Dark Rangers

Dark Rangers

Rita Repulsa (Putty Clone), Red Dark Ranger
The Rita Repulsa Putty Clone is created by Finster that presumably has the same powers as the original Rita Repulsa, but none of her flaws. After showing her strength to Lord Zedd, the Rita Repulsa Putty Clone is given the powers of the Red Dark Ranger. After being defeated by the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, she leaves the Earth and eventually ends up on Terquan 7, taking over the planet and transforms some its inhabitants into clones of the minions of the real Rita Repulsa. After being imprisoned after the Phantom Ranger defeats her, she teams up with him to overthrow the tyrannical leader of Terquan 7. She then leaves Terquan 7 to find purpose in her life.


Squatt, Blue Dark Ranger
Squatt is a blue skinned hobgolbin-like alien from the planet, Myrgo that is given to Rita Repulsa as a baby by his parents and raised to be a member of her crew. After Lord Zedd takes over the Moon Palace, Squatt pledges his loyalty to Lord Zedd. He is given the task of waiting on Dayne after he is hired by Lord Zedd to destroy the Power Rangers and later retreats to Earth after the Moon Palace is raided by the Omega Rangers. Squatt later returns to the services of Lord Zedd and is transformed into the Blue Dark Ranger. Squatt is tasked by Lord Zedd to go to the Command Center and make sure Zordon is destroyed for good by the Eltarian Empire. However, he ends up in the crossfires of the assault on the Command Center and retreats to Safehaven with members of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and Omega Rangers. He later returns to the services of Lord Zedd at the end of The Eltarian War but swears his loyalty to Mistress Vile after she returns to take over the Moon Palace.


Baboo, Black Dark Ranger
Baboo is a monkey/vampire-like alchemist from the planet, Pongies that joins Rita Repulsa’s crew after he turns entire species into stone. After Lord Zedd takes over the Moon Palace, Baboo pledges his loyalty to Lord Zedd. He is given the task of waiting on Dayne after he is hired by Lord Zedd to destroy the Power Rangers and later retreats to Earth after the Moon Palace is raided by the Omega Rangers. Baboo later returns to the services of Lord Zedd and is transformed into the Black Dark Ranger. Baboo is later tasked by Lord Zedd to go to the Command Center and make sure Zordon is destroyed for good by the Eltarian Empire. However, he ends up in the crossfires of the assault on the Command Center and retreats to Safehaven with members of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and Omega Rangers. He later question his loyalty to Lord Zedd and temporarily joins the team on Safehaven to fight the Eltarian Empire. He later returns to the services of Lord Zedd at the end of The Eltarian War and flees the Moon Palace after nearly being destroyed after refusing to join Mistress Vile.


Goldar, Yellow Dark Ranger
Goldar is a winged golden monkey-like alien that was once a general in Lord Zedd’s Army that was sent to act as a spy to keep an eye on Rita Repulsa. After she figures this out, she offers him a role in her army as her second-in-command in return for his loyalty. He is temporarily banished to his Dark Dimension after letting the Green Ranger defect to the side of good until Rita Repulsa takes control of the Command Center, leading an army of clones sculpted by Finster. After Lord Zedd arrives to the Moon Palace, he swears his loyalty to his former master until he is captured by the Omega Rangers during their raid. He then hides on Earth, assuming command of Lord Zedd’s Army after revealing he has Lord Zedd’s broken Z Staff. Goldar later uses Lord Zedd’s Staff to create monsters to attack Angel Grove but retreats after the White Ranger destroys the Z Staff. Goldar later returns to the services of Lord Zedd and is transformed into the Yellow Dark Ranger. Goldar is later tasked by Lord Zedd to go to the Command Center to confirm Zordon is destroyed for good by the Eltarian Empire. However, he ends up in the crossfires of the assault on the Command Center and retreats to Safehaven with members of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and Omega Rangers. He later returns to the services of Lord Zedd at the end of The Eltarian War and flees the Moon Palace after nearly being destroyed after refusing to serve Mistress Vile.


Finster, Pink Dark Ranger
Finster is a russell terrier-like alien and a skilled artist that Rita Repulsa recruits into her forces after his sculpting skill causes the death of his wife, Plepra. He is in charge of creating monsters and Putty Patrollers in his Monster-Matic for Rita Repulsa to fight against the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. Finster also has great tech knowledge, being able to hack into Alpha 5’s computer banks. After his Empress flees Earth, Finister decides to stay on Earth to perfect his skills by building an undisclosed town in Romania and sculpting Putty Patrollers & Monsters with the ability to take human form. Finster is eventually captured by the Power Rangers but not before it is revealed that he has more creatures disguised as humans in different parts of the world. He later returns to Rita Repulsa’s services after she returns to the Moon Palace. Finster later serves Lord Zedd once he takes over the Moon Palace and exiles Rita Repulsa. Finster’s role is later reduced to Putty Patroller creator, to his chagrin and is ordered to recreate the Green Crystal so that said could recreate his Dark Rangers. However, Finster retreats to Earth the Moon Palace after the Omega Rangers raid it and only has a small piece of clay in his possession. Finster later returns to the services of Lord Zedd and is transformed into the Yellow Dark Ranger. Finster is tasked by Lord Zedd to go to the Command Center and make sure Zordon is destroyed for good by the Eltarian Empire. However, he ends up in the crossfires of the assault on the Command Center and retreats to Safehaven with members of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and Omega Rangers. He later returns to the services of Lord Zedd at the end of The Eltarian War but swears his loyalty to Mistress Vile after she returns to take over the Moon Palace.