XIII. Monsters

Space Criminals

Bluehead Krybot I & II
Voiced By: Derek Judge
“Beginnings: Part 1 & 2”
The Bluehead Krybot is a blue headed robot sent to Earth to obtain the Proton Accelerator for Emperor Gruumm. The Bluehead Krybot fights the B-Squad Rangers while attempting to find it, retreating after learning that the Proton Accelerator wasn’t there. He returns to the Terror Spacecraft and is crushed for his failure, with another Bluehead Krybot taking his place. He then travels to Earth, fighting the B-Squad Rangers after seeing they have the Proton Accelerator, keeping up with them in battle until the Red SPD Ranger arrive to the fight, with him being destroyed by a blast from his Delta Enforcers.

Car Thieves
Played By: N/A
The Car Thieves are two aliens that attempt to steal a car but are stopped and apprehended by the B-Squad Rangers.

Voiced By: Bruce Hopkins
Praxis is a diamond-themed monster created from one of Mora’s Drawings and is armed with the Mega Drill to destroy Newtech City. After his Mega Drill is destroyed, he fights the Red SPD Ranger solo until he is confined after being blasted by the Delta Enforcers Combo Mode.

Voiced By: Bruce Hopkins
Ringbah is a bounty hunter hired by Emperor Gruumm to attack Newtech City, fighting the Delta Squad Megazord before retreating from battle after his robot runs out of energy. He is nearly imploded by Emperor Gruumm until Mora saves him, sending him back to attack Newtech City after a Krybot steals a giant diamond to power his robot. He is then used as a distraction while the Krybots obtain the rest of the diamonds. After his robot is destroyed by Delta Runner 1, he fights the SPD Rangers with an army Krybots but is confined after being blasted by the Blue SPD Ranger’s Deltamax Striker.

Voiced By: Derek Judge
Parsnippity is a cyborg space criminal that offers to turn people into parsnips and plant them in the ground for Emperor Gruumm. Mora does not like this idea however and is supposedly destroyed after being thrown off of the Terror Spacecraft.

Played By: Mark Innes
Scaleface is reptilian-like space criminal that offers to perform an evil hand puppet show. Emperor Gruumm does not like this plan however and is immediately vaporized.

Voiced By: Mark Wright
“Dogged” & “Reflection: Part 1”
Rhinix is a rhino-like space criminal that uses a formula given to him by Piggy that turns people into slime. He offers his services to Emperor Gruumm, turning the residents of Newtech City into slime. The location of his hideout is eventually found by RIC and discovered by the Pink SPD Ranger, where Rhinix attempts to destroy her to keep the location of his hideout secret due to her not being able to call for backup. However, backup arrives thanks to RIC and Rhinix is confined after being blasted by the Canine Cannon. Rhinix’s form is later copied by the copycat space criminal, Slate after receiving his genetic makeup from Broodwing.

Voiced By: Mark Wright
T-Top is a trilondonian bounty hunter that travels to Earth to capture fernovian bank robber, Hydrax. However, the SPD Rangers assume that T-Top is the actual banker robber except the Green SPD Ranger. Hydrax takes advantage of this confusion by paying Broodwing to make T-Top grow and attack Newtech City so that she could get away free and clear. However, the Judgment Scanner deems T-Top to be innocent and the SPD Rangers are forced to shrink him down and free him. However, due to the destruction he causes, he is banned from ever returning to Earth.

Played & Voiced By: Sarah Thomson
Abridged” & “Reflection: Part 1
Hydrax is a female fernovian, a plant-like space criminal that travels to Earth to rob banks by using her ability to produce powerful streams of water. She takes the form of a human woman named Diane to hide from SPD and attempts to blame the bounty hunter that has followed her to Earth named T-Top for her crimes. After the Green SPD Ranger is able to trick her into taking on her true form, she fights him but is defeated in battle, being confined after she is blasted by the Canine Cannon. Hydrax’s form is later copied by the copycat space criminal, Slate after receiving her genetic makeup from Broodwing.

Voiced By: Kelson Henderson
“Sam: Part 1 & 2” & “Reflection: Part 1”
Bugglesworth is a ladybug-like monster created from one of Mora’s Drawings that is armed with a Giant Robot and uses a child named Sam’s teleportation powers to teleport building away so that he could transform its inhabitants into dolls for Mora’s Doll Collection. He is given an Orangehead Krybot to fight the SPD Rangers when they attempt to tell Sam of Mora’s true intentions. He then assumes he has turned the Yellow SPD Ranger into a doll but this is later revealed to have been one of her clones. After this is revealed when the dolls disappears, he attempts to turn the real Yellow SPD Ranger into a doll but Sam, who has discovered their evil intentions destroys his doll transforming device and sends the Orangehead Krybot, a Bluehead Krybot and an army of Krybots to fight them while he gets into his Giant Robot. He uses it to fight the Delta Squad Megazord, with it being destroyed and him being judged guilty by the Judgement Scanner, with the Red SPD Ranger trapping him into a Confinement Card. Bugglesworth’s form is later copied by the copycat space criminal, Slate after receiving his genetic makeup from Broodwing.

