Amber, Grid Ranger Metallix Gold

Name: Amber
Ranger: Grid Ranger Metallix Gold
Pronouns: She/Her
Home Planet: Aquitar
Species: Xybrian

Character Bio

Amber is a Xybrian orphan that was raised by the Aquitian Rangers to become a skilled ninja. After meeting Ray & Austin when the two are on Aquitar to update the Legendary Ranger Database, she joins the crew of the Grid StarShip as extra muscle and to train Ray & Austin how to be competent fighters. After proving her critiquing skills to Grid Master Emerald, she is given the Metallix Gold Star Orb, becoming Grid Ranger Metallix Gold.


Metallix Gold Star Orb
The Metallix Rosé Gold Orb is the power source of Grid Ranger Metallix Gold.
It is given to Amber after she proves herself in the Trial Of Critique.

Metallix Star Wand
The Metallix Star Wand is a wand-like device that, when combined with the Metallix Gold Star Orb, gives Amber the ability to morph into Grid Ranger Metallix Gold.

Grid Star Comm
The Grid Star Comm is a communication/watch device used by the Grid Rangers Metallix.
It also gives the Grid Rangers Metallix the ability to teleport.


StarSpin Yo-Yo
The StarSpin Yo-Yo is the personal yo-yo-like weapon of Grid Ranger Metallix Gold.

Metallix Gold StarSaber
The Metallix Gold StarSaber is a sword-like weapon used by Grid Ranger Metallix Gold.


Metallix Raptor Rider
The Gold Metallix Raptor Rider is a raptor-like creature given to Amber by Grid Master Emerald. It ridden by her in battle and going from place to place while embarking on adventures throughout the universe.

Ranger Orb Transformations

Gold Dino Charge Ranger
Episode: “StarShip Of Terror I”
Amber morphs into the Gold Dino Charge Ranger to fight the Court Jester.

Gold Zeo Ranger
Episode: “Glitchy’s Magical Christmas”
Amber morphs into the Gold Zeo Ranger to fight Cronies that Glitchy accidentally releases from the Simudeck on Christmas Eve.

Alternate Forms

Rita Repulsa
“StarShip Of Terror I”
Amber dresses up as Rita Repulsa for the Halloween Party being held at the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum. Her costume wins first prize at the Costume Contest.

Aisha Campbell
 “Level Up”
Amber becomes Aisha Campbell when she and the rest of the Grid Rangers Metallix are trapped in Rita’s Rewind.