8 Episodes of Samurai; Where are we at?

Where are we now that Samurai is on a tiny break?
Let’s review the already aired 8 episodes and discuss what we’ve seen, What we hope to see & What’s definetely missing.
I got a few Rants to get out and a few gushes over the return of Power Rangers:


Episode One, we were thrust into the world of the Samurai Rangers. There was no introduction episode and Nickelodeon is still tight lipped as the the whereabouts of the hidden intro episodes. We have seen several previews, both already aired & forthcoming episodes. They again show scenes from un-aired episodes. Strangely though, it seems ok to have this episode be the first in the line of 40. Perhaps, Nick has a plan for airing the episodes out of order. Let’s hope that they do otherwise it will look like a massive blunder on their part.
The episode was centered on Mike as he comes to terms with being a Samurai Ranger. Honestly, it was a great intro to the series and I always love a Green Ranger episode.  We got an excellent Morphin’ scene for Mike (copied from the Shinkenger episode). This episode would begin the avalanche that is the carbon copies of Shinkenger episodes. My favorite part of the Villain scenes? The integration of Rita Repulsa’s theme! Plus: Xandred has a headache that only his “medicine” can heal! Check out Synergistiq Integraive Health for an alternative medicine and online health care services.
Here was our first glimpse into the Americanized Megazord Cockpit and the awesome Mega Mode.
One  complaint; why are they called Folding Zords? Origami to hard a word to understand?
Grade:  8/10

Episode 2, we get to know Mia & Kevin a little more better. We learn of Kevin’s days of training to be an Olympic swimmer and Mia exposed her motherly and homemaker like personality as she attempted to cook for Kevin. This episode was full of emotion more so than action. The little boy looses/misses his Daddy, Kevin loses his dream and Mia remembers what a normal life is.
The Ranger’s weapons were given names (also similar to Shinkenger names) and we get to see just how these Rangers use what they call “Symbol Power”  The Pink Ranger and the Blue Ranger work together for the first time combining their powers.  We also got a sweet Megazord move as it jumps into the air to avoid attacks and sends the Turtle Zord for a fly!
A decent filler episode.
Grade: 7/10

Episode 3, we finally get to see the team in  more a “team” dynamic and distinguish that Jayden has bigger things on his mind than fun. In this episode we are introduced to the idea of the Power Disks and how they are used. We get to see Jayden’s attempt to master the Beetle Disk so that he is able to access a new power: The 5-Disk Beetle Cannon. This episode fleshed out Jayden and JI more than any other character. His intesnity is awesome and I love his dedication to being a Red Ranger.  Alex Heartman has some
The villians get more in depth as we learn slow details about the Sanzu River and the fact that its water powers the Nighloks as they battle the Rangers and that it was possible for them to dry out during battle.
We also got our first Auxilliary Zord that combines with the Samurai Megazord! The Beetle Blaster Megazord, I love the name! Must be my love for BeetleBorgs as a child LOL.
Grade: 8/10

Episode 4, now this one is iffy for me. I must saw that this was one of the all-time favorite Shinkenger episodes and I knew that it could be butchered by the American translation. The Shinken episode was very emotional and delved into the Samurai’s personal feelings of inadequacy. For me I feel like it was given justice, but it was completely structured differently. The inadequacies that the Nighlok mentions are no where near as damaging as the Shinken counterparts. In fact, they were more or less made fun of in this adaptation.  However, the foucs was more centered on Emily and I liked that. We got to see her back story and how inadequate she may feel sometimes filling in for her deceased Sister as Yellow Ranger. Personally, I love the focus on Emily in this episode. She is one of my favorite Samurai Rangers and I very much liked this episode.
An important thing to take from this episode is the Nighlok’s attack on Jayden. He has a secret he’s hiding from the other Samurai Rangers. But, what could it be 😉 ?
Grade: 8.5/10