Cindy Sunshine
Voiced By: Olivia James-Baird
“Sam: Part 1 & 2”
Cindy Sunshine is Mora’s doll that is used to befriend Sam, a kid with telekinetic powers and manipulate him to work for the Troobian Empire.

Orangehead Krybot I
Voiced By: James Gaylyn
“Sam: Part 1 & 2”
The Orangehead Krybot is an orange colored robot given to Mora by Broodwing to assist Bugglesworth in preventing the SPD Rangers from telling Sam of Mora’s true intention. He first fights the Red SPD Ranger & Yellow SPD Ranger and later accompanies Bugglesworth when he attempts to turn the Yellow SPD Ranger into a doll for Mora’s Doll Collection. He then fights the SPD Rangers himself after they destroy all of his Krybots and is destroyed himself after they are able to overpower his attack with the Canine Cannon.

Bluehead Krybot III
Voiced By: Derek Judge
“Sam: Part: 2”
The Bluehead Krybot is a blue headed robot summoned by the Orangehead Krybot to use as extra muscle in his fight against the SPD Rangers. He fights the Red SPD Ranger, fighting him with his blaster until he is kicked through a wall.

Dru Harrington/Giganis
Played & Voiced By: Dwayne Cameron
Giganis is a former SPD Cadet from Tangar that took a human form named Dru Harrington when he trained at SPD and was the best friend of Sky Tate, the Blue SPD Ranger prior to him being transferred to the Nebula Academy. After going missing for some time, it is revealed that he met Broodwing, who twisted his mind, making him greedy and self-serving. He is eventually hired by Broodwing to use his former connections and travels to the Delta Base to assassinate Commander Cruger. Though he injures him, he fails in assassinating him and later challenges the Blue SPD Ranger to a duel, which he ends up losing. He then grows giant thanks to a device in his possession but is taken down by the Delta Squad Megazord, with Sky Tate arresting him shortly after shrinking down to his original size.

Voiced By: James Coleman
“Stakeout” & “Reflection: Part 1”
Sinuku is a bird-like space criminal that was once a brilliant scientist that was hired by evil forces to build weapons. He is eventually found out and arrested, being sent to a satellite prison orbiting KO-35. He eventually escapes thanks to Broodwing sending a Bluehead Krybot and an army of Krybots to break him out with a bomb. He then travels to Earth to pick up a case full of demagnetons and attempts to capture his former lab partner Doctor Rheas to have her show him the location of its activator. However, she is being guarded by the Red SPD Ranger so he uses a Giant Robot supplied by Broodwing to distract them so he could capture Doctor Rheas and successfully obtains the demagneton activator. The Red SPD Ranger eventually finds them and fight him solo, with Sinuku attempting to use on of his demagnetons on him but is stopped when the Red SPD Ranger is able to rip off his cap containing the demagnetons. He then enters his Giant Robot when the rest of the SPD Rangers join the fight and attempts to use the demagneton activator but fails after his Giant Robot is destroyed by the Delta Squad Megazord. He is then judged guilty by the Judgement Scanner and is blasted by Canine Cannon before being trapped in a Confinement Card. Sinuku’s form is later copied by the copycat space criminal, Slate after receiving his genetic makeup from Broodwing.

Orangehead Krybot II
Voiced By: James Gaylyn
“Shadow: Part 1”
The Orangehead Krybot is an orange colored robot that is sent to attack Newtech City, fighting the Red SPD Ranger & Pink SPD Ranger before fighting the Red SPD Ranger solo when Mora sends down a giant Debugger. Though he puts up a good fight, he is destroyed by a blast from the Delta Blaster Combo Mode.

Voiced By: N/A
“Shadow: Part 1”
Debugger is a giant monster created from one of Mora’s Drawing that is sent to attack Newtech City, picking up a bus to use as a shield. After the Delta Runners are able to get the bus out of his hands, he is captured by the Delta Runners after he is wrapped in Special Crime Scene Tape, crying before he is trapped in a Confinement Card.

