Megaforce Episode 22 “A RoboKnight Before Christmas” Episode Review

Christmas and Halloween specials are usually a hit or miss with me and I sincerely miss the days when there were no such specials. I find it really hard to enjoy them for some reason, but that’s just me. I tend to enjoy the specials people don’t like and I dislike the specials everyone likes. For example, if you had me choose which of the Samurai specials I preferred, between Samurai and Super Samurai; I would choose “Christmas Together, Friends Forever” over “Stuck on Christmas” and a lot of you will disagree. There were moments in “A RoboKnight Before Christmas” that were very cute but as a good friend of mine ShadowRay22 said, this time could’ve been better spent on plot and story line development instead of wasting time with a Christmas episode that has nothing to do with what is going on during the season. So, for my last review of Power Rangers Megaforce I am not going to bore you with what happened in this episode because it bears no weight on the actual show. Instead, let’s get right to what I thought.

I have to admit that I was super sad when we didn’t get to find out what Gia had gotten Jake for Christmas even though it was teased in the beginning of the episode. However, when the Rangers all chipped in and got RoboKnight the snow globe with their image inside was rather cute.  RoboKnight still had some very adorable moments including wearing the Santa hat as he pretends to be a toy, hides in the shipping crate and when he lights the Christmas tree with his morpher!

I expected as much that the entire episode would be RoboKnight asking questions about what Christmas was and slowly learning about the holiday. In the beginning I almost forgot it was a clip show because it was actually going decently. I did think it was pretty interesting, in order to set up the clip show, to have RoboKnight tell the African children about the Power Rangers and their adventures together. However, I did not care for many of the clips used in this episode. It was almost as if they were trolling us, showcasing some of the worst lines the show had seen and some of the more boring examples of what this season had to offer. Including “Are you some kind of super hero?” and we had to sit through RoboKnight rapping again. GRRRR. Strangely enough the tiny montage of the characters dancing made me very happy 😀

In regards to the African children, it was easy to recognize that the set was from a previous episode. It was a little distracting that the African children were stifling down their Kiwi accents. I found this to be rather strange. However, the kids were cute enough to let this slide. Remember the soup that RoboKnight was preparing for the children? What was that? Did this turn into “Stone Soup” out of no where?

Final Thoughts

There’s not a whole lot more to discuss that I find relevant. If you enjoy Christmas Special clip shows then you may enjoy this episode. As for me, it was rather boring but for the tiny RoboKnight cute moments. It does make Megaforce a little bit more frustrating because the last two episodes of the actual season were so rushed in order to accommodate the Christmas and Halloween specials. But, ask yourself this, how infuriating will this be next year when Super Megaforce has to do this and instead of paying homage to your favorite season we have a Christmas episode? I have a feeling this will infuriate me and I wish they didn’t even have Holiday episodes next season, even thought I desperately want to see GokaiChristmas being used in a Christmas episode. I feel sad that we end the series on this note, but it is what was expected and we knew it was coming. It is with that, that I am extremely excited to see Super Megaforce! Reviews again in February! 😀

Story: 6.5/10
Action: 6/10
Monsters: N/A
All Together: 6/10

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