The Monster Mix

(Some Info Provided By

Power Rangers Monsters have always been very unique. They come in many different shapes, designs, and sometimes motifs depending on the season. However, the most unique monsters in Power Rangers are the ones whenever they either fuse multiple monsters parts together or just altering an older one by repainting it.

In this Ray’s Ramblings, I will be listing all the Power Rangers Monsters that have been either hybrids or repaints of older monsters.

Monster Mix


Grumble The Magic Elf
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
Episodes: “Storybook Rangers: Part 1 & 2”
Grumble The Magic Elf is a repainted version of the MMPR Season 1 Monster, Mister Ticklesneezer, who is repainted blue and given a santa suit.

Snow Monster
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
Episode: “Storybook Rangers: Part 1”

The Snow Monster is a repaint of the MMPR Season 2 Monster, Primator with added fur on his head.

Turkey Jerk
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 2
Episodes: “Storybook Rangers: Part 2”

Turkey Jerk is a repaint of the MMPR Season 1 monster, Chunky Chicken, who goes from a chicken to a turkey with pieces of Pudgy Pig added to some of its under parts.

Plague Patrol #1
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3
Episodes: “A Friend In Need: Part 1, 2 & 3”

The first member of the Plague Patrol takes parts from the unused Kakuranger monster, Bakeneko and the scorpion arm of the giant version of Scorpina.

Plague Patrol #2
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3
Episodes: “A Friend In Need: Part 1, 2 & 3”

The second member of the Plague Patrol takes parts from the unused Dairanger monster, Master Kaku and the arm of the unused Kakuranger monster, Kamaiitachi.

Plague Patrol #3
Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3
Episodes: “A Friend In Need: Part 1, 2 & 3”

The last member of the Plague Patrol uses parts from the unused Dairanger monster, Iron Face Zhang Liao and the saw arm of Merrick The Barbaric.

Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3
Episodes: “A Friend In Need: Part 2 & 3”

Repellator is a repaint of the MMPR Season 2 monster, Silverhorns painted green, with a tongue added to its mouth.

Season: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Season 3
Episode: “Changing Of The Zords: Part 2”

Inciserator uses the head of the unused Kakuranger monster, Nuraihyon, the body of Merrick The Barbaric and the caps of the unused Dairanger monster, Birdcage Vagrant.

Season: Power Rangers Zeo
Episodes: “King For A Day: Part 1 & 2”

Tritor, the alien that aids Bulk & Skull in the Machine Arena takes parts from the MMPR Season 1 Monster, Saliguana.


Shadow Chromite
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Episode: “Shadow Rangers”

The Shadow Chromite is a gray repaint of the foot soldiers used later in Turbo known as the Chromites.

Metal Mangler
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Episode: “Clash Of The Megazords”
Metal Mangler is a hybrid monster, using the head of the unused Ohranger monster, Keris and the unused Carranger monster, Ballinger Z.


Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Episode: “Fire In Your Tank”

Debloom is a repaint of the MMPR Season 2 Monster, Bloom Of Doom, given a dark red paint job and adding in tentacles and teeth.


Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Episode: “Fire In Your Tank”

Bobogoat is a repaint of the MMPR Season 2 Monster, Robogoat, turning him into a wolf-like monster.

Vitrified Virus
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Episode: “Fire In Your Tank”
Vitrified Virus is a hybrid monster of the Zeo Monsters, Main Drain & Cruel Chrome that is painted dark purple and yellow.


Fleeing Flea
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Episode: “Fire In Your Tank”

Fleeing Flea is a repaint of the MMPR Season 1 Monster, Fleeing Flea, painted dark red.

Hate Mistress
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Episode: “Fire In Your Tank”
Hate Mistress is a hybrid monster, containing the head of the unused Kakuranger Monster, Karakasa and the body of the MMPR Season 3 Monster, Hate Master.

Blue Grouperhead
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Episode: “Fire In Your Tank”

Blue Grouperhead is a repaint of the MMPR Season 2 Monster, Pirantishead.

Silver Streaker
Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Episode: “Fire In Your Tank”
Silver Streaker is a hybrid monster, containing the head of the Zeo Monster, Cruel Chrome and the body of Mean Screen, repainted silver.

Season: Power Rangers Turbo
Episode: “Fire In Your Tank”
Hardhairball is a hybrid monster, containing the body of the MMPR Season 3 Monster, Yetiki and the shoulder pads of the Zeo Monster, Cruel Chrome.

Season: Power Rangers In Space
Episode: “Shell Shocked”

Electrotramp is a hybrid monster, containing the head of the unused Ohranger monster, Bara Police and the body of the Zeo Monster, Varox painted dark blue.

Season: Power Rangers In Space
Episode: “Wasp With A Heart”

Waspicable is an altered version of the MMPR Season 1 Monster, Grumble Bee, slightly repainted with its wings being moved lower down its back.


