TMZ Reports On David Yost’s Response To Super Megaforce


Earlier last week I reported via Morphin’ Legacy’s Facebook Page that David Yost had tweeted that he had declined his invitation to appear in Super Megaforce. According to the tweet the form letter only referred to each ac tor as “Dear Power Ranger” complete with grammar errors. Not only that but it appears that David is still holding ill feelings towards the producers of the show for his explosive departure. He was given a half assed farewell that did not include the real David Yost in Power Rangers Zeo’s “Rangers of Two Worlds, Part 2” back in 1996. Billy has not been seen since his departure to Aquitar with his girlfriend Cestria.


TMZ, the popular celebrity mud slinging show and website reported to their viewers of David’s words over twitter and almost made it a bigger deal than it was. The real fans know what is going on. Of course TMZ wants to make this a more sensational story than it actually is. Notice there are not real quotes from Yost directly to TMZ nor does this alleged Producer name himself in the article. Coward.

David’s Secondary Response:

Read the article HERE.

Some of the choice quotes include:
“Go Go … SCREW YOURSELVES — that’s the message the Blue Power Ranger sent to producers..”

“Yost had major beef with “Rangers” brass back in the day, claiming he quit the show after years of negative abuse. Specifically he says producers called him the F-word.”

“The company behind “Rangers” never officially responded to Yost’s allegations — but one producer told us Yost had always been a “pain in the ass” on the set.”

What do you think of TMZ’s article?
What do you think of David’s decline for Super Megaforce?

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