Mighty Musings: Orion Saved Super Megaforce



Hi Morphin Legacy Readers! I’m Dan your new writer. (If you like me) In a few days I’ll write up a bio so you can know who I am, but my writing style is going to have a bit of snark, so don’t take it personally.

My goal is to open your mind and make you giggle. So here goes.

Orion saved Super Megaforce for me. Every Friday night with my lady friend while at some grown up place that starts with a “B” and ends with an “R” I would proclaim do you know what tomorrow is? And she would look at me, roll her eyes and say “It’s Power Rangers day” I would be sure to have a red Gatorade and an Advil before noon so I can catch Super Megaforce but after Lion’s alliance I was loosing interest. It wasn’t spectacular as I thought it should be. No hidden Easter eggs of like why can’t Troy have a cool mid 90’s red sports car that has a flight mode? I was watching for the cool morphs and the sweet pirate suits.

SMF - 08 Silver Lining 2.mkv205

The whole fact that Troy and Jake completely changes character while in Super Mega Mode was starting to wear on me, the whole idea of Prince Vekar was really grinding my gears. (I can get into those characters in another article)

Then Orion showed up and yeah he was mysterious, was he human? Was he kept frozen by his best friend? Was he Zordon incarnate? Who knows. Silver Lining Part II answered that for me with a much darker more intriguing character, frankly he was really really angry, and the bad guys shouldn’t like him when he’s angry (for you kids out there, that’s a Ninjor reference. Learn your history).

He’s out for vengeance which I don’t really remember seeing anything this dark in Power Rangers history blatantly, I mean they practically show this guys entire world get nuked. And man was he cool. The slick silver suit. The Q-Rex drill of awesomesauce! Not gunna lie here guys he’s definitely in the running for top 6th in my book.


Orion has the spear blaster. It’s more of a trident but man does this thing look mean. He just rolls over the bad guys with this thing and completely demolishes them. Remember, when we first saw him fleets of enemies were knocked cold before the Rangers could get there. The kid knows how to fight. But that finishing move sure was pretty. The blue/purple color mixed with silver just looks cool.

His megazord is very impressive. I mean he has two ships wheels, three keys of the coolest rangers ever and a drill sword arm of justice. The megazord finisher brings spirits of all three modes to completely eviscerate enemies.

Uh. Yes!!!!! Personally I just like blue and silver together. The nautical touches bring it home for me. I don’t know how intentional it is but the drill mode reminds me of MMPR tank mode. I honestly feel there is a little too much MMPR love and not enough for any of the other great teams, but this harkening back to Dinozord Tank mode was pretty cool.


He makes it look cool, not as cool as Antonio but he still has this coolness that was sorta missing on the team. His cool mystery makes me want to know more.

So I’m back hooked, but not only is he furious at the Armada, he adds a little Power Rangers love triangle with Jake and my future wife Gia (so really it’s a square with three sides missing, but you get my point) I can definitely see some sort of silly competition brewing there. And then Troy and Robo Knight can have their day.

Where is Orion’s future? I’m sure multiple people here have watched Gokaiger and have a general idea where it will go but we can’t always be sure. Yes I know about the shield with the heads on it but how will Gosei pull that out of nowhere? Will they have to fight a zord and climb a mountain to get it? Hopefully but odds can be against us.

Not only am I super excited for Orion in general I’m way excited for the Toys, the Q-Rex and the silver spear.

Man those look fun. All evidence points to an early fall release. My only problem is how to display it. I have a slot for it but do I do Dino mode, warrior mode or drill mode.

With that said guys think it over and comment. Post. Share. Talk it over with a real live person!!

Catch you on the flip side. Chief.

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