Ressha Sentai ToQger: Station 25 Review

TOOT-TOOT RESSHA SENTAI TOQGER. Let’s go! Today’s episode is entitled: “Beyond the Fairy Tale”

Today’s episode was odd, but so fantastic; I love fairy tales. Anyways, we start off with the team being alerted that there’s a new shadow monster! They find fairy tales characters who are a little bit off. Red Riding Hood doesn’t want to find her Grandmother, Cinderella hates her shoes, Momotaro is being lazy (Japanese folklore), and….

….there’s the Emperor who wants to be naked. hahaha

Spotlight Shadow tried creating “shining” characters, but failed miserably.

The team transforms and each ToQger takes a character to hide so Spotlight Shadow doesn’t destroy them. If destroyed, it would erase the fairy tales forever and create darkness from a lack of the imaginative stories.

While Tokatti was trying to save a kid earlier, Spotlight Shadow’s beam hit him and created a character from his imagination, Ryo Knight. I really love this suit.

As Tokatti and Ryo Knight talked, Baron Nero found them and attacked. Tokatti was almost finished when Ryo Knight stepped in and saved him.

Tokatti finally realizes the character is based on his super cool older brother as Ryo gives him a pep talk.

Right and Hikari show up and the three enact a plan they learned earlier during training.

Baron Nero is surprised by the attack and flees. The team uses Rainbow Rush: Fables Assemble to destroy Spotlight Shadow finally. I love that it shoots each fairy tale character at him. hahaha YOU GO LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD.

Once Spotlight Shadow was destroyed, each character returns to their mission in their respective fairy tales/Tokatti’s imagination.

The team calls upon ToQ-Oh and Build Dai-Oh to take on a grown Spotlight Shadow. Tokatti calls upon the tank ressha to merge with ToQ-Oh, but Akira takes it for his mecha to create Build Dai-Oh tank. Rude. haha

So the ToQgers call upon the Build Crane ressha to form ToQ-Oh Build! Pretty cool!!

They use Bucket Break to send Spotlight Shadow back to the theater.

After this, Madame Noire finally sees Grita in Zed’s shadow and a hurt General Schwarz still has Shadow Line mecha….

While the others shoot fireworks off, Tokatti and Mio discuss his older brother and….



I loved this episode. Loved that it gave Tokatti some back story, was pretty funny, had some shipping, and is moving the Shadow Line plots along well. I have always loved fairy tale characters and I think the episode did a good job of utilizing them in a new way. I really enjoyed the odd mecha combos as well. I give this an 8.5 out of 10 for an all around great episode. Really good rating for more of a filler type episode! Hope they don’t lose the Tokatti and Mio plot later down the road.

Next Time

 On the next episode, the team goes to a bathhouse. Yasssss for homosexual times.


Until next time, this has been SimplyScott1/PowerSentai. Stay imaginative!