The MegaForce and 20th Anniversary Hot Wheels!

I haven’t posted much on the Power Rangers MegaForce Hot Wheels collection since they were announced, but now that we have some images the time has come!
RangerCrew posted a few images of these (on their MegaForce Facebook page) that gives us a look at the packaging and how a few of the cars actually look.  The pictures are of the Red Ranger’s Dragon Zord Hot Wheel and the second is of the Blue Ranger’s Shark Zord Hot Wheel! I am not certain if I want these or not, but they may make good gifts for young kids and not for the collector (unless of course you collect both Power Rangers and Hot Wheels LOL). It also sucks to me that there is no Pink Ranger car, but at least there is a Yellow Ranger car!

Below you can see what the other Hot Wheels look like as well:

It’s not clear yet if these are actually in stores, but rumor is that they are. But don’t take my word on that, its just a rumor as far as I’m concerned but it looks like we might see these in stores pretty soon!

Here is another image that shows off the 20th Anniversary Hot Wheel which sports a little bit of a Lightspeed Rescue like design on the sides.
It’s called the “Mega Strike Rider” and sports the 20th Anniversary Logo and the Red Ranger/White Ranger image we are all so familiar with!

Will you buy the Power Rangers Hot Wheels? 

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