Super Sentai Rangers on PR ACG Previews?!?!


The Following 3 images are borrowed from RangerCrew’s Blog, please visit their original article for more information.
2 Images and a quote taken from HenshinJustice


Whoa. Are you weirded out yet? If you look just behind the Red Megaforce Ranger on this preview card obtained by RangerCrew at the International Licensing Expo you get a glimpse at a Sentai Only Ranger!


The image is of VulEagle the Red Ranger from the 1981/1982 Super Sentai Series “Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan”
This Ranger has never appeared in any Power Rangers series, but had appeared as a Gokai Change in Gokaiger.
Another example:


In this image behind the Blue, Black, Pink and Yellow Megaforce Rangers are four members from the First Super Sentai Team.
AoRanger, MidoRanger, MomoRanger & KiRanger  the Blue, Green, Pink & Yellow Rangers from the 1975-1977 Series “Himitsu Sentai Goranger”

These Rangers also appeared in some form in Gokaiger as well, in fact even more so, because they were the first team of Super Sentai on Earth.
HenshinJustice spoke to a Bandai ACG representative named Andy who said, in regards to Sentai on the cards:

““We got permission from Saban to print these cards since they are paired with Megaforce; however, Sentai cards will be few knowing that it is not everyone’s cup of tea.”


But what could this mean for Super Megaforce, or does it mean anything at all?
(the following is MY speculation/reasoning)

Scenario 1: Other Worldly Rangers – Remember that the Alien Rangers from Aquitar and Trey of Triforia were all Power Rangers operating outside of Earth and had they never had interactions with the current Season’s Rangers, the viewers would have never known they existed.
These “Sentai Rangers” could be just that, Aliens operating on alternate planets. After all, to fight this Alien Armada, the Rangers will need all the help they can get; even from alternate planets.
These Rangers may only appear in the background or may never be mentioned but once to explain their appearance as other worldly Rangers.

Scenario 2: Few Guest Spots/Storylines – Some of these Ranger teams or Rangers alone may appear and have a small story-line to coincide with the Megaforce Rangers. However, in this case they may be second fiddle and only used to further explain Sentai/Japanese footage that could not be worked around. Or they could be only background characters with no real Human counterpart at all.

Scenario 3: This means nothing. – As @MisturYellow said on Twitter, not everything Bandai has done makes it into the show. This could just be a fun tidbit that Bandai’s ACG is giving us as promos or otherwise. We may never even see these in the show whatsoever. So let’s all calm down, shall we?

But tell me, what do you think of these cards?

Again, make sure to read RangerCrew’s Report on these and more cards!

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