Lauren, 7th Mystery Ranger Figure Released in the UK

toys toys toys(Thanks to thunderzordpower of Rangerboard for the pics!)


Ranger Fans in the UK got a fantastic present today as it was revealed that the “7th Mystery Ranger; Lauren” Figure has been released in the UK first and not in the US.
The package comes as a mystery as you are not able to see what the figure looks like until you open the packaging. It’s very mysterious and I want one! Hell I want more than one!


Here is a comparison of the figure next to Red Ranger figure of Jayden! I would think that this figure would be easy to release because it seems to be a Red Ranger helmet with a repainted female Ranger body!
I want this figure so bad. So far, there is no word if it will ever be released in the US. Most of us will have to resort to Ebay to get the figure!

Here is a video review of the figure!

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