Evil Zord Legacy

Evil Zords

Pilot: Tommy Oliver
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 1
The Dragonzord is a dragon-like zord that is summoned by Rita Repulsa for the Green Ranger to use to fight the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers in their Dino Megazord.

Pilot: Goldar
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 1
Cyclopsis is a white humanoid zord piloted by Goldar that is used to destroy Angel Grove during Power Rangers Day. Cyclopsis is destroyed by the Dino Ultrazord but is revived and powered-up by Lokar and succeeds in defeating the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers after Rita Repulsa successfully makes the zords retreat to their hiding place. After Alpha 5 recharges the Dinozords and the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers are able to fight again, Cyclopsis is destroyed for good by the Dino Ultrazord.

Tyrannosaurus Dinozord & Dragonzord
Pilot: N/A
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
The Tyrannosaurus Dinozord & Dragonzord are reprogrammed by Pirantishead and are used to attack Angel Grove and the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. Their reprogramming is eventually reversed by a device created by Billy Cranston.

Pilots: Goldar & Lord Zedd (MMPR) General Venjix (Wild Force)
Seasons: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2, Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3 & Power Rangers Wild Force
Serpentera is a giant chinese dragon-themed zord commissioned by Lord Zedd to give the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers a challenge against their Thunderzord. It is first used by Lord Zedd to prevent the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers from obtaining the Sword Of Light on the Deserted Planet. Though it fails in that mission, it is successful in destroying the Deserted Planet. It later attempts to destroy the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers after the destruction of Silver Horns, but is forced to retreat after its entire energy supply is nearly depleted. Serpentera is later used in an attempt to destroy the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers after the destruction of Pachinko Head, but is forced to retreat once again after its energy is nearly depleted by Tor The Shuttlezord. Serpentera is used again to chase Bookala around the universe in an attempt to use its Lightning Diamond in order to solve its energy problem. It is also used Rita & Zedd’s personal vehicle after the two are married, using it to go on their honeymoon and to escape the wrath of The Machine Empire. It is later dug up by the Machine Empire Generals years later in their attempt to use it to avenge King Mondo but is destroyed by the Wild Force Rider.

Copy Zord
Pilot: N/A
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
The Copy Zord is an evil clone of Red Dragon Thunderzord Warrior Mode created by the monster, Photomare and is used to fight the real version. It is destroyed alongside Photomare by the Thunder Megazord.

White Tigerzord
Pilot: N/A
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
The White Tigerzord is controlled by Rita Repulsa after capturing Saba and is used to fight the Thunder Megazord. The White Tigerzord is freed from Rita Repulsa’s control after the White Ranger is able to get Saba back thanks to a giant magnet.

Pilot: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3
The Shogunzords are ancient zords that were lost to time until Finster deciphers the Scrolls Of Zordina, finding them with Squatt & Baboo. They are then powered by a captured Ninjor and armed with battle technology from a stolen Falconzord. The Shogunzord were to be used by Rita Repulsa & Lord Zedd to destroy Angel Grove, with the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers piloting them in exchange for the safe return of a captured Kimberly Hart. They are reprogrammed however and are used by the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers as their primary zords while their Ninjazord are inaccessible.

Zeo Megazord
Pilot: Cog Changer
Season: Power Rangers Zeo
The Zeo Megazord is reprogrammed by an evil cog planted by Cog Changer and is piloted by him to attack Angel Grove and later fights Impursonator in the Super Zeo Megazord. He loses control of the Zeo Megazord after the Yellow Zeo Ranger & Pink Zeo Ranger destroys his evil cog and throws him out of the cockpit.

Super Zeo Megazord
Pilot: Impursonator
Season: Power Rangers Zeo
The Super Zeo Megazord is commandeered by Impursonator after she sneaks into its cockpit and kicks out the Zeo Rangers. She uses it to fight Cog Changer in the Zeo Megazord until she is tricked into leaving the cockpit by the Zeo Rangers.

Robo Racer
Pilot: Blue Senturion
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
The Robo Racer is piloted by an evil influenced Blue Senturion and given its own evil jacket to fight the Turbo Megazord until the Blue Senturion is knocked out by the Red Turbo Ranger.