General Benaag
Voiced By: James Gaylyn
“Shadow: Part 1 & 2”
General Benaag is a cyborg general in the Troobian Empire that was apart of their army during the invasion of Sirius. He is later summoned to Earth by Emperor Gruumm to fight Commander Cruger and captures Kat Manx in order to lure him into a fight. Commander Cruger accepts this fight, armed with a Patrol Morpher to morph into the Shadow Ranger. He then summons 100 Krybots for the Shadow Ranger to fight before fighting him solo. He loses this fight however, being judged guilty for all his crimes except for killing Commander Cruger’s wife and is slashed by the Shadow Saber before being trapped in a Confinement Card.

Tenga Warrior
“Shadow: Part 2” & “Wired: Part 2”
A Tenga Warrior is a bird-like creature that is seen as a patron at Piggy’s Cafe on Earth.

Voiced By: Mike Havoc
Drakel is a vampiranoid bounty hunter that is hired by Emperor Gruumm to obtain an evil stone that contains a tremendous amount of power. He is thwarted in his first attempt at trying to locate the stone by the SPD Rangers and is forced to retreat after the sun rises. He later pays Broodwing for a Giant Robot to distract the SPD Rangers while he fought the guardian of the evil stone, Baskin, successfully obtaining it and powering himself up. He fights the SPD Ranger after they destroy his Giant Robot, pummeling them in the fight until they are able to land an attack of him, judging him guilty with the Judgement Scanner and blasting him with the Canine Cannon before the Red SPD Ranger traps him in a Confinement Card.

Voiced By: Jason Hoyte
“Wired: Part 1 & 2”
Valko is a red-faced space criminal from the Perterian Army that is recruited by Mora to join the Troobian Empire and attempts to gain Emperor Gruumm’s favor by awakening the robotic creature, Goradon. However, he needs a special robot named SOPHIE to accomplish this, who has joined SPD and attempts to retrieve her himself before using a Giant Robot he bought from Broodwing to distract the SPD Rangers. He is eventually successful in capturing SOPHIE, fighting and chasing her down after she is kicked out of SPD after the SPD Rangers discover her true identity. He later fights the SPD Rangers himself when they attempt to rescue her but is able to teleport away before unleashing Goradon on Newtech City. After SOPHIE is able to escape from his clutches, he fights the Shadow Ranger before he is trapped in a Confinement Card.

“Wired: Part 1 & 2”
Goradon is a powerful mechanical creature that is awoken by Valko, who attempted to control it with an android named SOPHIE so that he could gain favor with Emperor Gruumm. He is eventually able to succeed in this, overpowering the Delta Squad Megazord before being destroyed by the Delta Command Megazord.

Voiced By: Campbell Cooley
“Boom” & “Reflection: Part 1”
Tomar is a lizard-like space criminal and a patron of Piggy’s Cafe that Morgana recruits to destroy the SPD Rangers. He accomplishes this with his laptop armed with a Interdimensional Hyperspeed Relocator that has the ability to teleport anyone from his satellite to anywhere else. He uses it to lure the Red SPD Ranger & Blue SPD Ranger into a trap, where they fight around various places in Newtech City. That is until Boom is able to teleport into the satellite room they are currently in, rescuing them and deleting Tomars when he attempts to escape a computer. Tomar’s form is later copied by the copycat space criminal, Slate after receiving his genetic makeup from Broodwing.

Bluehead Krybot IV
Voiced By: Derek Judge
The Bluehead Krybot is a blue headed robot that is tasked to guard the laptop used by Tomars. He ends up in conflict with the Green SPD Ranger, Yellow SPD Ranger & Pink SPD Ranger, losing the laptop for a short time until he is able to get it back when Boom shows up to the battle as the Orange SPD Ranger.

Played By: Chris Violette
Voiced By: Jeremy Birchall
Wootox is a destructive intergalactic criminal that is responsible for the destruction of more than fifty planets. He is first seen attacking Newtech City with a Giant Robot and attempts to flee after fighting the Delta Squad Megazord but is stopped when his Giant Robot is destroyed by the Delta Command Megazord. He then plots to steal it, getting captured by the SPD Rangers and later switching bodies with the Blue SPD Ranger to make it easier to find the cockpit. He is eventually found out by Kat Manx when he attacks her and fights the Shadow Ranger when he tries to stop him. After fighting the Shadow Ranger, he is able to find the cockpit and nearly uses the Delta Command Megazord to destroy Newtech City but is stopped after the Blue SPD Ranger in his old body ejects him from the cockpit. He fights his old body and attempts to trick the SPD Rangers that they swapped back, but RIC is able to determine which one is which, forcing Wootox back to his old body and is blasted by the Canine Cannon before the Blue SPD Ranger traps him in a Confinement Card.

