New Dino Charge Breakdowns & Judd Lynn!

Thanks to N80r of RangerBoard for the Information!

Two new exciting pieces of news have surfaced regarding the 22nd Season of Power Rangers, Dino Charge!
First up is the amazing news that Judd Lynn, producer of such amazing Power Rangers seasons such as Time Force, In Space, the second half of Turbo and RPM will be returning to the series!
Very exciting news for the show!

Red Ranger is the 18 year-old leader of the Rangers. He’s curious, energetic, charming, and gregarious; a free-spirit who full embraces the idea that life is an adventure. While childlike at times, Lucas has the ability to switch on his serious side and his role as the Leader is unquestionable.

Pink Ranger is the rough-n-tumble 18 year-old tomboy who loves to get into the dirt. She’s strong-willed, stubborn, and direct, which makes dating a challenge…for the boy. She is clumsy and disinterested in all things that don’t involve dinosaurs or being a Ranger.

Green Ranger (Matt’s younger brother). He’s quiet, confident, and disciplined. At only 18 to look 16 years-old, he’s a bit smaller than the other Rangers, but just as fierce. Ryan grew up on a ranch, but didn’t fit in. Ryan practiced his sword skills. Fencing is just one of the unique things about Ryan, he doesn’t like to get dirty, he’s picky about what he eats, and he’s a whiz at logic games, like chess, checkers, and Rubik’s cube.

Blue Ranger (The Caveman) 100,000 years ago, Koda lived in jungle cave with his tribe. Today, his caveman ways make him a fish-out-of-water, leading to some wonderful comedy. He eats with his fingers, doesn’t like to wear shoes, and sees no benefits in combing his hair. He isn’t the smartest Ranger, but he’s got a heart of gold, is fiercely loyal, and is as strong as an ox. His survival instincts are sharper than any other Ranger.

Black Ranger is a cool and laid-back 18 year-old. He wears the right clothes, listens to popular music. He’s very handsome and receives a lot of attention from the girls. He gets around by riding a skateboard, while sporting a hoodie and ear buds. He spends his free time diddling on a guitar. Chase is very forgetful and is always late, stopping to flirt with girls, or responding to texts.

Gray Ranger (Ryan’s older brother). At 18 years-old, he’s a cool and confident cowboy, complete with jeans, boots, and his favorite old hat. He’s warm and funny, with a charming wink. He grew up on a ranch and loves the outdoors. Matt is a bit old-school in his thinking. While he doesn’t quite understand Ryan, Matt’s sure that his job as an older brother is to protect his younger brother.

Purple Ranger (The Scientist) is a brilliant 18-21 year-old engineer whose discoveries have made her very rich. She is confident, direct, and rarely gets emotional. She has a serious demeanor and doesn’t make friends easily. Deep inside, she’s a bit lonely, and starts to learn the deeper meaning of friendship as she comes to respect and understand her Ranger family. She isn’t as forceful as a “commander”, but she’s more insistent than a friend.

Gold Ranger (The Knight) 900 years ago, Ivan was a valiant, 18-year old knight. He’s a very gentle, kind soul who values honesty and loyalty above all else. He wields his magnificent sword with legendary skill and doesn’t hesitate to use it for noble cause. He’s always an ace with a bow and arrow. Ivan behaves with great finesse and chivalry. He speaks with a BRITISH ACCENT, and uses odd, antique phrases, continually clashing with today’s culture.

Please  Remember that all of this information is tentative and is for casting purposes only!
But, What do you  think of the characters being described?

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