Megaforce Episode 9 “Prince Takes Knight” Episode Review

Power Rangers Megaforce finally returns Saturday September 7th and what better way to mark the return than to recap “Prince Takes Knight”
Let’s Begin!

We begin our episode with the Megaforce Rangers having a few drinks at Ernie’s Brain Freeze, each of them commenting on RoboKnight’s actions previously.

They all wonder why Gosei never told them about him and why he wants to work alone.
Gia thinks Robo Knight is awesome!

After Gia asks what Troy thinks he reveals that RoboKnight was in the dreams he had been haunted by.
He reveals that the dreams have been fuzzy, but he can’t be sure if RoboKnight is on their side.

Aboard the WarStar ship, Vrak and Malkor discuss the new arrival and wonder if he can be brought over to their side.
Vrak descends to Earth in an attempt to sway RoboKnight’s interests.

As Vrak lands he remembers the perfect monster to take on RoboKnight and weaken him.

Psychotick rises from the depths of a lake ready to drain and feed on RoboKnight’s energy!
Vrak has a plan to reprogram RoboKnight!

Psychotick immediately heads to the local Amusement Park (that looks so familiar) and the Rangers arrive almost as soon as he does!
They morph and confront their new adversary!

After being powered up by all the energy taken from the park, Psychotick takes on the Rangers and sends several blasts from their Mega Blasters back at them!

RoboKnight suddenly appears but suggests that he can take Psychotick alone!

RoboKnight holds his own but forgets to protect a mother and her family cowering under a jungle gym!
The Rangers race to the rescue to protect the family.

The Rangers continue to cover for RoboKnight who refuses to protect the civilians and instead focuses on Psychotick!
When RoboKnight begins to form his Vulcan Cannon, he gets hit!

Psychotick manages to land a tick onto RoboKnight to drain his energy and transports him to another location.
Vrak gloats that he was victorious and flees the scene!

The Rangers retreat to the Command Center and demand to know why RoboKnight only cared for the monster and not the civilians.
Tensou manages to only locate his signal on Earth, which is no help at all.

Gosei reveals that RoboKnight’s mission is to protect the Earth and not the people who inhabit it.
It is the Rangers’ duty to win him over.

Jake is ready to give him up, but Troy reminds them all that RoboKnight is still one of them.
Together, the Rangers head off to find RoboKnight’s location.

RoboKnight awakens inside of a cell to a taunting Vrak

Vrak muses over RoboKnight’s morpher as the cage begins to drain RoboKnight’s energy which is already depleted.

RoboKnight attempts to use his power to escape but the tick guarding the cage begins to sap more and more of his energy!
Vrak laughs that the Rangers won’t help him, now that they’ve seen he won’t help humans!

The Rangers continue to search for RoboKnight with Troy most fearful of what could be being done.

To distract the Rangers, Psychotick begins attacking the city and draining the energy of everything in his path!

Mr Burley most likely won’t get his perfect sandwich!

Vrak reveals his plan to RoboKnight as the power level begins to deplete to 10%, but even so RoboKnight continues to fight back!

Suddenly, Troy finds Vrak to reassure Vrak that RoboKnight is one of their friends and he will be protected.

Troy morphs into Megaforce Red and takes Vrak on alone!

Meanwhile, Psychotick attempts to gain more time for Vrak and sends the Loogies to attack the remaining Rangers!

Psychotick exits but the Rangers work together to take on the Loogies. The Rangers realize that they are being distracted and have to hurry and find Troy and RoboKnight!

As Troy takes on Vrak, Psychotick arrives to tell Vrak he is fully charged!
But, the other 4 Rangers arrive as well to take on the evil cronies!

RoboKnight realizes the others have come to save him but doesn’t understand. He wants to help but his energy is almost fully drained.
Gia and Jake come back to save him but again RoboKnight is confused, coming back for him is illogical.

Gia and Jake attempt to convince RoboKnight who are the good guys and bad guys, thus the good guys must work together!
After Jake and Gia are blasted away from Vrak’s powerful attack, RoboKnight suddenly feels their sacrifice and attempts to find a way to escape.

With all his remaining power, RoboKnight blasts himself free from his prison!

RoboKnight knocks Vrak and Psychotick out of the way to load his weapon and brings out the Vulcan Cannon once more!
His morpher at full power, RoboKnight bests his adversaries!

Psychotick’s first form was finished, but with the power of the Zombats he grew Mega!
However, RoboKnight knows it’s his mission to destroy the monster!

With his new power comes new friends, the Knight Brothers Zords are ready for action!

The Sky Lion and Sea Lion Mechazords arrive and send their powerful blasts at the huge Psychotick!

RoboKnight morphs into his Zord form and begins his transformation with the new Mechazords!

The Gosei Grand Megazord arrives on the scene as the other 5 Rangers sit below in awe!

With powerful foot blasters from the Knight Brother Zords, Missiles from its arms and a powerful Victory Charge; Psychotick is done with!

With that, Psychotick is defeated! Threat: Neutralized!

The Rangers meet up with RoboKnight on a rooftop and compliment him on his work.
Although RoboKnight still will prefer to work alone.

Perhaps RoboKnight is learning after quoting Gia’s “good guy – bad guy” line.
Only time will tell if RoboKnight will work together with the Megaforce Rangers!

Final Thoughts:

Taking a break for almost 5 months from this episode sure makes you take a different look at it than when you first viewed it!
While the action and dialogue this episode got slightly better than previous episodes, I still feel as if we should focus more on the Rangers themselves before focusing on a new character. I want to know so much more about the main 5 and now it seems as if we are going to be focusing on what RoboKnight needs and wants in the upcoming episodes.
While the idea of having to teach a Robot to feel and accept human life is not a new one, I feel so far that it is falling short in this episode not only from the dialogue but from the interactions during live scenes. The 5 Megaforce Rangers, in my opinion, are gaining some sort of a report with each other but when they interact with RoboKnight it appears forced at times. I’m not sure what the issue is but I’m not sure if I believe it just yet.
RoboKnight is a lot like his counterpart GoseiKnight, but I believed GoseiKnight a lot more. The voice acting was simply better in the Japanese version and I believed what the dialogue was. When RoboKnight says the same things it appears unbelievable or simply off-putting to me. This is a Power Rangers series and obviously fictional and fantastical but so far I can’t take RoboKnight seriously (as I had taken GoseiKnight in Goseiger)
However, I can’t wait to see how the story unfolds and how RoboKnight can grow as a “character”
In regards to the others, I love so much the growth in character we have seen in Gia and Jake. Their dialogue alone and together are the best the show has to offer! I want more Ciara Hanna and Azim Rizk in future episodes!
Vrak continues to be an epic character whose voice acting abilities prove my earlier point. I actually believe that Vrak is evil and wants to destroy the Rangers. I believe his a super villain! This is something that I commend Jason Hood on his believable abilities in this character!
From this point in the story I wish we have seen more from Gosei and Tensou. Weren’t we all a lot more attached to Zordon and Alpha, Dr. K or Kat & Boom more-so at this point? We need to see more mentoring on their part!
More to come when Megaforce returns on 9/7!

Episode Scores

Story: 8/10
Action: 8/10
Monster: 7/10
All Together: 8/10

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