Ranger Base Legacy

Command Center/Power Chamber
Seasons: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, Mighty Morphin’ Alien Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo & Power Rangers Turbo
The Command Center is a large fortress located in mountains located on the outskirts of Angel Grove. It is built by the Eltarian, Zordon to use as his base of operation to fight the forces of evil, specifically Rita Repulsa. After being trapped in a time warp by Rita Repulsa, Zordon uses a plasma tube to communicate with out dimension. In the Command Center, he is assisted by the robot Alpha 5, who also recruits five teenagers from Angel Grove to become the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. The Command Center stays mostly the same until it is destroyed by a bomb planted by Goldar & Rito Revolto. Shortly after blowing up, the exterior reforms and becomes the Power Chamber, becoming the base of operations for the Zeo Rangers. After Zordon & Alpha 5 leave for Eltar, the Power Chamber becomes the home to Dimitria & Alpha 6 and the base of operations to the newly formed Turbo Rangers. Shortly after Dimitria and the Blue Senturion leave Earth to assist Eltar, the Power Chamber is destroyed for good after being raided by Divatox’s Army and is destroyed by a bomb planted by Elgar.

Astro Megaship
Seasons: Power Rangers In Space & Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
The Astro Megaship is a blue spaceship built on the construction yards of KO-35. It is originally used by the Red Space Ranger alone in his search for Zordon until he is joined by the former Turbo Rangers, who become his teammates. The Astro Megaship houses many different rooms, which includes a bridge that controls all of the ships movements, a dining area, complete with a Synthetron, private quarters for each Space Ranger to sleep and a Simudeck, an virtual area that can recreate any location. The Astro Megaship also has tubes that lead the Space Rangers into summoning their Galaxy Gliders and a Med Bay for the Space Rangers to recover from any injuries. The Astro Megaship is also the main component for the Astro Megazord. After the Space Rangers save the universe, it becomes a museum on Earth. Kai Chen commandeers the Astro Megaship in order to use it to travels to Mirinoi, being joined by Alpha 6 and the Astro Megaship’s mechanic, Damon Henderson. The Astro Megaship becomes a secondary base of operations of the Galaxy Rangers, who also uses it whenever they need to journey the cosmos. The Astro Megaship is often housed in hidden hanger on Terra Venture, which the Galaxy Rangers enter through a room that is disguised as being under repair. The Galaxy Rangers keep their vehicles inside a hangar room in the Astro Megaship, which includes the Jet Jammers & Astro Cycles. During the final battle against Trakeena, the Astro Megaship is destroyed after being set on self-destruct to prevent Trakeena from harming any civilians fleeing to Mirinoi.

Lightspeed Aquabase
Season: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
The Lightspeed Aquabase is an underwater facility located in the waters of Mariner Bay. It is used by the government organization, Lightspeed Rescue as their base of operations to house the crew that is in charge of building weapons, zords and vehicles for the Lightspeed Rangers to use in their fight to defend Mariner Bay. The Lightspeed Aquabase also holds quarters for its crew, a galley, a lab for Miss Fairweather and an office for Captain Mitchell. The Aquabase is raided by Batlings when a Jinxer plants a Batling Card on the leg of the Lifeforce Megazord, becoming severely damaged. After its crew is evacuated, the Lightspeed Rangers, Captain Mitchell & Miss Fairweather are trapped inside the wreckage until they escape in a submarine, destroying the commandeered Lifeforce Megazord & Aquabase with a torpedo.

Clock Tower
Season: Power Rangers Time Force
The Clock Tower is a clock tower that was built during the colonial era of Silver Hills by the father of Walter Brown. It eventually comes into the possession of Mister Collins, which Wes Collins uses to house the Time Force Rangers while they are in the present fighting Ransik. The Clock Tower’s top floor becomes the living quarters of the Time Force Rangers, being the place they sleep, hang out and store all the recaptured Mutant Criminals. The first floor is used to run Nick Of Time Odd Jobs, a company the Time Force Rangers form to make money during their stay in Silver Hills. After Ransik finds out the location of the Clock Tower, it is raided by an army of Cyclobot and is blown up when the Electro Booster is put on self-destruct by the Red Time Force Ranger.