Voiced By: Mark Wright
Katana is an alien whose spaceship crashed in Kyoto during Feudal Era Japan. He is found by a samurai, who nurses him back to full health and teaches him the ways of the samurai, eventually becoming the Legendary Protector Of Kyoto. He is brought to present day in a time portal by Emperor Gruumm to fight the SPD Rangers and to keep them away from Newtech City so that he could steal some Iridium. He is tricked by Broodwing into thinking the SPD Rangers were invaders and fights them, being able to defeat them in battle with his Sword Of Kyoto. He later fights the Red SPD Ranger solo, armed with what he thinks is the Shadow Saber and is defeated by him in battle. After being judged innocent by the Judgement Scanner, he travels back to his time after stepping through a time portal.

Voiced By: Josh Thomson
Invador is a green alien that attacks Newtech City in a Giant Robot around the time Supreme Commander Fowler Birdie is inspecting SPD’s Earth Branch. His Giant Robot is destroyed by the Delta Squad Megazord before he is trapped in a Confinement Card.

Voiced By: Darren Young
Changtor is an alien mercenary hired by Broodwing to fight the SPD Rangers while Emperor Gruumm fought the Shadow Ranger on his motorcycle. He fights the Yellow SPD Ranger & Pink SPD Ranger at the beach when Supreme Commander Folwer Birdie splits the team up. He eventually grows giant after touching his chest with his thumbs, fighting the Delta Squad Megazord before being judged guilty by the Judgment Scanner and is trapped in a Confinement Card.

Green Eyes
Voiced By: Matt Sunderland
Green Eyes is a green-headed space criminal hired by Emperor Gruumm to steal gold for him at the World’s Gold Depository and ties up a guard to accomplish this. He is stopped however by the SPD Rangers, summoning Krybots to stop them but is eventually attacked himself by the Pink SPD Ranger’s Delta Baton. He then tries to escape in his Giant Robot but is stopped by the Delta Squad Megazord, being judged guilty by the Judgment Scanner and is trapped in a Confinement Card.

Voiced By: Ray Trickett
“Messenger: Part 1 & 2”
Shorty is an intergalactic criminal and the second most wanted in the galaxy after his brother, Devastation. He is summoned to Earth by his friend, Morgana to assist her in taking down SPD. He first fights the SPD Rangers in Newtech City, easily beating them in battle before Morgana arrives in the Robot Of Destruction. He then sets up a device to shoot fireworks into space to summon Devastation to Earth, fighting the Shadow Ranger when he attempts to activate the device, eventually succeeding and retreating for a short time after Devastation successfully defeat the SPD Rangers in battle. He later return to attack a pier and is still able to keep up with the SPD Rangers in battle, growing giant after being blasted with the Canine Cannon. He then attacks some empty building before the arrival of the Omega Ranger in his Omegamax Megazord, which successfully defeats Shorty and trapping him in a Confinement Card.

Voiced By: Kelson Henderson
“Messenger: Part 1 & 2” & “Reflection: Part 1”
Devastation is an intergalactic criminal and the most wanted in the galaxy. He is summoned to Earth by his friend, Morgana and his brother, Shorty after they shoot some fireworks into space to assist them in taking down SPD. He fights and easily defeats the SPD Rangers in battle with his Fury Circle until the Omega Ranger arrives and attempts to destroy him with his laser pellet blaster. The Omega Ranger is able to evade this attack however by slowing down time and catching them in his hands. He is then forced to retreat after this fight and later returns with Morgana to get revenge on the Omega Ranger for destroying his brother. He attempts to destroy the Omega Ranger by summoning his Fury Circle with Morgana inside of it, but ends up failing. The SPD Rangers eventually arrive to the fight to assist the Omega Ranger, who are able to break his Fury Circle. The Omega Ranger then judges him guilty with his Judgement Scanner and destroys him with his Omega Punch. He is resurrected however and pilots the Robot Of Destruction, with it being destroyed by the Delta Squad Megazord riding the Omegamax Cycle and is trapped in a Confinement Card. Devastation’s form is later copied by the copycat space criminal, Slate after receiving his genetic makeup from Broodwing.

Voiced By: Barnie Duncan
 Mystic is an amateur alien street magician that is given a magic wand by Morgana and uses it make his assistant, Al invisible to rob stores in Newtech City. After Al is captured by SPD, he is tasked by Emperor Gruumm to perform at a Magic Show in order capture a microbiologist named Doctor Helen Tyler Jones for Emperor Gruumm. He also hypnotizes the Pink SPD Ranger to be his assistant, ordering her to fight her teammates after he is found out, who is eventually able to break free from the spell after the Green SPD Ranger tricks her into morphing. He then loses his magic wand before fleeing to his Giant Robot, being judged guilty by the Judgment Scanner and being trapped in a Confinement Card after his Giant Robot is destroyed by the newly formed Deltamax Megazord.

