Foot Soldiers
Putty Patrollers
Seasons: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 1 & Power Rangers Beast Morphers
Special: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Once And Always
The Putty Patrollers are clay warriors sculpted from clay by Finster and are used as foot soldiers by the Evil Space Aliens. They are later used by the the bounty hunter, Ryjack thanks to his Reanimizer and by Robo Rita.
Z Putties
Seasons: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2 & Power Rangers In Space
The Z Putties are gray clay warriors that are used as foot soldiers by Lord Zedd. They are vastly stronger than regular Putty Patrollers but shatter whenever someone hits the Z on their vest.
Tenga Warriors
Seasons: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3, Mighty Morphin’ Alien Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers In Space & Power Rangers SPD
The Tenga Warriors are bird-like creatures given to Rita & Zedd as a Wedding Present by Rito Revolto. They become foot soldiers to Rita & Zedd after hatching and become more powerful after they are given food by Master Vile. A Tenga Warrior is seen as a patron of Piggy’s Cafe on Earth.
Seasons: Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers In Space & Power Rangers Wild Force
The Cogs are metallic robot soldiers that are used as foot soldiers by the Machine Empire. The Cogs perform many tasks, which includes fighting the Zeo Rangers and piloting the Quadrafighters. The Cogs are lated used by the Machine Empire to dig up Serpentera.
Seasons: Power Rangers Turbo, Power Rangers In Space & Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
The Piranhatrons are fish-like warriors that are used as foot soldiers Divatox’s Space Pirates. The Piranhatrons are also used by the United Alliance Of Evil for various missions and are also seen as guards of the Pink Quasar Saber at the Onyx Auction.
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
The Chromites are multi-colored squid-like creatures that are used as foot soldiers by General Havoc. They are also in charge of running the Divatox’s Space Base.
Season: Power Rangers In Space
The Quantrons are black & white metallic warriors that are used as foot soldiers by Astronema and the United Alliance Of Evil.
Season: Power Rangers In Space
The Craterites are twisted purple-colored foot soldiers programmed into the Simudeck to fight the Space Rangers. They escape the Simudeck after lightning hits the Astro Megazord and disguise themselves as human they’ve replaced to take over Angel Grove. The Space Rangers are able to locate them, fighting them en masse until the Red Space Ranger is given a program installed into a new weapon, the Spiral Saber Booster Mode, which the Craterites survive and form into one giant being known as the Craterite Conglomerate. The Astro Megazord has a hard time fighting the Craterite Conglomerate due to its ability to reform until the Astro Megazord blasts the Lead Craterite that had a program installed into it, returning all of the Craterites back into the Simudeck.
Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
The Stingwingers are bug-like creatures that are used as foot soldiers by Scorpius & Trakeena. The Stingerwingers live in a hive on the Scorpion Stinger and are all destroyed when Trakeena attach bombs to them and unleash them on a damaged Terra Venture.
Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
The Swabbies are orange-skinned pirates that are used as foot soldiers by Captain Mutiny.
Season: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
The Batlings are bat-like creatures that are used as foot soldiers by Queen Bansheera’s Demons.
Season: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
The Ghouls are cloaked creatures that are used as foot soldiers by Triskull & Trakeena, replacing her Stingwingers.
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
The Cyclobots are robotic soldiers created by Doctor Louis Ferricks to serve humanity in the future. After Ransik destroys his laboratory, he steals his Cyclobots, becoming foot soldiers to Ransik and his Mutant Army.
Demon Warriors
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
The Demon Warriors are five multi-colored demonic warriors resurrected by Vypra that she uses as extra muscle while attempting to acquire the Solar Amulet. They are destroyed by their respective colored Lightspeed Ranger & Time Force Ranger.
Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
The Putrids are lower level Orgs that are summoned by Toxica through liquid in a shell.
They are used as foot soldiers for higher rankings Orgs.
