UPDATED: Interesting Megaforce Toy Info!

HenshinVault on Facebook uploaded a picture from their local Wal-Mart! It looks like the 4″ figures have arrived!

A user on Rangerboard has found an image of three newer toys from the Megaforce line on Ebay!
The three new cycles are the “Knight Brothers ” which are used to combine with the Robo Knight’s Zords to create a new Megazord combo called the Gosei Ground Megazord..
The cycle in the middle is also the final Mechazord that completes the Ultra Gosei Great Megazord!
(From Left to Right) Sea Lion Cycle w/ Black comes with Knight Brothers Zords Power Card, Sea Lion w/ Blue Ranger comes with Ultra Change Zord and Ultra Gosei Great Megazord Power Cards. Lastly, Sky Lion w/ Red Ranger comes with Knight Brothers Zord cards!
(thanks to RangerCrew for Card Info) 

It was also reported by Twitter user @Razzle1337 who found that the Power Weapons that come with the 4″ Megaforce Figures actually combine!

Not only are the new Zords for Robo Knight available for pre-order on ToysRUs.com but on Amazon as well! No pictures of these just yet, but here are the pre-order sections of the website! There also orders for the Battle Gear and the Zord blasters we saw above!


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