes with filler like this when much of the Gokaiger library is not being used. It just frustrates me that Gokaiger’s magic isn’t being properly utilized.

Final Thoughts

All in all this episode was a little boring to me. There was not even much to discuss regarding my opinions of the episode. However, I absolutely love the Zeo and Legendary Squadron changes and the Megazord battles, but again that’s not saying much. I love those parts of the show anyways so it ‘s hard to say that an episode was only that good based on Sentai footage. I was just not into the beginning parts of the episode where we are chasing Tensou around, it just didn’t catch me but I do applaud the producers for actually getting this kind of scene into the show. Again, I am disappointed by the types of episodes that were chosen to be adapted this season. We have such a little amount of episodes when there is only 20 episodes from a 51 Episode Sentai. I have a feeling I just can’t be pleased when it comes to this season. But what I can say is that this was a light-hearted episode that was “cute” at best but nothing to write home about.


Story: 7/10 Action: 8/10 Monsters:  7/10 All Together: 7.3/10

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