Seasons: Power Rangers Ninja Storm & Power Rangers Dino Thunder
The Kelzaks are black ninja-like creatures that are used as foot soldiers by the Evil Space Ninjas. They can be summoned through a device known as a Personal Alien Manager.
Kelzak Furies
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
The Kelzaks Furies are powered-up Kelzaks created by Beevil to aid her in defeating the Wind Rangers, Thunder Rangers & Green Samurai Ranger. The first group of Kelzak Furies are destroyed by the Wind Ranger’s Ninja Sword in Gold Mode. The Kelzaks Furies are later used by Zurgane in an attempt to prove himself to Lothor and by Marah & Kapri to distract Hunter Bradley & Cam Watanabe while they were researching the progress of the Abyss Of Evil.
Seasons: Power Rangers Dino Thunder & Power Rangers SPD
The Tyrannodrones are dinosaur/reptile hybrid creatures that are created by Anton Mercer & Tommy Oliver. They are later used as foot soldiers after Anton Mercer becomes Mesogog.
Seasons: Power Rangers Dino Thunder & Power Rangers Beast Morphers
The Triptoids are black & white amoeba-like creatures from the video game, Wizard Wood. When they are accidentally brought into the real world by Demagnetron, Zeltrax captures them and gives them to Mesogog to use as secondary foot soldiers. They also become foot soldiers to Zeltrax after he decides to leave Mesogog’s Army. The Triptoids are also used by Evox’s Crew, summoning them from the Reanimizer.
Season: Power Rangers SPD
The Krybots are robotic soldiers that are sold by Broodwing as foot soldiers to various space criminals, specifically the Troobian Empire.
Bluehead Krybots
Season: Power Rangers SPD
The Bluehead Krybot is a blue-headed robot and a more powerful version of a regular Krybot. A Bluehead Krybot is usually used to lead small missions or pilot giant robots.
Orangehead Krybots
Season: Power Rangers SPD
The Orangehead Krybot is an orange-headed spiky robot the most powerful version of Krybot. The Orangehead Krybot is usually summoned when extra muscle to fight the SPD Rangers.
Season: Power Rangers Mystic Force
The Hidiacs are zombie-like creatures that are used as foot soldiers by The Morlocks.
Season: Power Rangers Mystic Force
The Styxoids are zombie-like creatures that are stronger than the Hidiacs. They are mostly used to lead attacks against the Surface World for The Morlocks.
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
The Chillers are creatures made of ice that are used as foot soldiers by Flurious. The Chillers are also used by Moltor to assist him in his search for Thor’s Hammer after Norg gives him some Chiller Stones.
Lava Lizards
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
The Lava Lizards are lizard-like creatures used as foot soldiers by Moltor.
Ninja Stuntmen
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
The Ninja Stuntmen are human stuntmen working on the movie, Ninja Rumba that are brainwashed by Kamdor to use as temporary foot soldiers during an altercation with Moltor and the Overdrive Rangers.
Season: Power Rangers Jungle Fury
The Rinshi are white-faced warriors that are used as foot soldiers by the Dai Shi Clan They can also transform after being powered-up with an animal spirit known as a Rinshi Beast.
Seasons: Power Rangers RPM, Power Rangers Samurai & Power Rangers Super Megaforce
The Grinders are robotic warriors that are used as foot soldiers by the Venjix Computer Network and later by Professor Cog.
Seasons: Power Rangers Samurai & Power Rangers Super Samurai
The Moogers are lower level crab-like Nighlok that are used as foot soldiers by higher ranking Nighlok.
Giant Moogers
Seasons: Power Rangers Samurai & Power Rangers Super Samurai
The Giant Moogers are giant lower level crab-like Nighlok that are used as foot soldiers by higher ranking Nighlok as Mega Monsters.
Purple Moogers
Seasons: Power Rangers Samurai & Power Rangers Super Samurai
The Purple Moogers are lower level crab-like Nighlok that are used as foot soldiers by General Gut & Eyescar.