Pilot: General Havoc
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
The Metallosaurus is a dinosaur-like evil zord created by General Havoc and given to Divatox after she moves the Subcraft into the Space Base. General Havoc pilots it to fight the Turbo Rangers in their Turbo Megazord and successfully defeats them in battle and captures the Turbo Megazord. General Havoc later uses the Metallosaurus to attack a defenseless Angel Grove until the Turbo Rangers are given their Rescuezord by the Phantom Ranger, where it is defeated in battle and damaged after crashing into the Space Base. The Metallosaurus is later rebuilt and given upgrades to fight the Turbo Rangers and uses a captured Phantom Ranger as a shield until he is rescued by the Pink Turbo Ranger, with the Turbo Rangers destroying the Metallosaurus for good with the Rescue Megazord.

Turbo Megazord
Pilot: Crosspatch & Chromites
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
The Turbo Megazord is commandeered by General Havoc during his assault on Angel Grove with Metallosaurus. The Turbo Megazord is later piloted by Crosspatch and four Chromites to fight the Rescue Megazord, powered by a battery pack with the Phantom Ranger’s Power Ruby. The Turbo Rangers are able to re-obtain the Turbo Megazord after the Red Turbo Ranger ejects Crosspatch, the Chromites and destroys the battery pack.

Robo Racer
Pilot: Wild Weeder
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
The Robo Racer is used by a wish influenced Robo Racer, fighting the Rescuezords until he is freed from this influence by the Blue Turbo Ranger using the last Wishing Coin.

Pilot: Elgar
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
The Terrorzord is a horned evil zord created by Porto and piloted by Elgar to fight the Turbo Rangers. The Terrorzord nearly decimates the Rescue Megazord & Robo Racer Battle Mode but is forced to retreat after its arm falls off due to its collar pin being not being connected. The Terrorzord is later repaired by Porto and fights the Rescue Megazord & Robo Racer Battle Mode with Mister Goorific but is incapacitated after Mister Goorific’s goo turns the Terrorzord into a camel.

Eagle Divazord
Pilot: Divatox
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
The Eagle Divazord is an eagle-like evil zord created by Porto and is piloted by Divatox to fight the Rescue Megazord. It nearly succeeds in defeating the Rescue Megazord in battle until it malfunctions due to Elgar working on the control panel. The Eagle Divazord is later remote controlled by Rygog alongside the Shark Divazord but is destroyed by the Turbo Megazord.

Shark Divazord
Pilot: Porto
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
The Shark Divazord is a shark-like evil zord created and piloted by Porto and fights the Rescue Megazord underwater. After the Turbo Megazord is able to blast Porto out of the cockpit of the Shark Divazord, it is commandeered by the Turbo Rangers. The Shark Divazord is later remote controlled by Rygog alongside the Eagle Divazord but is destroyed by the Rescue Megazord.

Cat Divazord
Pilot: Rygog
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
The Cat Divazord is a cat-like evil zord created by Porto and piloted by Rygog, who also remote controls the Eagle Divazord & Shark Divazord. It is destroyed however by the combined efforts of the Turbo Megazord & Rescue Megazord.

Delta Megazord
Pilot: N/A
Season: Power Rangers In Space
The Delta Megazord is turned evil after being exposed to Professor Phenomenus’ Evilyzer, attacking Angel Grove until it is freed from this evil influence after combining with the Astro Megazord.

Mega Voyager
Pilot: N/A
Season: Power Rangers In Space
The Mega Voyager is taken control of by Psycho Yellow, fighting the Mega Winger, Delta Megazord & Astro Megazord with Psycho Monster Red & Psycho Monster Black until it is forced out by a rage-filled Psycho Monster Red.

Stratoforce Megazord & Centaurus Megazord
Pilot: Deviot & Hardtochoke (Remote)
Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
The Stratoforce Megazord & Centaurus Megazord were originally the Phoenix Galacatbeast & Rhino Galacatabeast that were found by Devitot and turned into humanoid giant robots. They are used to destroy the Galactabeast, until they remember their former lives, defecting to the side of good.

Lifeforce Megazord
Pilot: Batlings
Season: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
The Lifeforce Megazord is commandeered by a group of Batlings to destroy the Aquabase, successfully cutting the connecting tube to the surface, nearly drowning the Lightspeed Rangers, Captain Mitchell & Miss Fairweather. It is destroyed however when the group fires a torpedo at it from a submarine.

