Megaforce Episode 13 “Dream Snatcher” Episode Review

With the strangeness that came with “Last Laugh” last week this episode was much higher received for its content and likability. This is the impression I took back from my Twitter feed during the airing and having listened to the opinions of my followers. I do believe that “Dream Snatcher” served its purpose as both progressing the story, adding character development and allowing the villains to progress into a new story-line. When I first heard the premise for this episode it seemed to be another dream episode such as Super Samurai produced, but this episode had another message and a different focus in the dream world. But, let’s delve into this Pink Ranger focus episode ad see what went right and what went wrong!

We open on the Rangers setting up cameras in a spot they plan to watch the meteor shower later that evening.

Emma remembers that with so many shooting stars there will be lots of possibilities for wishes and brings out her list.
When she was little, she would make wishes on shooting stars and they would come true. But as a child, she got so excited she would forget and therefore began to write them down.

Jake thinks he should write his wishes down but Noah makes fun that he has to say them out loud!

Jake challenges the others to a race to Ernie’s, Loser buys!
The girls only smile and take them up on the offer.

Meanwhile in the lair of the Toxic Beasts, Vrak introduces them to the Aurora Box; one of the most prized possessions of his royal family!

The box has the power to take out the Rangers and Bluefur suggests they use it immediately.

The boys arrive at Ernie’s and think they’ve beaten the girls, Troy suggests they pay anyways cause they’re gentlemen.
Then, Troy notices the counter!

Turns out the girls had beaten them, Emma knows all of the shortcuts and paths!
Gia and Emma order drinks and remind Jake to pay!

Meanwhile, Vrak reveals that legend holds the Aurora Box has the power to amplify a monster’s power 100 fold!

Bigs suggests that the power not be used on any monster and that he and Bluefur should be the first to test it out.
But, as he feels the great power pulsating from the box he decides another monster may be a better idea!

Vrak commands the power not be wasted as Big says that he has the perfect monster in mind!

Meanwhile a monster named Dream Snatcher begins his hunt and devours the dreams of a nearby sleeping oaf.

Bigs and Bluefur appear and reveal to Dream Snatcher that he will be their guinea pig for the experiment!

The Aurora Box powers up Dream Snatcher and with his new powers he head out to wreak havoc!

With his new powers Dream Snatcher is able to steal the dreams of the awake!

When their dreams are stolen the human is put into a deep sleep and evil roots of despair grow into the Earth!

After Ernie crafts beautiful ice creams, The Rangers are suddenly called into action and Jake loses his money!

The Rangers morph and arrive to find several people rooted to the ground!

As they confront Dream Snatcher, he reveals all of the evils plans including what the Aurora Box is able to do and what exactly his roots do as well. (smart move…) The roots rot the Earth!

The Rangers attempt to take him on but Dream Snatcher proves quite powerful, when RoboKnight arrives he distracts Dream Snatcher.
The Rangers attempt to explain why the rotting roots can’t be destroyed.

Emma reveals all of her dreams to RoboKnight in an attempt to get him to understand.

As Emma is distracted, Dream Snatcher sneaks up behind her and devours her dreams!

Emma falls asleep and grows roots of despair, suddenly she is transported to another realm surrounded by totally random pictures and statues.

The Rangers grow more concerned for Emma’s safety and RoboKnight is still adamant about cutting the roots.
Luckily, Noah stops him!

Emma feels the worst when she sees that a little girl has had her dreams stolen.
Suddenly, she begins to rally the others in the room to believe in their dreams again!

The power of her dreams seem to work and the roots disappear, but only Emma is affected.

The Rangers realize that Emma has too many dreams for the monster to eat them all, suddenly Troy comes up with a plan and leaves RoboKnight to protect Emma. However, he warns if they fail he must act.

The Rangers lure Dream Snatcher with the sounds of music and laughter and morph into Ultra Mode in the fight to free Emma!

