Power Rangers Samurai Mega-Bloks Coming 2012

This is also pretty exciting, but let me give you a back story.
First, Power Rangers has had Mega Bloks for quite some time during the Disney Era and I do remember seeing then in the stores, so while it isnt news news its still quite cool!

Secondly, I am going to break a promise I made to myself when I was a kid. I was obsessed with LEGOs (and Power Rangers) when I was a kid. I always wanted LEGO to do Power Rangers. This was before LEGO began doing all the Harry Potter/Star Wars/Indiana Jones etc. sets. I used to collect lots of bricks and build lots of original stuff. I remember I would get Mega Bloks for Christmas and at the time I was cool with it, they said back then that all bricks would work together. LIES!!!! I would put my white Mega Bloks with my LEGOs and it barely fit and the color was all wrong. Then as a kid I grew to hate MegaBloks. Yes, hate! Because my HUGE LEGO collection didn’t work with them! So I vowed I would never buy Mega Bloks as even as a kid I felt loyal to LEGO. Still do, and since then have never bought a single Mega Blok set.

Having said that,  when I saw the Dino Thunder, SPD Mega Bloks I still said, Hell No I will never buy that crap.
Then the other day, I saw this:

I’m read to break my promise because they are so cool! My BFF nearly clutched her pearls when I told her!
But, they do look pretty cool and LEGO is never doing PR so I might as well give in!

Here is the official article.
The sets are set to release SPRING 2012!

“We’re excited to be partnering with Saban Brands and build on the immense success of the Power Rangers franchise,” said Vic Bertrand, Chief Innovation Officer of MEGA Brands. “We look forward to bringing the adventures of Power Rangers Samurai to life through Mega Bloks by offering fans an engaging and immersive building experience.”

“The Power Rangers continue to be one of the world’s leading children’s entertainment properties and we are delighted to add Mega Bloks to our stable of license offerings,” said Elie Dekel, President of Saban Brands. “Saban Brands has established for the Power Rangers brand a unique image that strongly resonates with families and we look forward to extending its global success through our new partnership with MEGA Brands.”

 Will You Buy These?
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