Megaforce Episode 15 “The Human Factor” Episode Review

With the introduction of Metal Alice, the epic confrontation and manipulation of RoboKnight and the original footage of the underwater base; Megaforce proves once again that it knows Power Rangers! (well sometimes)
As you may nor may not know Metal Alice was my favorite character from Goseiger and I was apprehensive on the treatment she would receive in Megaforce. I am immensely happy that the writers chose to keep her Japanese name and nothing was changed about her suit. (Lets just see if she keeps the boob missiles.) But there’s more to get into at the end, but first let’s go through the story!

We open on Emma and Gia watching the boys playing soccer, Emma is happy they’ve all become a family over the days and weeks.

As Gia goes off to get an ice cream, Emma imagines what the landscape would be like without all the development!

Meanwhile, construction on Vrak’s new underwater base is complete!

With his new lab, his new plan to destroy the Rangers will begin!
Vrak’s created a new force to combat them, with the Era of the Robot!

Metal Alice, a new creation is unveiled. A new machine built to create others like her and to serve her new master, Vrak.

Metal Alice creates a new design, per her mission, and creates the new bot Rotox.

Metal Alice demands that Rotox show their master what he can do and commences battle with him.
Rotox bests Metal Alice and slashes off her limb.

But her plan is complete and the wiring just reattaches her leg.
Vrak is impressed and demands Phase 1 of their plan begins!

Back with the Rangers Gia suggests that Jake take a few pictures of them!

As Jake makes a fool of himself, Troy and Noah get a call from Tensou!
There’s an attack in the warehouse district!

Luckily, Gia is there to help Jake out of his predicament.

The Rangers arrive on the scene and confront Rotox and recognize that the battle has changed, from monsters to robots.

After the Rangers morph, Rotox shows off what he can do and blasts them powerfully into a random warehouse!

As Rotox’s powerful shield lays waste to the Rangers, RoboKnight appears but is confused that the monster shows no sign of life.
He wonders if Rotox is like him, but the Rangers try to convince him he is evil!

But Rotox pays no mind to RoboKnight and blasts him into a pile of old junk!

As the Rangers attempt to help RoboKnight, Rotox attaches chains to them all and sends them flying from the warehouse once more!
Troy attempts to reach RoboKnight but his morpher is out of reach!

Jake and Gia summon their Tiger Claw and Snake Ax and slice through the chains from them and the others!

After a powerful monologue, the Rangers morph into Ultra Mode!

The Rangers show what their Ultra Power is made of and strike at Rotox with ultimate power finishing him off with an Ultra Gosei Dynamic!

Metal Alice brushes off Rotox’s destruction and reminds Vrak that the great thing about robots is that they can be rebuilt after learning from their failures.

RoboKnight, feeling the same sentiment, reminds the Rangers that the robot may be rebuilt stronger and faster.

Metal Alice heads off to rebuild Rotox.

As Rotox DX is completed and Metal Alice heads out with him to make sure he performs correctly.
Vrak commands she show them Robots are superior!

As the Rangers attempt to enjoy an ice cream, Tensou alerts them to an attack at the Civic Center.

As the Rangers arrive, Metal Alice introduces Rotox DX

The Rangers combine the Megaforce Blaster, which proves itself useless against the new threat but they take him on anyways with a powerful battle.

As RoboKnight appears to help in the battle, Metal Alice confronts him and demands he not interfere.
Robots are not his enemy, she reminds him that their plan is to conquer the humans and not harm the Earth.

She continues to manipulate and suggests the humans are to blame for all the pollution and destruction of the Earth.
How beautiful was the Earth was before humans? Robots are the future!

After a powerful blast, Metal Alice takes her leave after her work on RoboKnight’s brain has been done.
She advises he think about what she’s said.

RoboKnight leaves the Rangers and begins to think of what to do, Metal Alice is right, but what about all he’s learned?

Metal Alice attempts to find a prison for the humans, but the Rangers show up and confront her!

The Rangers attack and take on Rotox DX!
Metal Alice takes on the Red Ranger and his teammates, besting them once more!

RoboKnight arrives and suddenly decides to join the Rangers in the battle!
Humans are emotional and reckless, but RoboKnight will never join her!

Together the Rangers and RoboKnight use the powerful Knight Dynamic!

As Rotox DX is destroyed, Metal Alice jumps out the way just in time and departs!

Vrak sends the Zombolts to enlarge Rotox DX!

The Rangers call upon the Gosei Ultimate Command Ship!

Together, the Gosei Ultimate Megazord and the Gosei Grand Megazord form!

Rotox DX takes on both Megazords!

The Rangers prepare an Ultimate Charge!

The Ultra Zords create the Ultimate Strike!

“Metal Alice will defeat you!” and Rotox DX is defeated.

The Rangers thank RoboKnight for his allegiance, he’s truly become their 6th Ranger.

There’s still a lot of work to do for their planet and the work is not done, but Humans are still a part of the Earth.

Final Thoughts

I loved the idea that RoboKnight could be manipulated by other robots who fight on the side of evil. The fact that Metal Alice even got into RoboKnight’s head is a very intriguing idea. But, I did also like the fact that RoboKnight realized it was logical to protect all creatures on the Earth, even the humans who have caused the damage in the first place.
Metal Alice, as I’ve said before was my favorite in Goseiger and she is currently in 2nd Place for Favorite. What the writers, voice actors and director has done with Vrak is just wonderful and he is so far my favorite on the show. Metal Alice however has an amazing voice actress, Sophie Henderson, who really brought to life Metal Alice for the English Speaking audience. Her voice is both robotic and menacing and ended up being a perfect fit. While I do know the end of Metal Alice is near I want to enjoy as much of her as I can! Her robo-superiority complex is fantastically written for this show and the lines she gave us were perfect as well. I am also a huge fan of the way that Vrak and Alice work off each other as not only Master and Servant but as allies against the humans.
As I’ve said before, RoboKnight is not one of my favorites, but neither was GoseiKnight. However, I did like the character development we got to see from him in this episode.
One bit that deserves mention here is the original Power Ranger footage we got to see in the new underwater lair that Vrak had created. At this point in Goseiger Vrak had already changed armor a few times and his “WarStar” armor was gone. So, it was very interesting to see this form interacting with Metal Alice! Not to mention that those scenes were fantastically shot, from the battle of Metal Alice and Rotox to the monitor viewing of the Ranger battle! I hope we get to see more of these kinds of scenes in the future and into Super Megaforce!
In regards to the Rangers, I can only say that the two best this week are Troy and Jake. I only say this because we got more physical comedy and emotion from Azim Rizk who not only fell into a trash can but also lost ice cream TWICE! I can only imagine how many times he’s going to get offered ice cream at Power Morphicon this August! In regards to Troy, I have to say that Andrew Gray’s dubbing worked rather well this episode including the fight scene grunts and the kyahs which have not been strong in previous episodes! PLUS, he delivered one of the most epic lines in years!
“When you plot against the Earth, or its people, You’ll have to deal with us; The Power Rangers!”
Wow, what a great line from writer David McDermott, kudos my friend!
I wanted to make a comment about the scene with Emma where she thinks about what the Earth would look like if humans had never touched it. The skyline changes in this scene from developed to mountainous and forested. WOW. I mean come on, for Power Rangers, this scene is magic and I absolutely loved they included it. This shows we can get some showmanship in this show!
All together this episode was a game changer and with it will come something special that will send us to the end and bring us into Super Megaforce. Tune in next week when we get to know Rico the Robot 😀

Story: 9/10
Action: 10/10
Monsters: 9/10
All Together: 9/10

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