A Morphin’ Legacy Exclusive Zeo Card & the Weekly Round Up!

(Info taken from PR ACG Facebook Page)
Previous Articles 1234 & 5


More cards are being released as previews as we get closer and closer to the release of “Legends Unite” this coming November!
Here are some new cards released as of Saturday October 19th! Have you finished Series 1, 2 & 3 yet?!

Morphin’ Legacy received an exclusive Promo Card from the Power Rangers ACG Facebook Page!
Thank you to the people over there for giving me this card preview!

4-101 (1)

From my favorite season, Zeo! Rocky and Adam team up with the power of Blue and Green! They’re truly stronger than before! 


Rev it up to the Nth power with the RPM Power Rangers most powerful arsenal, the RPM Ultrazord!


Combining with the awesome R.I.C. unlocks this overpowering S.P.D. Battlizer (Mode 2), check it out


Man and machine (dog), there is no stronger bond! It’s also the most efficient way to achieve Sonic Mode! 


You definitely want these Red Rangers in your deck!
Check out this NEW Series 4 preview of the Red Alien Ranger and Red Zeo Ranger 


The Turbo Ranger Team card unites to take down even the strongest of foes! Shift into Turbo!


The original robotic defender of (intergalactic) laws is here! Come take a ride this millennium!


Turn on the Power! Power Rangers, Lost, Lost Galaxy, Go!


The Lost Galaxy Rangers are here to defend their home of Terra Venture even in the deepest depths of space!


Time, time, time for Power Rangers Time Force! Time Force! Time Force! Power Rangers GO! 


Jen and Trip brings leadership, tech, and lots of skill to Time Force and the Power Rangers ACG


Write a new chapter in the Power Rangers Action Card Game history with this powerful NEW hybrid card!


Go Rangers Go Rangers, GO! GO! GO! Pow-er Ran-gers, Operation Overdrive!


It’s Monday somewhere so lets begin Overdrive Monday with the Black Overdrive Ranger!


Let’s pump it up with the Yellow Overdrive Ranger! Available this November in Series 4 “Legends Unite”!


It’s the Robo Knight to the rescue! He’ll fix all of Earth’s environmental problems with his epic blaster; which is also a sword because that’s how epic 6th Rangers roll!