Megaforce Cast Helmetless and in Secret Base!



The Power Rangers Instagram uploaded this First Look at the Megaforce Rangers in their suits with no helmets standing in what appears to be their base for the season! The base appears to be “underground” with the very interesting “Ranger Statuettes” on each side. The girls Gia (Ciara Hanna) and Emma (Christina Masterson) look very beautiful in their suits and of course let’s not forget how handsome the boys are! Especially Troy (Andrew Gray) and what about that intense look on Jake’s (Azim Rizk) face!

I have made the hypothesis that the glowing light behind Troy (Andrew Gray) looks like what may be Gosei who may situate at the front of the base much like Zordon did in the Command Center, but this is only a guess! Go-Go Megaforce!

The Rangers look amazing and I can’t wait to see if Noah (John Mark) keeps his glasses! 😉

What do you think of the new photo?

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