Omega Megazord
Pilot: Jinxer & Batlings
Season: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
The Omega Megazord is commandeered by Jinxer and is piloted by him to place giant stones around Mariner Bay for a ceremony to open the gates to the Shadow World. It is successful in placing at the stones but is destroyed alongside its pilots when it collides with the Red Mobile Armor Vehicle.

Quantasaurus Rex
Pilot: N/A
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
Quantasaurus Rex is put under the control of Commandocon in the past and brought to the present to attack Silver Hills. It is eventually broken free from this control after the Quantum Ranger is able to regain control.

Time Force Megazord Mode Red (Evil Duplicate)
Pilot: N/A
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
The Time Megazord Mode Red is duplicated by the mutant criminal, Turtlecon to assist him in fighting the real one but is destroyed by the Time Force Megazord Mode Blue.

Q-Rex Megazord
Pilot: N/A
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
The Q-Rex Megazord is controlled by Conwing after taking the Quantum Morpher and imitating Eric Myers’ voice with a voice-changing mask. He uses it to fight the Time Shadow until he loses control of it after Eric Myers takes back his Quantum Morpher.

Pilot: Frax (Remote)
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
Dragontron is a dragon-like evil zord created by Frax and is sent to attack Silver Hills shortly after Frax betrays Ransik and decides to go solo. His power is so great that the former Red Time Force Ranger, Alex would travel to the past to take over the team in order to fight him off, revealing his weakness being a power core located on its back. The Time Force Rangers attempt to fire at its power core with the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Blue, but is unable to due to it being too powerful. However, Dragontron does retreat for a short time due to the Q-Rex damaging him in battle. Dragontron later shows up again in Silver Hills, with them still being unable to hit its power core until Wes Collins is given back his role as the Red Time Force Ranger, hitting the power core and destroying Dragontron thanks to the combined efforts of the Time Force Megazord Mode Red & Q-Rex.

Time Shadow
Pilot: N/A
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
The Time Shadow is turned evil temporarily after Miracon reverses its polarity. It is returned to normal after getting hit with an attack from the Q-Rex Megazord.

Pilot: Frax
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
Doomtron is a copper-colored giant robot that is created by and resembles Frax that he intended on using to destroy Silver Hills. However, Ransik captures Frax and reprograms him to pilot Doomtron to destroy Silver Hills. Due to it being powered by a Trizyrium Crystal, it opens up time holes in the sky whenever he fights the Q-Rex until the Red Time Force Ranger uses the Quantum Defender to convert its Trizyrium Crystal, destroying it shortly after with a combined blast from the Quantum Defender & Q-Rex.

Dark Predazord
Pilot: Zen-Aku
Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
The Dark Predazord is a corrupted version of the Predazord that turned evil after Merrick Baliton used the Wolf Mask to destroy the original Master Org. It is piloted by Zen-Aku to fight the Wild Force Rangers until they are able to destroy the Wolf Mask and turning good after the Merrick becomes the Lunar Wolf Ranger.

Wild Force Megazord & Kongazord
Pilot: N/A
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
The Wild Force Megazord & Kongazord are tamed by the Lion Tamer Org to destroy the Wild Force Rangers.

Wild Force Megazord (Remote Controlled)
Pilot: Mandilok (Remote Controlled)
Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
The Wild Force Megazord is taken control of by a remote control bug after the destruction of the Monitor Org. He is used by Mandilok to fight Animus but is freed from his control by his Animarium Arrow.

Pilot: Zurgane
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Zurganezord I is a dark green-colored evil zord piloted by Zurgane and is used to fight the Wind Rangers while the Thunder Rangers were headed to the Mountain Of Lost Ninjas to destroy Sensei Watanabe with the Gem Of Souls. The Blue Wind Ranger pilots the Storm Megazord solo to fight Zurganezord I, getting a good thrashing from it until the Blue Wind Ranger destroys him with the Storm Megazord using the Lion Laser in conjunction with the Squid Drill.

