III. Zords


Red Dragon Thunderzord
Pilot: Mighty Morphin’ Red Ranger
The Red Dragon Thunderzord is a dragon-like zord that is created from the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord after it is infused with the power of thunder and is piloted by the Red Ranger. The Red Dragon Thunderzord can transform into a humanoid form known as the Red Dragon Thunderzord Warrior Mode.

Unicorn Thunderzord
Pilot: Mighty Morphin’ Blue Ranger
The Unicorn Thunderzord is a unicorn-like zord that is created from the Triceratops Dinozord after it is infused with the power of thunder and is piloted by the Blue Ranger.

Lion Thunderzord
Pilot: Mighty Morphin’ Black Ranger
The Lion Thunderzord is a lion-like zord that is created from the Mastodon Dinozord after it is infused with the power of thunder and is piloted by the Black Ranger.

Griffin Thunderzord
Pilot: Mighty Morphin’ Yellow Ranger
The Griffin Thunderzord is a griffin-like zord that is created from the Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord after it is infused with the power of thunder and is piloted by the Yellow Ranger.

Firebird Thunderzord
Pilot: Mighty Morphin’ Pink Ranger
The Firebird Thunderzord is a phoenix-like zord that is created from the Pterodactyl Dinozord after it is infused with the power of thunder and is piloted by the Pink Ranger.

Thunder Megazord

Thunder Megazord
(Red Dragon Thunderzord, Unicorn Thunderzord, Lion Thunderzord, Griffin Thunderzord & Firebird Thunderzord)
The Thunderzords can combine with each other to form the Thunder Megazord.

White Tigerzord

White Tigerzord
Pilot: Mighty Morphin’ White Ranger
The White Tigerzord is a white tiger-like zord that is piloted by the White Ranger.
The White Tigerzord has the ability to transform into a humanoid form called the White Tigerzord Warrior Mode.


Pilot: Mighty Morphin’ Green Ranger
The Dragonzord is a dragon-like zord that the Green Ranger controls with the
Dragon Dagger.

White Tiger Dragonzord
(White Tigerzord & Dragonzord)
The Dragonzord can combine with the White Tigerzord to form the White Tiger Dragonzord.