Xi is a robotic assistant created by the Blue Emissary to assist the Omega Rangers in their various missions in fighting evil and protecting the innocent. Xi is also the pilot of the Omega Ranger’s personal ship, the Spectrum II until Lord Drakkon commandeers it for himself, with XI being destroyed in the process. XI is eventually rebuilt however without their memory, preferring not to regains this due to the trauma of remembering their own destruction.
Arkon is a bird-like alien from the planet Circina and a former Empowered that stays on Safehaven after being drained of this power to become somewhat of a wise elder and caretaker. However, when the surviving Hartunian’s attempt to build a home on Safehaven, Arkon attempts to exact revenge on them for what the Hartunian’s did to his people until Zack Taylor is able to break up the dispute. Arkon’s hatred for the Hartunian’s dissipates eventually as he becomes close to an orphan named Kevor Vrin.
Journey is an alien baby of unknown origin that is found by Zack Taylor & Trini Kwan after they respond to a distress beacon in the Mindrow System. Journey has the ability to rapidly age, going from baby to child to adolescent in a short amount of time. They also develop romantic feeling for the orphaned Hartunian, Kevor Vrin once they reach their teenaged years, eventually dying of old age after fighting the Death Ranger on KO-35.
Kevor Vrin
Kevor Vrin is a Hartunian living on Safehaven as an orphan and thief after his parents, two guards of the King Rether Till died in the destruction of Hartunia. He comes in contact Zack Taylor after he interrogates him for stealing a Morphin’ Master Spear and later befriends Arkon after the two bond over their common loss and trauma. He also develop feelings for the unknown alien Journey once they reach their teenaged years.
Emissary Three
Blue Emissary
The Blue Emissary is a member of the Emissary Three that survived being destroyed by the first Blue Omega Ranger, Kiya as a spiritual entity. This spiritual entity leads Yale to become the next Blue Omega Ranger and also assists Billy Cranston in bringing Zordon’s essence back into the world. He return to his corporeal form after the Orange Empyreal is destroyed by the White Tiger Dragonzord, leaving the Earth and the Omega Ranger at the end of The Eltarian War in search of The Morphin’ Masters.
Yellow Emissary
The Yellow Emissary is the last surviving member of the Emissary Three that Trini Kwan attempts to contact to gain intel on how to defeat the Empyreals. She eventually succeeds in contacting the Yellow Emissary but denies her request for help. The Omega Rangers eventually finds the Yellow Emissary and explains the history of the Empyreals to them and reveal their master. The Empyreals arrive on the planet shortly and kills the Yellow Emissary to release the final Empyreal.
Hartunian Army
Empress Evor Til
Empress Evor Til is the wife of the Hartunian Emperor that asks for the Omega Rangers help after her husband decides to refuse their help in evacuating Hartunia before the Empyreals arrive. Evor is destroyed when the Blue Empyreal destroys Hartunia while attempting to evacuate as many Hartunians as possible.
Tykwa is a member of the KO-35 Colony and an ally of Andros, the Red Space Ranger.