Zuganezord II
Pilot: Zurgane
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Zurganezord II is a crimson colored evil zord that has the ability to transform into its own version of Lightning Mode. Zurgane pilots Zurganezord II to attack Blue Bay Harbor while the Red Wind Ranger was protecting Skyla from Vexacus. Zurganezord II is successful in defeating the Storm Megazord in battle, forcing them to retreat from battle until it later fights the Storm Megazord & Thunder Megazord in battle, stealing a Power Sphere to prevent them from combining. That is until the Samurai Star Megazord takes the Power Sphere back from it, where it is destroyed by the Thunderstorm Megazord.

Zurganezord III
Pilot: Zurgane
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Zurganezord III is a blue colored evil zord piloted by Zurgane to scan all of the zord formations and Power Spheres of the Wind Rangers, Thunder Rangers & Green Samurai Ranger. After successfully gaining all of this data, it is destroyed by the Hurricane Megazord.

Hyper Zurganezord
Pilot: Zurgane
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Hyper Zurganezord is a powerful evil zord created by Zurgane from the data scanned from Zurganezord III. Hyper Zurganezord is powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with the Hurricane Megazord, thanks to its own Power Sphere, the Hyper Sword, defeating it in battle and forcing them to retreat from battle. Hyper Zurganezord then attacks Blue Bay Harbor until the Wind Rangers & Thunder Rangers are able to lure him out of the Hyper Zurganezord until their zords are repaired. After their zords are repaired, the Hyper Zurganezord goes toe-to-toe with the Hurricane Megazord before being destroyed by the Hurricane Ultrazord.

Pilot: Marah
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Marahzord is a purple colored bee-like evil zord created by Marah & Kapri and is piloted by Marah to destroy the Wind Rangers, Thunder Rangers & Green Samurai Ranger on her own. After putting up a good fight, it is destroyed by the Samurai Thunder Megazord. However, its destruction leads to its electrical pulse generator disabling the Thunder Megazord for a short time.

Pilot: Shimazu
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Shimazuzord is a robotic-themed evil zord created by Marah & Kapri and is piloted by Shimazu to destroy the Wind Rangers, Thunder Rangers & Green Samurai Ranger on his own. After putting up a good fight, it is destroyed by the Samurai Storm Megazord. However, its destruction leads to its electrical pulse generator disabling the Thunder Megazord for a short time.

Pilot: Kapri
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Kapri is a purple colored evil zord created by Marah & Kapri and is piloted by Kapri to destroy the Wind Rangers, Thunder Rangers & Green Samurai Ranger on her own. She fights the Storm Megazord & Thunder Megazord before the Marahzord & Shimazuzord ambush them, later fighting the Samurai Star Megazord. After the Kaprizord is attacked by the Dolphinzord, it is destroyed by the Hurricane Ultrazord.

Pilot: Lothor
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Lothorzord is an evil zord piloted by Lothor to feed energy to the Abyss Of Evil. The Lothorzord fights the Storm Megazord, putting up a good fight before being destroyed alongside the Storm Megazord.

Pilot: N/A
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
The Bio Zords are three dinosaur-themed zords created by Tommy Oliver & Anton Mercer. They are converted to evil by Mesogog and are unleashed on Reefside to assist Zeltrax in luring out the Dino Rangers to take their Dino Gems. They are eventually converted to the side of good by their respective Dino Ranger.

Pilot: N/A
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
The Dimetrozord is stolen by Elsa as a Dino Egg, turning it evil with a device and tasking it to attack Little Tokyo. After fighting the Dino Rangers Zords with Scorpex, it is turned good after Tommy Oliver syncs it to his Brachio Morpher.

Dino Stegazord
Pilot: Trent Mercer & Evil White Ranger Clone
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
The Dragozord & Stegozord were converted to evil by the Evil White Ranger and were used to combine into the Dino Stegazord. The Dino Stegazord is used by White Dino Ranger and later used by the Evil White Dino Ranger Clone to use in giant battle against the Dino Rangers.

Replicant Zord
Pilot: Mesogog (Remote)
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
The Replicant Zord is an evil clone of the Thundersaurus Megazord summoned by Mesogog after the Ugly Monster transfers its energy to it, powering it up. It is quickly destroyed however by the Thundersaurus Megazord.

Pilot: Zeltrax
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
The Zelzord is an evil zord created by Zeltrax after he was banished from Mesogog’s Army. It is piloted by Zeltrax to destroy Reefside after the Dino Rangers destroy Mesogog’s Island Fortress. It puts up a good fight against the Thundersaurus Megazord & Mezodon Megazord, surviving a combined blasted from their Dinozords. The Dino Rangers are then forced to set their Dinozords on self-destruct to destroy it for good.

