Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: Brave 33 Review

Let’s breakdown Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: Brave 33 – “Maximum! I Will Protect The Lady!”

Welcome back to Kyoryuger. We find Utchy being stopped by women who have Ian’s sunglasses from his bootycall last night.

Utchy ain’t got time for this.

Back at the base, Ian is telling everyone that he’s playing a prank on Utchy.

Yayoi puts him in his place and tells him to stop messing around if he wants the team to be able to use the new beast batteries together.

Ian receives a text from one of his many European girlfriends and this pisses Utchy off, so Utchy electrocutes Ian. OH MYYYY.

Back at the Debo base, our monster of the week, Debo Itsautum (IT’S AUTUMN, GET IT??) drops leaves on Aigaron for his unrequited love with Cadelira. Luckeiro overhears and decides to help get the two together.

Back to the action, Yayoi gives Utchy the maximus beast battery, but Utchy is still seething at Ian after seeing Lady Erika arrive.

DeboItsautum sends depression on the rest of the team while Lady Erika, Utchy, and Ian run out of the airport.

I love this show’s inner-dialogue.

Once Itsautum goes after Utchy, Ian, and Lady Erika, Luckiero takes pictures of Aigaron fighting the team to show Candelira how attractive he is. LOOK AT THE CAMERA. OMG, too cute.

While Utchy, Lady Erika, and Ian are trying to get away, Itsautum sends Utchy and Erika into an autumnal depression dimension.

In the depression dimension, Utchy gets mad that Erika still likes Ian, but Erika explains that Ian is a loving player. So sweet.

She also reveals that she brought a stone from Europe with her as a gift to Ian for all those sleepless night. (YOU KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING?)

Ian appears in the most dramatic, toku entrance ever. With flowers falling all around. *swoons*

King and Yayoi show up to help the rest of the team too. I mostly care because KyoryuViolet is here and I love her.

Ian and Utchy transform in a badass way.

The entire Kyoryuger team comes together….

…. to use the Victory Maximum attack, which is pretty legit.

Itsautum gets destroyed but Luckiero revives him back into a large monster. Ian and Utchy use Pteraidenoh Parasagun to ward off Itsautum. (#BumbleBeeMode)

But then Itsautum uses a giant bunny dumpling to attack. I’ll just leave that there….

Utchy and Ian destroy Itsautum finally and the world is back at peace. Well, except Utchy who is being chased by woman. God love him.


I thought this episode was great. I loved the monster design and motif, the great one-liner inner-dialogues, and the Ian-centric/man whore episode. Not the greatest episode ever, but not too shabby either! Overall, I would say this deserves a solid 7/10.



Until next time, this has been SimplyScott1. Stay Brave!