Voiced By: Barnie Duncan
Al is a green dinosaur-like alien and the assistant of the amateur street magician, Mysticon. He is turned invisible by Al after he is given a magic wand by Morgana and uses this to rob stores in Newtech City. He is eventually found out by the SPD Rangers and is brought in by the Blue SPD Ranger & Omega Ranger. He is then interrogated by the SPD Rangers, caving them and telling the SPD Rangers everything they want to know after Bridge Carson nearly drives him insane with his philosophical ramblings.

Bluehead Krybot V
Voiced By: Derek Judge
The Bluehead Krybot is a blue headed robot summoned by Morgana to assist Mysticon & Al in their endeavor and is later used as extra muscle in capturing Doctor Helen Tyler Jones. He is presumably destroyed after fighting the Omega Ranger.

Syd Drew (Hypnotized)
Played By: Alycia Purrott
Syd Drew is hypnotized by Mysticon to serve him as his lovely assistant when he attempts to capture Doctor Helen Tyler Jones for Emperor Gruumm. She is then ordered to fight her teammates as he attempts to flee but is freed from her hypnosis after she is tricked into morphing by the Green SPD Ranger.

Voiced By: Jeremy Birchall
“Reflection: Part 1”
Slate is a copycat space criminal, being able to take on the form of anyone he desires as long as he has a sample of their genetic makeup. He uses this power to take on the forms of past criminals the SPD Rangers have battled, confusing them until the Blue SPD Ranger interrogates the space criminal, Mirloc and learns of his true identity. He then takes the form of Devastation and attempts to destroy them with his Fury Circle but the SPD Rangers are able to break it, blasting him with a combined attack to turn him back to his original form. After this, he pilot the Robot Of Destruction to fight the Delta Squad Megazord and is judged guilty by the Judgment Scanner. The Red SPD Ranger then attempts to confine him after the Robot Of Destruction is destroyed but Morgana stop him, cloning him to take on all the forms he’s collected at once. They overpower the SPD Rangers until the Red SPD Ranger activates his Battlizer and is successfully defeated after all of his clone take a final attack from him, with him finally being trapped in a Confinement Card.

Slate’s Clones
(Sinuku, Bugglesworth, Hydrax, Rhinix, Tomars & Devastation)
Voiced By: James Coleman, Kelson Henderson. Sarah Thomson, Mark Wright & Campbell Cooley
“Reflection: Part 1”
Slate takes the form of these past space criminals in order to confused the SPD Rangers. They later all form at once after Morgana clones Slate, fighting and overpowering the SPD Rangers until they are taken down by the Red SPD Ranger’s Battlizer.

Voiced By: Mike Drew
“Reflection: Part 1 & 2”
Mirloc is an evil mastermind space criminal that has the ability to travel through any reflective object and knows every space criminal in the galaxy. He is also responsible for killing Officer Tate, the father of Sky Tate, the Blue SPD Ranger, who later interrogates him in his prison cell on Gamma Orion. Mirloc gives him information on the copycat space criminal, Slate in exchange for the Blue SPD Ranger telling him a sad story, which Mirloc mocks to make Sky Tate cry, giving him the chance to escape through the reflection in his tear. He later travels to Earth and continues to mock the Blue SPD Ranger after he learns that Mirloc killed his father. He teams up with Emperor Gruumm to get rid of the SPD Rangers and does so by trapping four of them in the mirrors on his chest. He is then given a Giant Robot by Broodwing to lure the Red SPD Ranger into being captured after he destroys it and succeeds. The Omega Ranger then fights him solo, successfully breaking his chest mirrors and freeing his teammates. Sky Tate is then given the Red Delta Morpher to morph into the Red SPD Ranger to fight Mirloc and traps him in a Confinement Card after fighting him with the Battlizer.

Voiced By: Greg Johnson
“SWAT: Part 1 & 2”
Stench is a regular at Piggy’s Cafe that assists Piggy in undermining SPD by traveling through a bugged Quantum Enhancer to break into the Delta Base and stealing their SWAT Technology. He later uses this technology to make his own silver colored armor, giving him enough power to rescue his friend, Thresher, who has been arrested by SPD and breaks ties from Piggy after obtaining this powerful armor. He then goes on a robbing sprees with Thresher while the SPD Rangers were at SWAT Boot Camp and is given Krybots by Broodwing when Piggy attempted to steal their SWAT Technology. The Shadow Ranger & Omega Ranger attempt to stop him but are overpowered by him and successfully captures them. He is later overpowered when the SPD Rangers come back to Earth with their SWAT Modes, being judged guilty by the Judgment Scanner and is trapped in a Confinement Card after being blasted by a combined blast from the Delta Enforcers.

