The Rangers

Grid Rangers Metallix

Ray, Grid Ranger Metallix Silver
(Ranger Of Knowledge)
Ray is a prince from the planet, KO-35 that gains a love and appreciation for documenting the history of the Power Rangers Universe after witnessing the Space Rangers save the universe from the United Alliance Of Evil. Growing bored of his royal duties, Ray decides to travel the universe to create the Legendary Ranger Database in his Royal Karovian Megaship, the Grid StarShip. After proving his knowledge to Grid Master Emerald, he is given the Metallix Silver Star Orb, becoming Grid Ranger Metallix Silver and leader of the Grid Rangers Metallix.

Austin, Grid Ranger Metallix Rosé
(Ranger Of Queerness)
Austin is an aspiring influencer from Millennium City that travels to the present for unknown reasons. They meet Ray when they first arrive in the present and joins him on the Grid StarShip to aid him in collecting information for his Legendary Ranger Database and to gain a following on SpaceTok. After proving their queerness to Grid Master Emerald, they are given the Metallix Rosé Star Orb, becoming Grid Ranger Metallix Rosé.

Amber, Grid Ranger Metallix Gold
(Ranger Of Critique)
Amber is a Xybrian orphan that was raised by the Aquitian Rangers to become a skilled ninja. After meeting Ray & Austin when the two are on Aquitar to update the Legendary Ranger Database, she joins the crew of the Grid StarShip as extra muscle and to train Ray & Austin how to be competent fighters. After proving her critiquing skills to Grid Master Emerald, she is given the Metallix Gold Star Orb, becoming Grid Ranger Metallix Gold.