First Look At Mighty Morphin’ Rangers For Upcoming 2017 Movie!



Saban's Power Rangers 2017 Movie Ranger Cast

Thanks to Entertainment Weekly we got our First Exclusive look at the New Generation of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers!!!

On Cast Diversity 

“From the very beginning, diversity was a very important part of the whole process,” he said. “We switched all of the races around, but we made sure that the essence of each of those characters are who they were in the original show, and this really will be an origin story of those characters.”

On the Suits

The Rangers’ suits will also be getting a update as well, thanks to Weta Workshop of Lord of the Rings fame, who fabricated the costumes. Israelite wanted the costume to be immediately recognizable as belonging to the Power Rangers, while give them a “really modern, edgy, badass, aspirational quality.”

“We’ve really pushed ourselves to make them feel different from any other superhero costume that’s out there,” Israelite said. “One key that’s different to the Power Ranger suits is that they’re not really suits that people get into. They’re suits that morph onto our kids, so they already have this almost metaphysical quality to them.”

What Do You Think of the First Look?