Seasons: Power Rangers Samurai & Power Rangers Super Samurai
The Spitfangs are crocodile-like Nighlok that are used as extra muscle by higher ranking Nighlok.
Season: Power Rangers Megaforce
The Loogies are neon green bug-like creatures that are used as foot soldiers by The Warstar.
Season: Power Rangers Super Megaforce
The X-Borgs are metallic robotic warriors that are used as foot soldiers by The Armada. The remaining X-Borgs fight the Megaforce Rangers and Legendary Rangers during an event called the Legendary Battle
Season: Power Rangers Super Megaforce
The Bruisers are commanders to the X-Borgs that have the ability to grow alongside commanders of The Armada.
Voiced By: Barnaby Fredric & Daryl Habraken
Season: Power Rangers Super Megaforce
The Kingmen are red-colored Bruisers that serve The Armada as the elite guards of Emperor Mavro.
Seasons: Power Rangers Dino Charge, Power Rangers Dino Super Charge, Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Beast Morphers
The Vivix are amoeba-like creatures that are used as foot soldiers by Sledge and other various villains hunting the Energems. The Vivix are also used by Ryjac & Evox’s Crew, summoning them from the Reanimizer.
Seasons: Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
The Vivizords are giant creatures that form when multiple Vivix fuse together to attack Amber Beach.
Voiced By: Campbell Cooley
Seasons: Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
The Spikeballs are elite foot soldiers that also work as prison guards on Sledge’s Ship. They are also secondary foot soldiers used by Sledge and other various villains hunting the Energems.
Seasons: Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
The Kudabots are blue robotic soldiers that are used as foot soldiers by Galaxy Warrior Contestants. The Kudabots are also used to do menial tasks on the Warrior Dome.
Seasons: Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
The Basherbots are blue robotic soldiers that are more powerful versions of the Kudabots. They are used by Galaxy Warrior Contestants when extra muscle is needed and eventually become the primary foot soldiers for Galaxy Warrior Contestant. The last of the Basherbots are later reprogrammed by Wrench to use as foot soldiers while they are on the Warrior Dome but are all destroyed when the Warrior Dome is destroyed by a bomb disguised as a Christmas Present.
Seasons: Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
The Skullgators are giant crocodile monsters summoned by Cosmo Royale when a monster doesn’t get enough votes to get gigantified and also assist giant Galaxy Warrior Contestants in fighting the Ninja Steel Rangers.
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
The Foxbots are kitsune-themed robotic ninjas that are used as foot soldiers by the Galactic Ninjas. Madame Odius fuses four of them into the Foxitron.
Ranger Clone Army
(Red Ranger, Pink Turbo Ranger, Blue Space Ranger, Black Dino Ranger, White Dino Ranger, Gold Samurai Ranger & Yellow Megaforce Ranger)
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
The Ranger Clone Army is created from robotic clone technology provided to Lord Draven from Madame Odius and are given powers extracted by the captured Legendary Rangers. They were going to be used by Lord Draven to invade the multiverse but are all destroyed by the combined efforts of the Ninja Steel Rangers & Legendary Rangers.
Putty Patrollers
Voiced By: Fred Tatasciore
Movie: Power Rangers (2017)
The Putty Patrollers are warrior summoned from the ground by Rita Repulsa and are used as her foot soldiers that invade Angel Grove, looking for the Zeo Crystal.
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
The Tronics are purple robotic warriors created by Scrozzle that are used as foot soldiers by Evox
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
The Gigatronics are giant robotic warriors used in giant battles to assist Gigadrones.
Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury
The Hengemen are knight-like creatures that were originally used by the Knights Of Rafkon. Void Knight steals their Power Key after he breaks into Dinohenge, becoming foot soldiers to The Voids & Sporix Beasts.
Season: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
The Zentinels are metallic robotic soldiers created from the resources of planets mined by the Squid Drills. They are used by Squid Ink Inc as their foot soldiers during their galactic invasion led by Lord Zedd.
Season: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
The Copyguards are bodyguards that guard higher ranking members of Squid Ink Inc.