Voiced By: Paul Barrett
“SWAT: Part 1 & 2”
Thresher is a regular at Piggy’s Cafe that assists Piggy in undermining SPD by piloting a Giant Robot to distract the SPD Rangers while his friend, Stench travels through a bugged Quantum Enhancer to break into the Delta Base to steal their SWAT Technology. He is arrested after his Giant Robot is decommissioned but is rescued by Stench after he uses his new silver colored armor to overpower the SPD Rangers. He cuts ties from Piggy after obtaining this powerful armor and goes on a robbing sprees with Stench after donning his own golden armor while the SPD Rangers were at SWAT Boot Camp. He is given Krybots by Broodwing while Piggy attempted to steal their SWAT Technology and fights Shadow Ranger & Omega Ranger when they attempt to stop him but are overpowered by him and successfully captures them. He is later overpowered when the SPD Rangers come back to Earth with their SWAT Modes, being judged guilty by the Judgment Scanner and is trapped in a Confinement Card after being blasted by a combined blast from the Delta Enforcers.

El Scorpio
Voiced By: N/A
“SWAT: Part 1 & 2”
El Scorpio is a scorpion-like monster that Sergeant Silverback transforms into to test the skills of the SPD Rangers.

Voiced By: N/A
Blobgoblin is a gas-like monster created from one of Morgana’s Drawings that is given a Giant Robot to attack Newtech City. His Giant Robot is destroyed however by the combined efforts of the Delta Squad Megazord & Omegamax Megazord, with him being judged guilty by the Judgement Scanners and is trapped in a Confinement Card.

One Eye
Voiced By: Jarrod Holt
One Eye is a cyclops-like monster created from one of Morgana’s Drawing that is sent to attack Newtech City after the SPD Rangers fight Blobgoblin. He grows giant and fights the Deltamax Megazord, being judged guilty by the Judgement Scanner and is trapped in a Confinement Card.

Voiced By: Michael Hurst
Silverhead is a silver-headed monster created from one of Morgana’s Drawings that is sent to attack Newtech City after the SPD Rangers fight One Eye. He fights the SPD Rangers on the ground before piloting a Giant Robot, being judged guilty by the Judgement Scanner before his Giant Robot is destroyed by the Deltamax Megazord, with him being trapped in a Confinement Card.

Voiced By: Shane Bosher
Gineka is a wealthy space criminal that rose to the ranks of high society after gaining his vast wealth after invading the Alpha 5 Star System with his friends, Chiaggo & Delapoo. Broodwing recruits him and his friends to fight the SPD Rangers in the Giant Robot he provided him to invade the Alpha 5 Star System after they are tired out after fighting three Giant Robots sent by Emperor Gruumm to attack Newtech City. This plan is found out by the Green SPD Ranger, judging him guilty by the Judgement Scanner but is able to escape after summoning a group Orangehead Krybots & Bluehead Krybots to fight the SPD Rangers while he entered the cockpit of his Giant Robot. He then fights the newly formed SWAT Megazord, with his Giant Robot being destroyed by it and him being trapped in a Confinement Card.

Voiced By: Stephen Brunton
Gineka is a wealthy space criminal that rose to the ranks of high society after gaining his vast wealth after invading the Alpha 5 Star System with his friends, Gineka & Delapoo. Broodwing recruits him and his friends to fight the SPD Rangers in the Giant Robot he provided him to invade the Alpha 5 Star System after they are tired out after fighting three Giant Robots sent by Emperor Gruumm to attack Newtech City. This plan is found out by the Green SPD Ranger, judging him guilty by the Judgement Scanner but is able to escape after summoning a group Orangehead Krybots & Bluehead Krybots to fight the SPD Rangers while he entered the cockpit of his Giant Robot. He then fights the newly formed SWAT Megazord, with his Giant Robot being destroyed by it and him being trapped in a Confinement Card.

Voiced By: Glen Drake
Gineka is a wealthy space criminal that rose to the ranks of high society after gaining his vast wealth after invading the Alpha 5 Star System with his friends, Gineka & Chiaggo. Broodwing recruits him and his friends to fight the SPD Rangers in the Giant Robot he provided him to invade the Alpha 5 Star System after they are tired out after fighting three Giant Robots sent by Emperor Gruumm to attack Newtech City. This plan is found out by the Green SPD Ranger, judging him guilty by the Judgement Scanner but is able to escape after summoning a group Orangehead Krybots & Bluehead Krybots to fight the SPD Rangers while he entered the cockpit of his Giant Robot. He then fights the newly formed SWAT Megazord, with his Giant Robot being destroyed by it and him being trapped in a Confinement Card.