Giant Robots
Pilot: Various Monsters-Of-The-Week
Season: Power Rangers SPD
The Giant Robots are various giant robots given to Space Criminals by Broodwing to attack Newtech City.

A-Squad Megazord
Pilot: A-Squad Rangers
Season: Power Rangers SPD
The A-Squad Megazord is an evil bat-like giant robot piloted by the A-Squad Rangers after they are defeated in battle by the B-Squad Rangers. Though it is successful in destroying the Delta Squad Megazord, it is destroyed by the SWAT Megazord.

Delta Command Megazord
Pilot: Broodwing, Crabhead, Spiketor & Lazor
Season: Power Rangers SPD
The Delta Command Megazord is commandeered by Broodwing and his generals when he raids the Delta Base. He almost uses it to destroy Newtech City but is stopped by Kat Manx when she is able to power down the cockpit.

Centaurus Wolf Megazord
Pilot: Koragg
Season: Power Rangers Mystic Force
Koragg The Knight Wolf can combine with Catastros to form the Centaurus Wolf Megazord.

Moltor Bot
Pilot: Moltor
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Moltor Bot is a giant rhino-like robotic lizard created and piloted by Moltor when he teams up with Flurious to defeat the Overdrive Rangers, with Flurious piloting the Dragonizer. It is successful in overpowering the DriveMax Megazord, capturing it alongside the Red Overdrive Ranger until the other Overdrive Rangers are able to find their location, fighting it again and destroying it with their new zord combination, the Super DriveMax Megazord.

Pilot: Flurious
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Dragonizer is a giant pterodactyl-like robotic lizard created by Moltor and piloted by Flurious when they team up to defeat the Overdrive Rangers, with Moltor piloting the Moltor Bot. It is successful in overpowering the DriveMax Megazord, capturing it alongside the Red Overdrive Ranger until the other Overdrive Rangers are able to find their location, fighting it again and destroying it with their new zord combination, the Super DriveMax Megazord.

Flurious Bot
Pilot: Mig & Benglo
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Flurious Robot is a giant robot built by Flurious that he intended to pilot to obtain the Ki-Amuk Cannon. However, The Fearcats steal it and use it to obtain the Ki-Amuk Cannon themselves, overpowering the DriveMax Megazord and using the Ki-Amuk Cannon to destroy San Angelas. They are eventually stopped by the Mercury Ranger in his new Rescue Runners, being destroyed by the Flashpoint Megazord.

Jet Bot
Pilot: Mig & Benglo
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Jet Bot is a jet-themed giant robot created and piloted by The Fearcats to attack San Angelas while the Overdrive Rangers were busy fighting Flurious with Thor in Mexico. The Overdrive Rangers eventually arrive to stop them, overpowering the DriveMax Megazord & Flashpoint Megazord until Thor weakens it with his Hammer, with the Overdrive Rangers being able to destroy it thanks to the combined efforts of the DriveMax Ultrazord & Flashpoint Megazord.

Commando Bot
Pilot: Mig & Benglo
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Commando Bot is a military-themed giant robot created and piloted by The Fearcats to use in battle against the DriveMax Ultrazord in San Angelas. The Commando Bot is able to overpower the DriveMax Ultrazord and nearly defeats it until it malfunctions, forcing it to retreat from battle. The Commando Bot is then given powerful Super Armor, thanks to The Fearcats getting a map to it from Moltor, overpowering Super DriveMax Megazord & Flashpoint Megazord until they are able to rip off the Super Armor, destroying the Commando Bot with combined efforts of the DriveMax Megazord Rescue Formation & Flashpoint Megazord Dozer/Sub Formation.

Centurion Bot
Pilot: Mig & Benglo
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Centurion Bot is a helicopter-themed giant robot created and piloted by The Fearcats and powered-up with the Centurion Torch. The Centurion Bot uses the powers of the Centurion Torch to emit power fire blasts at the DriveMax Ultrazord until they are able to destroy it by going full throttle.