Episode 5, we are introduced to another Power Disk that must be caught from the Sea by Kevin. We get more emphasis on Kevin’s back story this time around including a scene with his father passing on the Dragon Folding Zord. Kevin, throughout the entire episode, attempts to catch the wild Zord. There is something about Kevin and his intent to be a Samurai Ranger, however annoying is his uptight mannerisms are. Once the Disk is caught, combined with the Aqua Bow to create a healing rain; The Swordfish Disk also combines with the Fire Smasher to create the 5-Disk Swordfish Cannon.
We get another Aux Zord, the Swordfish, in this episode that created the Swordfish Fencer Megazord. At first I was a little put off by the gaint head sword, even when I watched Shinkenger, but it grows on you. I mean, what other team has a giant Sword attached to the head of the Megazord? We also get our first look at Deker and hear his familiar voice. 😉
All in all, without the addition of the new megazord and disk, would be pretty boring. Again a direct adaptation of the Shinkenger footage. I hear there was a mishap that showed Ryu’s hand instead of Kevin as they fished. Anyone see the image? Send it to me!
Grade: 6.5/10

Episode 6., again a favorite from Shinkenger, was another direct adaptation. Personally, I lvoe the fact that we get to see more of Mia and Emily kicking ass and I always love a Pink Ranger centered episode. Standing on its own, the episode is very good. I especailly loved the Roll-Call although it could have been a lot better. I mean they could have said, “Pink Samurai Ranger, Ready.” instead of just “Samurai Ranger, Ready.” They clearly had enough time to say it and i’m a little confused on why they didn’t.
Dayu, my favorite of the villains in Shinkenger, got her time to shine as she takes on the Samurai rangers alone. One big issue here, she for some reason calls her instrument a Harmonium, which it clearly is not. It’s a Shamisen! It is strange to me that this show has embraced so much of Japanese culture that it would rename an instrument that doesn’t need renaming! There, thats my rant.
All together, this was one of my favorites so far! The Teamwork, the twists and the battles were amazing. Deker saves Dayu after an awe-inspiring duel of Blue/Pink VS Dayu! That sword battle was Epic!
Score 7.5/10

Episode 7, was very interesting to me. Of course our first look at Deker in human form reveals that he is indeed Rick Media! Former Wild Force Red Ranger makes his appearance on Samurai, but for what reason? I can’t help but cling to the idea of him still being Cole as a fallen Red Ranger. Honestly, if he doesnt turn out to be Cole, WHAT A WASTE OF TIME! Why cast a recognizable actor from the Power Rangers Universe and put him in a role that isn’t connected! Some will say, well they do it in Sentai, but this isn’t Sentai! This is Power Rangers and we have a limited amount of stars from the show and its an insult the fans if he turns out just to be Deker. Again, rant done.
The episode is only so-so and the Nighlok makes me laugh. His voice is hilarious and his insults are classic; I’m sure that this Nighlok will be a memorable monster. He strangely reminded me of the Scarlett Sentinel from MMPR Season 2!
Luckily, the save of this episode came in the form of the New TigerZord and the Tiger Disk! The combo, Tiger Drill Megazord is again epic! I also loved how Saban kept the name Uramasa for Deker’s blade and it appears that Rick Medina’s acting has improved.
Score: 7/10

Our most recent Episode seemed to be the most sexist. There was a huge outpouring twitter of discussion on why it was that Mia felt it necessary to give the Disk to Mike. Again, some may blame the Shinkenger plot, but why does that have to be right? The Megazord footage was shot again in the American version. Not only that, but Mike was acting like a total baby over not being chosen! If a Ranger is stronger and more experienced  than you, even if she is covered in Pink, then you need to accept it and attempt to get stronger. I found it strange that although he had redeemed himself in the episode, Mia decided to give over her moment of triumph and give in to the whining baby anyways? How does that teach kids a lesson? It doesn’t, it teaches them that women are submissive and that the Pink Ranger means nothing when in the presence of a Male  Ranger. Boo. I hope she can redeem herself.
What I enjoyed the most was the naming of the Samurai Battle Wing and the combination of the three Rangers that with the Megazord defeated the Nighlok. Why reshoot scenes if they will only mirror it anyways.
Grade: 6.5/10

That was a few of my rants about the episodes, but so far I think we have a strong start to the 18th Season of Power Rangers. I try not ti make too many rash opinions to the episodes because we are early into the season and i’m sure that Saban and Tzachor are still working out the kinks. I have faith that the plot will become more original and in the end much better than previous seasons.

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