Austin, Grid Ranger Metallix Rosé

Name: Austin
Ranger: Grid Ranger Metallix Rosé
Pronouns: They/Them
Home Planet: Earth (Millennium City)
Species: Human

Character Bio

Austin is an aspiring influencer from Millennium City that travels to the present for unknown reasons. They meet Ray when they first arrive in the present and joins him on the Grid StarShip to aid him in collecting information for his Legendary Ranger Database and to gain a following on SpaceTok. After proving their queerness to Grid Master Emerald, they are given the Metallix Rosé Star Orb, becoming Grid Ranger Metallix Rosé.


Metallix Rosé Star Orb
The Metallix Rosé Star Orb is the power source of Grid Ranger Metallix Rosé.
It is given to Austin after they prove themselves in the Trial Of Queerness.

Metallix Star Wand
The Metallix Star Wand is a wand-like device that, when combined with the Metallix Rosé Star Orb, gives Austin the ability to morph into Grid Ranger Metallix Rosé.

Grid Star Comm
The Grid Star Comm is a communication/watch device used by the Grid Rangers Metallix.
It also gives the Grid Rangers Metallix the ability to teleport.


StarStrike Bow
The StarStrike Bow is the personal bow-like weapon of Grid Ranger Metallix Rosé.

Metallix Rosé StarSaber
The Metallix Rosé StarSaber is a sword-like weapon used by Grid Ranger Metallix Rosé.

Ranger Orb Transformations

Blue Dino Charge Ranger
Episode: “True Blue”
Austin morphs into the Blue Dino Charge Ranger in an attempt to prove to Ray that Ollie Akana is an inferior Blue Ranger.

Red Samurai Ranger
“Clash Of The Metallix”
Austin morphs into the Red Samurai Ranger in order to activate Commentary Protocol.