Amazing Toy News from SDCC!

coollogo_com-114602104Thanks to TokuNation for the images and their amazing reporting at SDCC
Please visit the link above for more incredible  detailed images of these toys!


Well the moment you’ve all been waiting for is here! New toys have been revealed at San Diego Comic-Con!
I’ve chosen some of my favorite pictures of the new toys, but like I said above visit TokuNation for more amazing and detailed images!
Thanks t o RangerCrew above is the image of the exclusive Green Ranger Translucent Key given out to anyone dressed as a Power Ranger at SDCC!
Looks kinda lame but somehow I must have one!


We got our first look at the Legacy Saba which looks amazing! I know we’ll all be hunting for that one!


Here’s the first image of the new Legacy Tiger Zord!


Another surprising addition to the Legacy Line is another Legacy Morpher only this time it is the Movie Edition featuring the White Ranger’s Falcon coin!
I am a little sad that this toy will only be exclusive to the White Ranger! It would’ve been epic to own Billy or Kimberly’s as well!


Here’s a close up of the Legacy Falcon Coin pretty snazzy!


I am so excited for this! Power Morphicon’s Exclusive is a Wolf Ranger and Titanium Ranger Key pack with awesome thunder bolt windows!
I want! I want!
I’m a little confused why Wolf Ranger is in this set, I get that Titanium was very much wanted but Wolf Ranger doesn’t quite fit the motif. BUT Don’t get me wrong, I still love this!


Here is an up close image of the Dino Chargers which will fit into the so far unnamed Revolver


An even better close up view of the Revolver with the new orange tips for “safety”


Looks like 5″ is  the new standard and here is an up close image of the Red Ranger figure!


It’s the Tyrannosaurus aka Gabutrya! Looks pretty good actually!


Now, I saved this for last because it was the most shocking of the day.
I am sad to report that Bandai America is changing the color of “Dricera” to an indigo-like color instead of releasing it in its standard pink color.
To be honest, that really freaking sucks. I knew that when I saw the captures from the marketing teaser that it wasn’t a coloring issue and that Bandai America is scummy enough to pull this! I simply do not understand why they can’t just change the arms to another of the Dinosaurs instead of changing the color of the actual zord. Parasagun or Zakutor could fit on the cover of the box instead. But no, instead we get this purple puke colored zord that doesn”t match the show.
But what do I know?

What was your favorite toy so far from SDCC?
Which MUST you own?

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