Monster Method
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers
Finster created monsters from clay sculptures and cooked them in his Monster-Matic.
After Lord Zedd takes over the Moon Palace, his job as monster maker is put on hold until after Rita & Zedd get married.
Lord Zedd’s Staff
Seasons: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2, Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3 & Mighty Morphin’ Alien Rangers
Lord Zedd created monsters by shooting a bolt of energy at an animal or an object.
Master Vile’s Monster Eggs
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3
Master Vile has the ability to create monsters by spitting out eggs from his mouth and cracking them open.
Machine Empire Monsters
Season: Power Rangers Zeo
The Machine Empire monsters were created by unknown circumstances, but most likely built with abilities that reflected their mission goal.
Rita Repulsa’s Magic Wand
Season: Power Rangers Zeo
Rita Repulsa is able to create the Impursonator by blasting a burst of energy at Katherine Hillard’s Purse.
Divatox’s Monster Army
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Divatox or Porto can summon monsters from unknown parts.
However, a few instances showed Porto having the ability to create monsters.
Astronema’s Monster Army
Season: Power Rangers In Space
Astronema had the ability to summon monsters from unknown parts or create them out of thin air.
Scorpius’ & Trakeena’s Monster Army
Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Scorpius & Trakeena had a large number of monsters that were apart of their army.
Captain Mutiny’s Monster Crew
Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Captain Mutiny had a few monsters under his command.
Jinxer’s Monster Card
Season: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
Jinxer created monsters from magic cards in his possession or from the other demons that served Queen Bansheera.
Mutant Reanimation
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
Ransik used a reanimation machine located in the Cryo Prison to reanimate frozen mutant criminals.
Frax’s Robots
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
Frax created a few robots to fight the Time Force Rangers, powering them with Tryzurium Crystals.
Org Spirits
Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
Fallen Org Spirits came to life after bonding with modern day items.
P.A.M (Personal Alien Manager)
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Lothor and his crew used the P.A.M. to summon Evil Space Ninjas from Lothor’s Army.
Geno Randomizer
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Mesogog and his generals used the Geno Randomizer to create mutations by mixing the DNA of plants & animals with objects.
Mora/Morgana’s Drawings
Season: Power Rangers SPD
When Emperor Gruumm didn’t have a space criminal to do his dirty work for him, Mora/Morgana created monsters from drawings that came to life.
Morlock Monster Army
Season: Power Rangers Mystic Force
Morticon had an army of monsters at his disposal.
However, when Imperious takes over, he summoned monsters from a Dark Seal.
Stone Of Judgement/Selection Ceremony
Season: Power Rangers Mystic Force
The Stone Of Judgement perform a Selection Ceremony to determine which Ten Terror is able to unleash their wrath on the Surface World.
Flurious’ Robots
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Flurious had the ability to bring to life or create giant robots.
Moltor’s Lizard Army
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Moltor had the ability to create monsters by mutating his Lava Lizards.
Kamdor’s Ninja Scrolls
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Kamdor had the ability to create monsters by wrapping everyday objects around his magic scrolls.
Fearcat’s Giant Robots
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
The Fearcats had the ability to create giant robots.
Thrax’s Monster Summoning
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Thrax can summon monsters to do his dirty work, one being the monster, Vulturus.
Rinshi Beasts
Season: Power Rangers Jungle Fury
The Dai Shi Clan gave animal spirits to Rinshi to transform them into Rinshi Beasts.
Phantom Beast Warriors
Season: Power Rangers Jungle Fury
The Phantom Beast Generals have access to the eight Phantom Beast Warriors.
Attack Bots
Season: Power Rangers RPM
Venjix and his generals can design Attack Bots, which are created in a cylinder and taken out by a giant crane.
Nighlok Army
Seasons: Power Rangers Samurai & Power Rangers Super Samurai
Nighlok swam in the Sanzu River until they are summoned by Master Xandred.
Warstar Insectoids
Season: Power Rangers Megaforce
Warstar Insectiods travel to the Warstar Spaceship from unknown locations in space.
Toxic Beasts
Season: Power Rangers Megaforce
The Toxic Beasts are summoned from unknown locations on Earth.
Metal Alice’s Robots
Season: Power Rangers Megaforce
Metal Alice can design robots on her tablet and bring them to life through a stand in Vrak’s Underwater Lab.
Armada Commanders
Season: Power Rangers Super Megaforce
Armada Commanders are summoned from unknown locations in space.
Sledge’s Prisoners
Seasons: Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
Sledge has an army of monsters in cages and are released when needed and would offer them their freedom in return for their services.
When Heckyl takes over the prison, he use intimidation tactics to get these prisoners to do his dirty work.
Galaxy Warrior Contestants
Seasons: Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
Cosmo Royale chooses warrior contestant to fight the Ninja Steel Rangers in order to obtain their Ninja Power Stars for Galvanax and later Madame Odius.
Robotron Maker
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
The Robotron Maker can be used by Evox’s General to transform everyday items into Robotrons.
Sporix Beasts (Void Knight)
Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury
The Sporix Beasts are monsters hatched from pods around Pine Ridge and are used by Void Knight to collect more Sporix.
Sporix Beasts (Void Queen)
Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury
Void Queen summons Sporix Beasts from the collected Sporix inside the Sporix Machine to fight the Dino Fury Rangers.
Squid Ink’s Resources
Season: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
Squid Ink has many resources for monsters, which includes Copyguards and various alien creatures.