Megaforce Episode 8 “Robo Knight” Episode Review

The premiere of Robo Knight is here and I bet that you’ve been waiting with bated breath to read my review of our 6th Hero! This episode had a lot of fantastic parts with just a tiny bit of bad. There have been a lot of criticism and acceptance of Robo Knight so far and I have my own opinions about him, his Zord, the new villains and the events that lead up to his first appearance! So let’s get started!

We open on the Rangers on an excursion away from the school to collect samples from plants and wildlife. For some reason, we see the Rangers in their same outfits, but they’ve added new hats and caps to the outfit. Which for me was so random, especially that Troy’s perfect hair could not be bothered to add one. But, admit it. His hair is pretty perfect.
Jake is madly checking out Gia on the outing and this time she seems receptive, giving him that beautiful smile back.

With Creepox destroyed the WarStar insects realize they need new allies. After they find out there are two new creatures on Earth made from toxic sludge! Vrak sets out to convince them to become allies which he believes should be easy!

Noah and Emma team up and stumble upon a factory that had been abandoned but never cleaned up after. The toxic sludge was seeping into the ground and the surrounding water. Noah decides to take a sample back to his lab to have it checked.

The Rangers hear a scream because a student has stumbled across two giant footsteps. Mr. Burley let’s it slip that he thinks it is Big Foot.
How hilarious was it when Mr. Burley started freaking out over this? FUNNY!
Jake is very skeptical but it seems that Troy may even believe it could be true.

But Vrak stumbles upon the creature who left the footprint and follows him.

Noah analyzes the sample while Troy suggests that he is still worried about the footprint. Jake is still skeptical.

Bluefur, the bigfoot beast, meets with his toxic companion Bigs in their underground lair, where more toxic sludge is growing.
They both begin to plan to make the humans pay before Vrak, in his earth armor, appears before them and propose they join forces.
The Toxic Beasts agree and suggest they bring along their toxic friend, Hisser.

While Noah analyzes the sample, Jake asks where Gia had gone. The others tell him she was headed to Ernie’s Brain Freeze. He heads her off and tells her he was headed there too and offers for them to go together. She finally says yes, but like the cock-block he is, Gosei interrupts and sends the Rangers coordinates to find a new monster.

Hisser appears out the ground and sets out to destroy some humans.
The Rangers promise this will never happen.

The Toxic Beast appear and explain why they’ve come to destroy them. Toxic sludge has made them who they are and Bluefur reveals the giant footprint had come from him.
Because of their negligence with the toxic sludge they’ve joined forces with the bugs and Vrak! They want to create a toxic world!

The Rangers split up their forces to take on all three of the monsters. Bluefur proves his brute strength and Bigs is elusive and made of sludge and makes him unable to be attacked!

Hisser uses his Slither Spit and drenches the Rangers in sludge!
With each day the more pollution causes the Toxic Beasts become stronger, they plan to open each chemical tank everywhere to make the Earth a sea of slime!

The Rangers try to fight on but get bested by Hisser and then the Toxic Beasts use a ball of Toxic Fire, the Rangers could be defeated!

Suddenly a ball of lights blasts through the beasts and appears in the darkness as a force for light!

Robo Knight, protector of the environment and guardian of the earth has appeared!
Hisser attempts to attack him but it is of no use!

Environmental threats must be stoppped and Robo Knight uses his blaster to knock Hisser out!
Meanwhile, the WarStar insects are confused as to who this Robot is!

With the help of their new friend the Rangers gain new confidence and are able to shed their sludge and become brand new once more!
The Rangers join the fight once more!

Hisser attempts his underground attack but Robo Knight brings out his Robo Blade which was also his Robo Blaster and stops him in his path!
His powerful strike further damaged Hisser!

Troy calls upon the Sky Brothers and blasts a powerful Sky Blast at the Toxic Beasts!
With that, the beasts know they have to recharge and retreat back to their lair.

Robo Knight is finished with his games and summons the Vulcan Cannon and with his Knight Dynamic is able to destroy Hisser!
The Rangers are amazed at the fact he uses Power Cards like theirs and that he is very powerful!

Hisser transforms into another form which looks like a snake rammer or something and Robo Knight is ready for more of his secrets to be revealed!

Suddenly Robo Knight is able to turn himself into a Zord!

His Zord combines with the Lion Mechazord and becomes even more powerful smashing through rocks and using powerful spinning attacks against Hisser!

Pulling out his finisher, the Lion Mechazord uses its powerful wheel missiles and Knight Power Charge!

With a Victory Charge, Hisser is finally defeated!

Robo Knight morphs back into his Robo form and heads back to Earth where the Rangers run to congratulate him and welcome him to the team!
However, Robo Knight is not interested in becoming apart of the team and leaves Troy’s hand hanging when he offers it.

Meanwhile the Toxic Beasts set out on their new mission:
Destroy Robo Knight.

Meanwhile, the Rangers retreat angry to the Command Center where they demand to know why Gosei never told them about a 6th Ranger!

Gosei reveals he had never told them because he was dormant until today. He had created him centuries ago with a sole mission to protect the Earth. He kept him hidden away, but the Earth has now awakened him and called him into action.

However, after a long hibernation he has lost his memory. His brain does not recall his creator or his allies.
The Rangers must win him over and teach him his true mission.

This will be their new mission.

Final Thoughts

Robo Knight had a fantastic debut and I absolutely loved the premiere of his weapons and his first fight as a Zord! The Vulcan Cannon was totally awesome and his weapons that can become a sword and a blaster is just too cool. Let’s not forget Robo Knight’s suit design which is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. I want a figuart of him so bad, but alas it is very expensive. There’s not much that can be said about Robo Knight’s voice. I like the fact that it is robotic sounding (almost like RoboCop) and the voice actor is not bad. However, the voice actor sometimes has issues delivering lines. It may be because he is attempting a more robotic  tone, but some of the lines were forced and at times painful to listen to. Yet, some of them were awesome as well. Robo Knight’s backstory is also really interesting and I can’t wait to see how the Rangers will win him over and what role he will play later on in the series. To me, it was totally bad ass for him to snub Troy in the final scenes. The look on Troy’s face was priceless.
The Toxic Beasts were also introduced in this episode. Many of you stated that this intro was forced, but let’s remember that the Goseiger footage needs to be blasted through in order to keep on schedule. So, I am okay with this introduction given that Creepox had just been defeated. In Goseiger, I really liked this duo and it didn’t change for me in Megaforce. Bigs is so cool! I love that he is just a big blog of sludge! Bluefur is pretty cool too with his huge staff and the power of both of them will be a force to be reckoned with! Hisser was pretty cool as well for their first monster, his sludge was a very formidable force and not to mention his underground attacks. I was just a little confused by his transformation when he grew. That was strange.
It was so nice to finally see the Rangers back in the Command Center again and to hear more from Gosei and Tensou. I just love seeing that set.
All together I liked this episode and all of the new things introduced! One of the coolest things was the entire group using the Sky Brothers, the Rangers blasting through the sludge with their badassery, Gia and Jake finally getting somewhere (even if being a Power Ranger totally screwed Jake over). But it was a great episode and I do recommend it if you haven’t seen it yet!

Episode Scores

Story: 9/10
Action: 9/10
Monster: 9/10
All Together: 9/10

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