Megaforce Episode 6 “Harmony and Dizchord” Episode Review

This episode was very interesting….yeah that’s the word I am going with. The first five episodes of Megaforce had started out with such momentum that a slower episode had to be expected. We got it with “Harmony and Dizchord.” It’s not that the episode was terrible it just did not live up to the other five in any way. The story, some of the scenes, the monster and the Zord battle all failed to be as memorable or as MEGA as the previous five. However, it must be hard to keep up the pace as it has been and I only hope that episode 7 has a little more punch than this episode. But, let’s get into the meat of what went wrong and what went right with this episode.

We open on another one of Troy’s runs with the outfit he always wears when he goes running. (I am trying not to LOL at my own comment) Suddenly, he sees Emma riding her bike ahead of him, but he can’t seem to get her attention.

Meanwhile on the WarStar ship the Insectoids call upon a new musically inclined type of monster, playing music that even is awful to Malkor! Vrak decides it would be a good idea to use Dizchord’s music against the humans.

Troy eventually follows Emma’s path and finds her bike left lying in the path. Suddenly, he can hear a beautiful song coming from the trees. He finds Emma singing her song to nature, when Troy finally catches up with her Emma reveals the song she sings reminds her of her mother. She would sing each year when the flowers came into bloom. Emma guesses this is where her love of nature came about. Emma’s song is pretty good and (If it is Christina Masterson, I don’t know) it reminds me so much of when Princess Shayla would sing to the Deer Zord (of course it does, right?) Many people speculated that Emma’s mother could be Princess Shayla…..but that seems a little farfetched!

Dizchord arrives on Earth and begins playing his horrible music, the people around cringe in pain. It even affects Troy and Emma!

You can’t help but laugh at this. The two oldest members of the cast dance like mad men and absolutely love the style of Dizchord’s music! I mean how many times did you watch Mr. Burley dance down the hall? I almost broke my Rewind button.

Amongst the horrible music, Tensou attempts to contact the Rangers but Emma and Troy can barely hear them. Gia calls them to meet at the plaza and the group morph.

For some reason Red & Pink seem to be more affected by the sound of music while the other three seem to be able to handle it. This will cause a major issue when it comes to battle later.

The Rangers attempt to get the people out of the area and while straining against the music (and powered up Loogies) to attempt to use the Megaforce Blaster! But the music is too much for Red and Pink and the Blaster’s attack misses, Dizchord sends a powerful blast and de-morphs Troy and Emma.

Back at school, Emma is still being affected by any kind of music. When three hipsters enter the school, holding a boom box on their shoulder (cause it is apparently 1984) Gia tells them to shut it off! After the battle even the mere sound of music upsets Emma’s ears and she heads away from Gia to be alone.

Admiral Malkor sends Vrak on ahead to Earth so that he can make sure the egotistical Dizchord keeps on track to destroy the Rangers. Vrak promises to be his manager and make him a huge star so that his music will be heard by the entire planet. With the power of a new device that Vrak can create.

Back at the Brain Freeze, Ernie decides to blast random music that causes Troy to freak out just like Emma had. No one care hear anything!

One of the better qualities in this episode was Gia’s amazing smile and her awesome ability to make men do whatever she wants. Not only did she get those random hipsters to stop their music at school, but she was able to get Ernie to do the same with nothing more than a simple request. Something Jake could not accomplish earlier. Then she’d finish with a smile!

Emma heads to the forest for peace and quiet. meanwhile Vrak and Dizchord perform a sound check and send out the painful music! Gia, Jake and Noah attempt to call Troy but the music is too much for him to hear them. They decide to leave the two of them out of the loop until they can get the monster under control.

Vrak sends a blast at the Rangers when they arrive at the theater and reveals their plan to the Rangers! Dizchord begins his concert and Vrak begins his first battle with the Rangers!

In their first real battle with Vrak the three Rangers suffer a massive defeat, basically getting owned. Vrak orders the signal be boosted and sends the music throughout the entire world.

So this episode pans out to the entire world and shows several scenes from random countries all over the world. Including the USA, England, Africa, France, China and I think Egypt (which is also in Africa)? Most of the scenes were basically random stereotypes of the areas. I mean, look at the above. What era of Britain is that? LOL.

The Rangers continue to get owned by Vrak who reveals his special armor shields him from the music and he is finally set to destroy them and goes in for the kill.

Suddenly, Emma and Troy appear as Emma sings her song. Behind her blossoms begin to bloom and as they do Troy uses his Twistornado card to create a flurry of blossoms. The music is stopping Dizchord’s enabling the Rangers to fight at full power!

The Power of Emma’s song destroys the transmitter too!

Dizchord’s attempts to stop her music failed and Black, Blue and Yellow combine to create their own blaster! They send Vrak flying with their Land/Sea combo!

Troy and Emma join the fight and the Rangers all combine together to complete the entire Megaforce Blaster and finish off Dizchord!

Dizchord grows MEGA and the Rangers combine to Gosei Great Megazord! The music once again affects them inside the Megazord and creates powerful explosions around them!

Emma decides to teach him a lesson and sends the headers of the Mechazords at him to drum some sense into him!

The Rangers use the Mega Strike and finally put an end to Dizchord’s music!

Back at the Brain Freeze the  Rangers congratulate Emma on her beautiful singing voice. Then, for some odd reason Ernie reveals he saved some of the music and plays it for everyone, which causes them all to leave the room empty.

Final Thoughts

As I said before, this episode had some serious holes and some serious disappointments but all together it was still a feel good episode. The best parts of the episode were the scenes with Emma and Troy and the parts where Emma sings her song. I know a few of us already have this song stuck in our heads. The scenes with the blossoms flowing could not have been more beautiful and Christina Masterson as Emma shined more than she had ever before. The battle between Black, Blue and Yellow VS Vrak was really great and it was awesome to see Vrak actually battle with the Rangers. He is going to be someone to reckon with. The Megazord battle was a huge let down. For the last 4 episodes we saw the Gosei Great Megazord, Sea/Land/Sky Brothers and their Megazords. Then this battle was simply Gosei Great. It was rather anti-climactic if you ask me. I was let down, I wanted to see something a little more MEGA! Another thing I was irked by was that Vrak appeared on Earth once more but did not have the armor he had in the previous episode and made no mention of why. Even the Rangers said nothing. I felt that is a huge hole in the story. Another let down? Black, Yellow and Blue combined their weapons into own version of the Megaforce Blaster and it didn’t even get a cool name. In Goseiger it was called the LandSea Buster. I would’ve liked a cool new name of the weapon. One thing I can say about this episode was that there was plenty of comedy. Music puns, old guys dancing, random hipsters who randomly carry boom boxes at school, Gia’s smile, Jake and Noah not being to hear each other and let’s not forget “He Hung Up On Me!”

Episode Scores

Story: 7/10
Action: 8/10
Monster: 7/10
All Together: 7.5/10

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