Casting Side for Zador, Sixth Ranger

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Thanks to @Iam_DarkBlaze @RangerCrew on Twitter for finding this information.
It appears that  Saban Brands is currently casting for a “Sixth Ranger” who is currently being called “Zador
To Read the Casting Sides for “Zador” click here via Megaforce Cast
Now, we all know that this is a place holder name but it has to be discussed that they may be going towards an interesting tone for the name of the “Sixth Ranger”

For a few days now people have been tweeting that Gokaiger’s GokaiSilver might be added to the Megaforce Team in Season 2, since we have no way of knowing what role the Gokaiger suits will play in the series, if at all. We also know that Robo Knight is not human so there should be no human counterpart for him.

So now I am intrigued, while I am upset at the idea that the Gokaigers will not get a proper adaptation, I still am interested to see what is going to happen with these two seasons of Megaforce and how they will dismantle the scenes, Zords and Suits. This post probably poses more questions than gives you answers, but we have a tiny clue as to where the producers are going with Megaforce.

MegaForceCast has also confirmed that two familiar faces are in the running for the “6th Ranger”
Evan Crooks and Peter Adrian
Who were also in the running for the main MegaForce cast!

What do you think of this idea?
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