Power Rangers is a franchise that treats the way it adapts Super Sentai villain factions in many different ways. They can either completely copy the villain faction in its hierarchy or completely throw out of the formula and add in new villains to replace others, swap around its hierarchy, or just adapt an important villain into a monster-of-the-week.
Villain Demotion
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 1
Lokar’s sentai counterpart, Dai Satan was essentially the puppet master of the villains in Zyuranger while Lokar was just a giant floating head Rita summoned a few times.
Mondo The Magician
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
Mondo The Magician’s sentai counterpart, Shadam was a main villain in Dairanger while Mondo The Magician was just a character in Grumble The Magic Elf.
Rito Revolto
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3, Mighty Morphin’ Alien Rangers & Power Rangers Zeo
Rito Revolto’s sentai counterpart, Prince Junior in Kakuranger was considered to be the main villain for a handful of episode while he’s just a mere general/comic relief in MMPR Season 3.
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3
Dischordia’s sentai counterpart, Yama-uba was the sister of the main villain in Kakuranger while Dischordia was just a monster-of-the-week that made the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers do memeable dances.
Prince Gasket
Season: Power Rangers Zeo
Prince Gasket’s sentai counterpart, Kaiser Buldont ended up as the final arc leader of the Machine Empire in Ohranger while Prince Gasket just attempted to take over the Machine Empire while his father, King Mondo was being rebuilt.
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Rygog’s sentai counterpart, Gynamo was the main villain for the majority of Carranger while Rygog was just Divatox’s second-in-command.
General Havoc
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
General Havoc’s sentai counterpart, Ritchihiker in Carranger was the head villain for a short time while General Havoc was Divatox’s Brother that shows up for a few episodes.
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Goldgoyle’s sentai counterpart, Exhaus was the final boss villain in Carranger while Goldgoyle was a powerful monster Divatox used to destroy the Turbo Rangers.
Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Furio’s sentai counterpart, Doctor Hinlear was the main villain of the previous sentai, Megaranger while Furio was used as Scorpius’ first general due to all of the main villains suits being used for a teamup movie.
Captain Mutiny
Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Captain Mutiny’s sentai counterpart, Captain Zahab was the main villain of Gingaman while Captain Mutiny was just an arc villain.
Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Hexuba’s sentai counterpart, Illess was an arc general in Gingaman while Hexuba was a sorceress Captain Mutiny hired for two episodes.
Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Titanisaur’s sentai counterpart, Daitanix was a creature the villains spent a majority to revive in Gingaman while Titanisaur was just a dinosur-like creature Captain Mutiny used to fight the Galaxy Rangers.
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
Gluto’s sentai counterpart, Don Dolnero was the boss in Timeranger while Gluto was just the comic relief general.
Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
Retinax’s sentai counterpart, Shuten was the main villain for a third of Gaoranger while Retinax was the former bodyguard of Master Org that lasted one episode.
Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
Nayzor’s sentai counterpart, Ura was the main villain for a third of Gaoranger while Nayzor was just a General Org.
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
The Lothorzord’s sentai counterpart, Tao Zanto was the main villain in Hurricanger while the Lotorzord was just a zord Lothor pilots in the finale.
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Motodrone’s sentai counterpart, Manmaruba was a generals for most of Hurricanger while Motodrone showed up towards the end of Ninja Storm.
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Shimazu’s sentai counterpart, Satarakura was a general for most of Hurricanger while Shimazu showed up towards the end of Ninja Storm.
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Eyezak’s sentai counterpart is the final form of Manmaruba, who would be adapted into Motodrone while Eyezak is just a monster-of-the-week that put fear collars on the Wind Rangers.
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
The Zelzord’s sentai counterpart was one of the many forms of the main villain in Abaranger while the Zelzord is just a zord Zeltrax pilots to attack Reefside in the finale.
Izzy & Pupperazzi
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Izzy & Pupperazzi’s sentai counterpart, Mikela & Voffa in Abaranger were the monster creators while Izzy & Pupperazzi were Lothor’s general after he escaped the Abyss Of Evil.
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Fridgia’s sentai counterpart, Lijewel in Abaranger was a main villain while Fridgia was a monster-of-the week created by comic artist, Carson Brady.
Ugly Monster
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Ugly Monster’s sentai counterpart was one of the many forms of the main villain in Abaranger while the Ugly Monster is just a monster Mesogog created after he separated himself from Anton Mercer.
Croco D’Vile
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Croco D’Vile’s sentai counterpart, Yatsudenwani in Abaranger was a recurring monster under the command of AbareKiller while Croco D’Vile was a monster that manifested from Kira Ford’s dream of crocodiles.