Professor Mooney
Voiced By: Cameron Rhodes
Professor Mooney is an alien scientist and an old schoolmate of Kat Manx that teams up with Broodwing to develop a powerful Giant Robot named the Gigabot, implanting data from the SPD Rangers zords and an explosive Helios Generator to make it indestructible. His location is found by Kat Manx, who tries to stop him and morphs into the Kat Ranger to fight an army of Krybots summoned by Broodwing. He later witnesses the Kat Ranger shutting down the Helios Generator, attempting to escape after this but is judged guilty by the Judgement Scanner and is trapped in a Confinement Card.

Voiced By: Blair Strang
Bork is a powerful alien mercenary that is responsible for leaving Alpha Centauri in ruins and is wanted on ten planets for various crimes. The space crime lord, Herrock attempts to destroy him with an army of Bluehead Krybots but Bork ends up vaporizing him without any difficulty. He then faces the Green SPD Ranger, capturing him and placing him inside a room that slowly gets smaller to crush him. He is later revealed to be working with Broodwing and fights four of the SPD Rangers while the Red SPD Ranger attempts to rescue the Green SPD Ranger. The SPD Rangers are eventually able to weaken him after cutting off his ponytail, with Broodwing providing him a Giant Robot to pilot, with it fighting the Omegamax Megazord before the SWAT Megazord destroys it after Bork is judged guilty by the Judgement Scanner, with him being trapped in a Confinement Card.

Voiced By: Geoff Dolan
Herrock is a white tiger-like space crime lord that betrays the alien mercenary, Bork and attempts to destroy him with four Bluehead Krybots. However, Bork is too powerful for him and is vaporized in an instant.

Kraw/Professor Cerebros
Voiced By: Stig Eldred
“History” & “Impact”
Kraw is a wanted cthulhu-like that disguises himself as the well-known scientist, Professor Cerebros in order to hide from SPD. He is teams up with Broodwing to use the Dino Gem to bring the Dino Rangers to present day and attempts to use them to fight the SPD Rangers. After this fails, he sends a Dragoul to attack Newtech City, which is eventually destroyed by the Deltamax Megazord. He later attempts to destroy the Earth with a Meteor, but the SPD Rangers figure out his true identity after the Green SPD Ranger scans his aura. He then takes his true form, summoning an army of Krybots & Bluehead Krybots to assist him in fighting the SPD Ranger, fighting the Red SPD Ranger & Blue SPD Ranger himself, being blasted into submission by the Blue SPD Ranger using two Delta Enforcers. He is then judged guilty by the Judgment Scanner and is blasted by a combined blast from the Delta Enforcers before being trapped in a Confinement Card.

Dragoul I
Voiced By: Patrick Wilson
The Dragoul is a powerful giant underground-dwelling monsters that is used by Kraw to fight the SPD Rangers. The first Dragoul is sent to fight the SPD Rangers in a quarry before retreating and grows giant to attack Newtech City while the SPD Rangers were fighting Emperor Gruumm, Morgana and an army of Krybots. He fights the Omegamax Megazord before being destroyed by Deltamax Megazord.

Dragoul II
Voiced By: Patrick Wilson
The Dragoul is a powerful giant underground-dwelling monsters that is used by Kraw to fight the SPD Rangers.The second Dragoul is summoned after Kraw is confined, fighting the Omegamax Megazord and growing even bigger than before, being able withstand attack from the Delta Squad Megazord, Omegamax Megazord & Delta Command Megazord. However, the Dragoul is destroyed after being blasted by the SWAT Megazord in its Cannon Mode.

Kraw’s Meteor
Kraw brought this meteor to Earth in order to use to hit the Earth in the case of needing it as a way to destroy SPD. It is destroyed when the Red SPD Ranger fires a close range blast at it with his Delta Enforcer.

Gruumm’s Extermination Force
Voiced By: James Gaylyn & Derek Judge
Gruumm’s Extermination Force is a group of Krybots consisting of two Orangehead Krybots & two Bluehead Krybots that are sent to destroy Broodwing. This backfires however when they are all destroyed by Broodwing.

Voiced By: Jason Hoyte
Ichthior is a powerful swordsman that was a rival to Commander Cruger when they both trained at SPD Academy. He is expelled from SPD Academy after he went too far while sparring and later took to a life of being an alien mercenary, fighting his opponents with his Ocean Saber. He eventually travels to Earth and teams up with Broodwing, fighting the SPD Rangers one-by-one and taking their badges after he’s defeated them in battle. He successfully does this to all of the SPD Rangers besides the Red SPD Ranger & Yellow SPD Ranger, who fight him in a quarry with an army of Krybots, Bluehead Krybots & Orangehead Krybots with Broodwing. The rest of the injured SPD Rangers eventually arrive to the fight, with Ichthior fighting the Shadow Ranger one-on-one, who defeats him in battle and after being judged guilty by the Judgment Scanner, is slashed by the Shadow Saber before being trapped in a Confinement Card.