Golem Monster
Season: Power Rangers In Space
Episode: “Survival Of Silver”

Golem Monster is a repaint of the Beetleborgs monster, Ghoulum, painted red and yellow.

Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Episode: “Race To The Rescue”

Brunt is a hybrid monster containing the head of the Beetleborgs monster, Mean Green Cannon Machine and the body of Rocket Man, painted blue and white.


Bug Alien
Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
Episode: “To The Tenth Power”

Bug Alien is a repaint of the Spider Dreg from Beetleborgs Metallix, painted black and given hair and a trench coat.

Season: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
Episode: “Operation Lightspeed”

Ghouligan is a repaint of Psycho Red’s Monster Form painted black in some on its mouth and chest.

Cobra Monster
Season: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
Episode: “The Cobra Strikes”
Corbra Monster is a repaint of the MMPR Season 1 Monster, Snizzard, painted gray and added pieces to its head to make it look more like a cobra.


Master Org
Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
Episodes: “Darkness Awakening” to “Sealing The Nexus”
Master Org is given an altered costume of the unused Dairanger villain, Shadam.

Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
Episodes: “Reinforcements From The Future: Part 1 & 2”

Rofang is a hybrid monster consisting of pieces from many monsters, including the repainted body of Darkliptor, the repainted head of the In Space Monster, Body Switcher, the repainted boots of Prince Gasket and the shoulder pad of the Lightspeed Rescue Monster, Strikning.

Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
Episodes: “Reinforcements From The Future: Part 1 & 2”

Takach is a hybrid monster consisting of pieces from many monsters, including the repainted left arm of the unused Ohranger monster, Bara Police, the repainted right arm of the unused GoGoV monster, Jeeruda, the head of the Lightspeed Rescue Monster, Strikning and the body of the Lightspeed Rescue Monster, Gatekeeper.

Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
Episodes: “Reinforcements From The Future: Part 1 & 2”
Kired is a hybrid monster consisting of pieces from many monsters, including the wings of the unused GoGoV monster, Zairen, the repainted right arm of the Beetleborgs Metallix monster, Repgillian, the repainted head and body of Deviot and the boots of the Lightspeed Rescue monster, Radstar.


Baboo-like Alien
Season: Power Rangers SPD
Episode: “Beginnings: Part 1”
An alien with the head of Babbo is used as a homeless alien given clothes to by Jack Landors & Z Delgado.

Season: Power Rangers SPD
Episode: “Dogged”
Parsnippity is a hybrid monster, consisting of the head of Deviot, the body of the unused Timeranger monster, Boribaru and the repainted legs of the In Space Monster, Tankenstein.


Teksa-like Alien
Season: Power Rangers SPD
Episode: “Dogged”
A monster with the head of the Lost Galaxy monster, Teksa is used as one of the many victims of the alien criminal, Rhinix.


Rocketron-like Alien
Season: Power Rangers SPD
Episode: “Shadow: Part 2”
An alien with the head of the Lost Galaxy Monster, Rocketron is used as a patron at Piggy’s Cafe.


Arachnor-like Alien
Season: Power Rangers SPD
Episode: “Idol”
An alien with the head and arm of the Lightspeed Rescue Monster, Arachnor is used as an SPD Cadet.


Ironspike-like Alien
Season: Power Rangers SPD
Episode: “Boom”

An alien with the head of the Time Force Monster, Ironspike is used as a patron of Piggy’s Cafe.


Dash-like Alien
Season: Power Rangers SPD
Episode: “Shadow: Part 2”

An alien with the head of the Time Force Monster, Dash is used as a patron of Piggy’s Cafe.

Gatekeeper-like Alien
Season: Power Rangers SPD
Episode: “Boom”
An alien with the head of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: The Movie Monster, Gatekeeper and the body of the Time Force Evil Zord, Dragontron is used as a patron at Piggy’s Cafe.

Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Episodes: “Once A Ranger: Part 1 & 2”

Thrax is given the repainted shoulder pads and chest of the Dino Thunder Villain, Zeltrax.

Beevil-like Alien
Seasons: Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
Episode: “Wishing For A Hero”
An alien with the head of the Ninja Storm Monster, Beevil and the wings of the SPD Villain, Brooding is used as one of the many prisoners in Sledge’s Ship and given a red dress.


Cloaked Alien
Seasons: Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
Episode: “When Evil Stirs”
An alien with the head of the RPM Monster, Dumbbell Bot and the body of the RPM Monster, Knight Bot is used as one of the many prisoners in Sledge’s Ship and given a cloak.

Galaxy Warriors Audience Member
Seasons: Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
Episode: “Return Of The Prism”
A Galaxy Warrior Audience Member is given the head of the Operation Overdrive Villain, Crazar and the body of Operation Overdrive Villain, Benglo.