Power Morphicon 3 Coverage: Day 1

Day One, Friday August 17th, 2012

Welcome to Morphin’ Legacy’s coverage of Day 1 at Power Morphicon 3, stay tuned to this page as it updates late Friday evening for all the coverage of the day. For instant updates, video and pictures Visit our Facebook & Twitter!

To See my SWAG, Click Here!


2:17PM: Finally got my hotel room after a long exhaustive walk from the Westin to the Convention Center where I met up with Lavender Ranger once more.
I got my swag bag full of posters which you can see in the link above and there was so much stuff! Posters and Coins and Pins, oh my! I even got a really cool tee-shirt!
Lavender and I went and had some Pina Coladas to cool down until we can get into the convention at 4!

7:45PM: MAN! So many toys everywhere! I could barely contain myself! I got to meet a lot of the followers and people I follow and finally put a face to the username. It was great meeting 2ndBatgirl, Bruno & Mia from MMPRtoys, BurgundyRanger, EnderofWars and many more! I am so happy having met Jason Faunt, Barbara Goodson again, Gabrielle Fitzpatrick (who is one of the nicest people you will ever meet) and my favorite of the day Alan Palmer who played Corcus in Alien Rangers. He was just a delight to talk to and it was like we were gabbing like old friends! He is truly a great guy!

11:25pm: Wow what a fantastic first day and I had such a blast! From the UnSung heroes panel where LavenderRanger and I gabbed with Alan Palmer, to Jack Guzman’s smoldering blue eyes. From the amazing Movie panel where we learned more about the differences between each Power Ranger movie. Then there was the 18+ which was kept hush hush from non-attendees, but what I can tell you is that it was the most tongue-in cheek panel ever! There was F-Bombs and what I called the B’s:  Boogers, Boobs, Boners and Bitches! It was pretty epic to see Dan Southworth, Jason Faunt, Walter Jones, Ron Rogge, Johnny Yong Bosch, Tony Oliver, Catherine Sutherland, Jason Narvy & Paul Schrier who all have balls!

I got so many items and new toys which you can view here:
Click Here


RangerCrew reveals: Foot Soldiers are named Loogies, Goseiger’s Burajira will be named Vrak and GoseiKnight is still tentatively named RoboKnight

There will also be a MegaForcee card game to go with the Gosei Morpher!

The new MegaForce cycles are called Skyon Cycles!


But, here are a few of the best!

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