Cybernetic Rex
Pilot: Moltor
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Cybernetic Rex is a cybernetic tyrannosaurus rex-like robotic lizard created by the combined technology of Moltor and The Fearcats that they are unable to power up until they capture the Yellow Overdrive Ranger, using her life force to power it up. It is then piloted by Moltor, who is able to overpower both the DriveMax Ultrazord & Flashpoint Megazord before he retreats after losing energy after the arrival of the BattleFleet Battleship Formation. After fully recharging the Cybernetic Rex, he fights the BattleFleet Battleship Formation before being destroyed by the BattleFleet Megazord.

Pilot: Mig & Benglo
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Agrios is a powerful giant metallic creature created by The Fearcats after combining three artifacts stolen from Flurious, Moltor & Kamdor into the Octavian Chalice. They then attach powerful armor to it so that they could control and pilot Agrios themselves. The Overdrive Rangers attempt to fight Agrios in their DriveMax Ultrazord & Battlefleet Megazord but are unable to even lay a scratch on Agrios. The Red Overdrive Ranger attempts to fight Agrios in the Flashpoint Megazord, almost setting it on self-destruct until the other Overdrive Rangers arrive to the fight in their fixed zords, eventually destroying Agrios thanks to the combined efforts of the DriveMax Megazord, Flashpoint Megazord, DualDrive Megazord & BattleFleet Megazord.

Doomsday Bot
Pilot: N/A
Season: Power Rangers RPM
The Doomsday Bot is a powerful blimp-like ship that is built by Venjix to destroy Corinth but ends up being reprogrammed into the Whale Zord after Doctor K programs it with Whale DNA.

PaleoMax Megazord
Pilot: N/A
Season: Power Rangers RPM
The PaleoMax Megazord is taken control of by General Shifter’s Hyper Bot, being used to fight the ValveMax Megazord and later the High Octane Megazord until Doctor K is able to break through the Hyper Bot’s programming.

Pilot: N/A
Season: Power Rangers Samurai
The TigerZord falls under the control of the Nighlok, Madimot after the last team of Samurai Rangers traps Master Xandred in The Netherworld and falls in the cracks of The Netherworld. It fights the Lion Folding Zord until it is freed from Madimot’s control thanks to one of the Red Samurai Ranger’s Power Disc.

Q-Rex Megazord
Pilot: Desolar
Season: Power Rangers Super Megaforce
The Q-Rex Megazord is piloted by Desolar for a short time after he sneaks inside its cockpit.

Armada Megazord
Pilot: Prince Vekar
Season: Power Rangers Super Megaforce
The Armada Megazord is an evil zord brought to the Armada Mothership by Emperor Mavro’s Kingmen to assist Prince Vekar in taking over Earth. It is personally piloted by Prince Vekar, who uses it to prove to his father that he is just as competent as his brother, Vrak. He is able to overpower all of the Super Megaforce Rangers Zord Formations until they destroy it and Prince Vekar with the Ultimate Legendary Megazord.

Levira Megazord
Pilot: Levira
Season: Power Rangers Super Megaforce
The Levira Megazord is an evil zord created and piloted by Levira to destroy the Super Megaforce Rangers in order to prove herself to Emperor Mavro. She uses the Levira Megazord to fight the Legendary Megazord before being destroyed by the Legendary Samurai Megazord.

Ankylo Zord
Pilot: N/A
Season: Power Rangers Dino Charge
The Ankylo Zord is found by Stingrage and put under the influence of one of his stingers, attacking the Dino Charge Rangers and burrows underground. He is freed from Stingrage’s influence after his stinger is pulled out by the Pink Dino Charge Ranger.


Ptera Zord (Corrupted)
Pilot: Fury
Season: Power Rangers Dino Charge
The Ptera Zord is a pterodactyl-like zord that is corrupted and piloted by Fury after he steals a Ptera Charger from the Dino Charge Rangers. The Ptera Zord is turned good after the Gold Dino Charge Ranger escapes from inside Fury.

Plesio Charge Megazord (Pachy-Rex Formation)
Pilot: Lord Arcanon, Singe & Doomwing
Season: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
The Plesio Charge Megazord Pachy-Rex Formation is piloted by Lord Arcanon, Singe & Doomwing to fight Snide piloting Fortress when they first arrive on Earth.