Season: Power Rangers SPD
Broowing and his sentai counterpart Agent Abrella serve a similar role in their perspective seasons. However, Agent Abrella is the final villain in Dekaranger while Broodwing is taken in the first part of SPD’s finale.
Kunoichi Monster
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Kunoichi Monster’s sentai counterpart was a monster form of the lady villain in Boukenger, Shizuka Of The Wind while the Kunoichi Monster was just a basic monster-of-the week.
Miratrix (Giant Owl Form)
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Miratrix’s Giant Owl Form’s sentai counterpart, Gekkou was the main villain of one of the four villain factions in Boukenger while this bird form was just a form for Miratrix.
The Overlords
Season: Power Rangers Jungle Fury
The Overlord’s sentai counterparts, the Three Fist Demons were the founders of the villain faction in Gekiranger while The Overlords were followers of Dai Shi.
General Scorch
Season: Power Rangers Jungle Fury
General Scorch’s sentai counterpart, Long was the final villain in Gekiranger while General Scorch was one of the Phantom Beast General. Long’s Dragon Form however is used for Dai Shi’s Dragon Form.
General Shifter
Season: Power Rangers RPM
General Shifter’s sentai counterpart, Yogostein was one of the three main villains for a majority of Go-Onger while General Shifter was one of Venjix’s Generals.
General Crunch
Season: Power Rangers RPM
General Crunch’s sentai counterpart, Kitanadias was one of the three main villains for a majority of Go-Onger while General Crunch was one of Venjix’s Generals.
Generation 12 Energy Bot
Season: Power Rangers RPM
The Generation 12 Energy Bot’s sentai counterpart, Chirakasonne was a general to the final villain of Go-Onger while the Generation 12 Energy Bot was just a basic Attack Bot.
Bluefur & Bigs
Season: Power Rangers Megaforce
Bluefur & Big’ sentai counterparts, Makuin & Kinggon were the main villains for a third of Goseiger while Bluefur & Bigs followed Vrak.
The Messenger
Season: Power Rangers Megaforce
The Messenger’s sentai counterpart, Robogog was the main villain for a third of Goseiger while The Messenger was an Armada General.
Seasons: Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
Greenzilla’s sentai counterpart, Deboss’ Prehistoric Form was a form of the main villain in Kyoryuger while the Greenzilla is an alien species Sledge uses to fight the Power Rangers a few times.
Lord Arcanon
Season: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
Lord Arcanon’s sentai counterpart, Chaos was the head villain in charge for most of Kyoryuger while Lord Aracanon was the main villain for only a few episodes.
Season: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
Scumlaw’s sentai counterpart, Icerondo was a general for a few episodes in Kyoryuger while Scumlaw was one of Sledge’s Outlaws used for the Halloween Special.
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Steel
Galvanax’s sentai counterpart, Gangetsu Kibaoni was the main and final villain in Ninninger while Galvanax was only the main villain for Ninja Steel, where Madame Odius takes over as main villain for Super Ninja Steel.
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
Badonna’s sentai counterpart, Ariake was the wife of the main villain in Ninninger while Badonna was Madame Odius’ second-in-command and formerly one of Sledge’s Outlaws.
General Tynamon
Season: Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
General Tynamon’s sentai counterpart, Tsugomori was a long lasting general in Ninninger while Tynamon was Brax’s manager that sticks around for only a few episodes towards the end of Super Ninja Steel.
Blaze/Robo Blaze
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
Blaze’s sentai counterpart, Enter ended up as the final boss of Go-Buster while Blaze stayed on as one of Evox’s Generals.
Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury
Boomtower’s sentai counterpart, Tankjoh in Ryusoulger was the head villain for his entire run while Boomtower is one of Void Knight’s Generals.
Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury
Slyther’s sentai counterpart, Wiserue in Ryusoulger was the head villain for a short time while Slyther is one of Void Knight’s Generals.
Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury
Wreckmate’s sentai counterpart, Gachireus in Ryusoulger was the head villain for a short time while Wreckmate is one of Void Knight’s Generals.
Nemesis Beast
Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury
The Nemesis Beast’s sentai counterpart, Eras in Ryusoulger was the creator of the heroes and the villains while the Nemesis Beast was essentially an organic evil zord used by Void Queen.
Season: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
Jadana’s sentai counterpart, Naria in Zyuohger was the monster grower while Jadana was apart of Squillia’s Dance Crew.
Season: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
Jozotic’s sentai counterpart, Bangray in Zyuohger was a recurring baddies while Jozotic had one mission with an evil Ollie Akana.
Season: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
Krymzo’s sentai counterpart, Scorpio in Kyuranger was an arc villain while Krymzo was apart of Squillia’s Dance Crew.
Season: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
Inkworth’s sentai counterpart, Ikargen in Kyuranger was an arc villain while Inkworth was just Bajillia’s Butler.