Orangehead Krybot III
Voiced By: James Gaylyn
The Orangehead Krybot is an orange colored robot that is sent to claim Reefside for the Troobian Empire but is stopped by the Red SPD Ranger, who destroys him after hitting him with a barrage of attacks from his Delta Blasters.

Bluehead Krybot Trio
Voiced By: Derek Judge
The Bluehead Krybots are blue colored robots that fight the Green SPD Ranger at a Rock Quarry in Reefside that are easily destroyed by the Green SPD Ranger.

Orangehead Krybot IV
Voiced By: James Gaylyn
The Orangehead Krybot is an orange colored robot that is comes to the aid of three Bluehead Krybots while they’re fighting the Green SPD Ranger in a Rock Quarry. He is destroyed however by a blast from his Deltamax Striker.

Green Monster
Voiced By: Alistair Browning
Green Monster is a green bug-like monster created from one of Mora’s Drawings to be apart of the army led by Zeltrax to invade Reefside in the past. He fights the Blue Dino Ranger, Blue SPD Ranger & Green SPD Ranger before being destroyed by a combined attack from their Deltamax Strikers.

Spotty Eyed Monster
Voiced By: Peter Feeney
Green Monster is a blue bug-like monster created from one of Mora’s Drawings to be apart of the army led by Zeltrax to invade Reefside in the past. He fights the Yellow Dino Ranger, Yellow SPD Ranger & Pink SPD Ranger before being destroyed by a combined attack from their Thundermax Blaster & Deltamax Strikers.

Vine Monster
Voiced By: Robert Pollock
Vine Monster is a plant-like monster created from one of Mora’s Drawings to be apart of the army led by Zeltrax to invade Reefside in the past. He fights the Red Dino Ranger & Red SPD Ranger before being destroyed by a combined attack from their Battlizers.

Voiced By: Andrew Laing
Delex is an electrical space criminal that has the ability to turn living beings into electricity to store in his battery pack. He fights the Blue SPD Ranger & Yellow SPD Ranger after they witness this, overpowering them and retreating after the rest of the SPD Rangers arrive to the fight. He is later revealed to be working with Broodwing, who doesn’t trust him at first until he is given an energy accelerator to capture more people at a faster pace. He fights the SPD Rangers again and is able to overpower them until the Red SPD Ranger arrives to the fight, with his energy accelerator being destroyed and is blasted by a combined attack from the Red SPD Ranger, Blue SPD Ranger & Yellow SPD Ranger. He then grows after absorbing energy from his battery pack, fighting the SWAT Megazord and being trapped in a Confinement Card.

Voiced By: Tom Kane
Roswell is an alien creature tasked with guarding the ship containing the A-Squad Rangers on Gamma Orion with an army of Krybots. He is taken down and arrested by the Red SPD Ranger.

Voiced By: Robert Mignault
“Endings: Part 1”
Crabhead is a crab-like space criminal that is given golden armor and is apart of the army Broodwing assembles to attack the Delta Base. After failing to stop the SPD Rangers from ejecting Broodwing from the Delta Command Megazord cockpit, he fights the Blue SPD Ranger & Green SPD Ranger before being trapped in a Confinement Card after being slashed by the Delta Batons.

Voiced By: Edwin Wright
“Endings: Part 1”
Spiketor is a sea urchin-like space criminal that is given black armor and is apart of the army Broodwing assembles to attack the Delta Base. After failing to stop the SPD Rangers from ejecting Broodwing from the Delta Command Megazord cockpit, he fights the Omega Ranger before being trapped in a Confinement Card after taking an Omega Punch.

Voiced By: Michaela Rooney
“Endings: Part 1”
Lazor is a shrimp-like space criminal that is given red armor and is apart of the army Broodwing assembles to attack the Delta Base. After failing to stop the SPD Rangers from ejecting Broodwing from the Delta Command Megazord cockpit, she fights the Yellow SPD Ranger & Pink SPD Ranger before being trapped in a Confinement Card after being blasted by the Deltamax Strikers.

Mora’s Drawing Monsters
“Endings: Part 2”
Mora quickly draws these group of monsters to prevent the Shadow Ranger from reaching Emperor Gruumm and are all immediately destroyed by a slash from his Shadow Saber.

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