Dino Charge Megazord (Tri-Stego Formation) & Ptera Charge Megazord (Para-Raptor Formation)
Pilot: Lord Arcanon, Singe & Doomwing
Season: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
The Dino Charge Megazord (Tri-Stego Formation) & Ptera Charge Megazord (Para-Raptor Formation) is piloted by Lord Arcanon, Singe & Doomwing to fight Snide piloting Fortress when they first arrive on Earth.

Pilot: Heckyl & Snide
Season: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
Fortress is a powerful cemetery-themed robotic monster created by Wrench that is programmed to negate every attack from all of the Dino Charge Rangers zord formations. He later accompanies Heckyl when Lord Arcanon arrives on Earth and is grown giant by the Magna Beam, where it is piloted by Snide to fight Lord Arcanon, Doomwing & Singe, who have gained control of the Dino Charge Rangers zords. He is able to defeat every formation however, eventually driving them out of the zords, where the Dino Charge Rangers regain control of their zords to form a new formation, the Dino Charge Ultrazord to destroy Fortress.

Robo Rider Zord
Pilot: Cosmo Royale (Remote)
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Steel
The Robo Rider Zord is turned evil by Cosmo Royale in the board game, Grave Robber.
It is tasked with fighting the Robo Red Zord until it is piloted by the Gold Ninja Steel Ranger.

ilot: Madame Odius
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
Foxitron is a kitsune-themed giant robot created and piloted by Madame Odius by fusing four Foxbots and powering it with the Ninja Medallions. After the Foxitron defeats the Ninja Ultrazord, Ninja Steel Megazord, Bull Rider Megazord & Lion Fire Megazord in battle, the Foxitron runs out of energy due to the Ninja Medallion needing to recharge, retreating back to the Warrior Dome to recharge the Ninja Medallions. After the Ninja Medallions are recharged, she returns to fight the Ninja Steel Rangers, destroying Wolvermean to fight them herself but Foxitron is destroyed by the Ninja Blaze Megazord.

Blaze’s Megazord
Pilot: Blaze
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
Blaze’s Megazord is a red-colored evil zord created by Scrozzle and piloted by Blaze to prevent the Beast Racer Zord from destroying the stolen Morph-X Tower. It fails at this task however and is destroyed, along with Blaze, by an explosion from the Morph-X Tower.

Pilot: Scrozzle
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
Infernodrone is a blowtorch-themed Alpha Model Gigadrone that is personally piloted by Scrozzle to attack Coral Harbor on Christmas while the Beast Morphers Rangers were trapped in Christmas Ornaments. He is stopped however by the Beast Bots piloting their zords themselves and is destroyed by the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode.

Blaze’s Megazord II
Pilot: Robo Blaze
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
Blaze’s Megazord is a red-colored evil zord rebuilt by Scrozzle and is piloted by Robo Blaze after the Beast-X King Zord is freed from their control to fight the Red Beast Morphers Ranger one-on-one. He fails at this however and is destroyed by the Beast-X King Zord Battle Mode.

Pilot: Evox
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
The Chimerazord is a dinosaur-like evil zord created by Evox by using four Energems, six types of Dinosaur DNA and bonding his warrior spirit. Evox personally pilots it himself to destroy the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, Dino Ranger & Dino Charge Rangers but is destroyed by a combined blast from the Dino Megazord, Thundersaurus Megazord & Dino Charge Megazord Beast-X King Formation.

Pilot: Evox
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
Omegadrone is a powerful Gigadrone created by Scrozzle and piloted by Evox that is lured into the Special-Ops Hangar to trap Evox so that could not cause any more damage. Even though it puts up a good fight in the Special-Ops Hangar, it is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Beast Morphers Rangers. It is revealed however that this was all apart of Evox’s plan to be transferred into a cell in Grid Battleforce Headquarters.

Nemesis Beast
Pilot: Void Queen
Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury
The Nemesis Beast is a powerful monster created by Void Queen after she fuses all of the Sporix into one being, controlling its movements from the inside. She uses the Nemesis Beast to fight and take down all of the Dino Fury Rangers Zord Formations until the Red Dino Fury Ranger uses the ultimate attack of the Dino Master Saber, sacrificing all of their zords and his own life to severely weaken the Nemesis Beast. He is then destroyed for good after being blasted by Void Queen prior to her turning back into Santaura.

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