Squadron Rangers
Rhian, Red Squadron Ranger/Red Emissary
Rhian is a young member of the inhabitance of the Planet 0117 in the A47 Galaxy. After meeting the Morphinaut the day Dark Specter attacked her planet, she uses her Morphin’ Heart in conjunction with energy from the Morphin’ Grid from Morphinaut to channel powers of various Red Rangers. After Orisonth is able to create a device called a morpher to network energy from the Morphin’ Grid, she becomes the Red Squadron Ranger and later becomes the Red Emissary after she purged Dark Specter from the Morphinaut. She takes the role, alongside the Blue Emissary & Yellow Emissary to monitor the Morphin’ Grid.
Orisonth, Blue Squadron Ranger/Blue Emissary
Orisonth is a young member of the inhabitance of the Planet 0117 in the A47 Galaxy and the partner of Aleia. After meeting the Morphinaut the day Dark Specter attacked their planet, they use their Morphin’ Heart in conjunction with energy from the Morphin’ Grid from Morphinaut to channel powers of various Blue Rangers. After Orisonth is able to create a device called a morpher to network energy from the Morphin’ Grid, they become the Blue Squadron Ranger and later becomes the Blue Emissaryafter she purged Dark Specter from the Morphinaut. They take the role, alongside the Red Emissary & Yellow Emissary to monitor the Morphin’ Grid.
Telosi, Green Squadron Ranger/Green Emissary
Telosi is a young member of the inhabitance of the Planet 0117 in the A47 Galaxy and the brother of Xev. After meeting the Morphinaut the day Dark Specter attacked his planet, he uses his Morphin’ Heart in conjunction with energy from the Morphin’ Grid from Morphinaut to channel powers of various Green Rangers. After Orisonth is able to create a device called a morpher to network Morphin’ Grid energy, he becomes the Green Squadron Ranger and later becomes the Green Emissary after he purged Dark Specter from the Morphinaut. He takes the role, alongside the Black Emissary to ensure the Morphin’ Grid isn’t corrupted by Dark Specter.
Phiro, Yellow Squadron Ranger/Yellow Emissary
Phiro is a young member of the inhabitance of the Planet 0117 in the A47 Galaxy and also has a pet dinosaur named Whendi. After meeting the Morphinaut the day Dark Specter attacked his planet, he uses his Morphin’ Heart in conjunction with energy from the Morphin’ Grid from Morphinaut to channel powers of various Yellow Rangers. After Orisonth is able to create a device called a morpher to network energy from the Morphin’ Grid, he becomes the Yellow Squadron Ranger and later becomes the Yellow Emissary after he purged Dark Specter from the Morphinaut. He takes the role, alongside the Blue Emissary & Red Emissary to monitor the Morphin’ Grid.
Aleia, Pink Squadron Ranger/Pink Emissary
Aleia is a young member of the inhabitance of the Planet 0117 in the A47 Galaxy and the partner of Orisonth. After meeting the Morphinaut the day Dark Specter attacked her planet, she uses her Morphin’ Heart in conjunction energy from the Morphin’ Grid from Morphinaut to channel powers of various Pink Rangers. After Orisonth is able to create a device called a morpher to network energy from the Morphin’ Grid, she become the Pink Squadron Ranger and later becomes the Pink Emissary after she purged Dark Specter from the Morphinaut. She takes the role of protecting the Morphin’ Grid from various threats.
Xev, Black Squadron Ranger/Black Emissary
Xev is a young member of the inhabitance of the Planet 0117 in the A47 Galaxy and the brother of Telosi. After he is purified by the Morphinaut when Dark Specter corrupts him, he uses his Morphin’ Heart in conjunction with energy from the Morphin’ Grid from Morphinaut to channel powers of various Black Rangers. After Orisonth is able to create a device called a morpher to network energy from the Morphin’ Grid, he becomes the Black Squadron Ranger and later becomes the Black Emissary after he purged Dark Specter from the Morphinaut. He takes the role, alongside the Green Emissary to ensure the Morphin’ Grid isn’t corrupted by Dark Specter.