Inside the dream world, Emma continues to get the others to believe in their dreams and say them out loud with passion!

Meanwhile on the outside, Dream Snatcher’s stomach begins to stir as Emma rallies the others to believe once more!

The power of their dreams freed the people and Emma reveals that dreams give hope and are what make us human.

Emma flies to the scene on RoboKnight in Zord Mode and attacks Dream Snatcher!

Emma morphs into Ultra Mode!

With RoboKnight at her side, Emma destroys Dream Snatcher!

Dream Snatcher grows to Mega size and takes on the Sky Megazord!
He even attempts to eat the dreams of the Megazord!

The Rangers knock him away and use the Sky Sonic Slam!

Emma powers up the Zords with the Power Card to create the Gosei Great Grand Megazord!

With their Victory Charge, the Rangers once and for all defeat the Dream Snatcher!

Bigs and Bluefur lament their loss, but realize it is time for them to harness the power of the Aurora Box.

In the end, all of the prisoners achieved their dreams and to catchy music as well!

The Rangers ask if RoboKnight has a dream, but he reveals he does not. He only has his mission to protect the Earth.
After turning down an invitation to view the meteor shower, RoboKnight departs.

As the meteor shower is set to begin all of the group is happy but Troy looks concerned.
Noah asks why and Troy reveals his fear that they may have only just begun trouble with the Aurora Box.

The shower starts and Emma tells them all to make their wishes and join hands.
Luckily for Jake he happens to be right next to Gia.

Together, the Rangers make a wish that the Earth can be free from harm and pollution.
As RoboKnight looks on, could he be learning to be human?

Final Thoughts

There’s not a lot I have to say about this episode besides some of my favorite moments. It was nice to finally see another episode focused on Emma and we got another key into her personality. I was actually reminded of her Sentai counterpart, Eri, during this episode and that was welcomed this time. The scenes with Emma in the dream world were very well put together and the sets were excellently decorated for the purpose. It was totally random but it was still interesting to look at and admire. The scenes used with the Pink Ranger arriving on RoboKnight and then morphing alone into Ultra Mode were perfect to end the first size of the monster and they were great to see a Pink  Ranger on her own!  Can we also talk about the point where Emma has her dreams stolen and the most vocal in their shock is Troy who immediately runs after her. Even though a romance between Red and Pink is very cliché, I want this ship to sail. There I said it.
My all-time favorite moment in this episode is the meteor shower at the very end. I am in love with the song in this episode and again I want an MP3 of it even though I am sure I won’t find one. These scenes were excellently directed to get at the heart-strings. Even though it seemed strange for the prisoners to suddenly achieve their dreams, I really felt like this montage was perfect for the end and the song to accompany only made it more perfect. The Rangers together at the viewing point, again, tied this story together and again I am loving that the Rangers seem to be getting closer as friends. When the Rangers all join hands and make a wish in RoboKnight’s honor I figured it was going to be filled with massive cheese, but I cannot express how much I love this scene and so far it is going to go down as my favorite (non Ranger-style) moment in this series. The shots of the stars and comets shooting in the visor of RoboKnight could not have been any more perfect and it makes me think that even though he is a robot he may be growing some sort of heart.
As it pertains to the villains, I am so excited we get another twist to their story and I can’t wait to see how the Aurora Box will affect Bigs and Bluefur. I was so happy to hear Vrak mention his royal lineage once more! We are getting close to a Super conclusion! In regards to Dream Snatcher, I really did not care much for this monster. His Spanish accent began to bug me after a while and it reminded me what Antonio would be like if he was turned into a monster. The general theme of the monster was interesting but I just couldn’t get over the accent and constant random words in Spanish. Plus, who tries to eat a Megazord’s dreams?!
All in all ,this episode is a keeper and it honestly made this cold old webmaster actually feel something for the characters once more!

Episode Scores

Story: 8.5/10
Action: 8/10
Monster: 7/10
All Together: 8/10

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