Seasons: Power Rangers Wild Force & Power Rangers Super Megaforce
The Animarium is a floating island in the sky that was once a large piece of Animaria, a human society that eventually became the modern day city, Turtle Cove. During the first battle against The Orgs, it is hoisted up into the sky with Princess Shayla and five animal-like zords known as the Wildzords. When Orgs Spirits begin to manifest, Princess Shayla is woken up and recruits five humans from Turtle Cove to become Wild Force Rangers. The Animarium has a large amount of space for the Wildzords to roam free and a little area for Princess Shayla and the Wild Force Rangers to live, which includes a little sitting area, sleeping quarters and a pool that detects when the manifestation of an Org Spirits. During the final battle against Master Org, the Animarium returns to the surface until Princess Shayla returns it to the heavens, where it will stay until the need of a new generation of Wild Force Rangers. The Super Megaforce Rangers visit the Animarium when they are chased down by Armada Commander, General Peluso and also befriends the Red Lion Wildzord.

Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Ninja-Ops is an underground training area located beneath the Wind Ninja Academy. It is used by the Wind Rangers during their fight against the Evil Space Ninjas and includes a sitting area, a computer for Cameron Watanabe to oversees battles, some ancient text used to find items to help them in their fight and a hanger for all their zords. Ninja-Ops is severely damaged after it’s location is found by Lothor.

Dino Cave
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
The Dino Cave is underground cave located under Tommy Oliver’s House in Reefside. It is used as the base of operations for the Dino Rangers in their fight against Mesogog and includes an area for Hayley Ziktor to create and store new weapons and vehicles for the Dino Rangers. It also has a computer station for Hayley Ziktor & Tommy Oliver to oversee fights and to summon the Dinozord for the Dino Rangers. The Dino Cave is severely damaged in Zeltrax’s attempt to kidnap Elsa.

Delta Base
Season: Power Rangers SPD
The Delta Base is a police academy located in Newtech City that trains and deploys various groups of SPD Rangers to defend Earth from Alien Criminals. It is also used as the base of operations for the B-Squad Rangers during their fight against the Troobian Empire. The Delta Base has many rooms, including it command center, quarters for crew members of Space Patrol Delta, a laboratory for Kat Manx, a prison facility for criminals and a zord holding bay. The Delta Base is eventually given a program that gives it the ability to transform into a robotic form known as the Delta Command Megazord.

Root Core
Season: Power Rangers Mystic Force
Root Core is a tree fortress built by Udonna after The Great Battle to train the next generation of sorcerers & sorceresses. It becomes the base of operations for the Mystic Rangers during their fight against The Morlocks. Root Core is shown to have one big main room, complete with a sitting area, a wall for their brooms, a cabinet of ingredients for spells and potions, a crystal ball that detects evil and a little area to place a spell book known as the Xenotome. There is also an outdoor area used by the Mystic Rangers to train. Root Core is severely damaged during a fight against Leanbow and a Possessed Nick Russell, but seems to have been repaired shortly after the final fight against Octomus.

Hartford Mansion
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Hartford Mansion is a mansion located in San Angelas and the private home of billionaire owner of Hartford Industries, Andrew Hartford. It becomes the base of operations for the Overdrive Rangers during their hunt for the Corona Aurora Jewels. Hartford Mansion houses many rooms, including a sitting area and billiards room for the Overdrive Rangers to use and an upstairs office for Andrew Hartford. There is also an underground base that is used as a command station for their fight against various evildoers and a zord holding bay.

Jungle Karma Pizza/The Loft
Season: Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Jungle Karma Pizza is a pizzeria located in Ocean Bluff that is owned and operated by Pai Zhuq Master, Robert James. It becomes the place of employment for the Jungle Fury Rangers & Fran during their fight against the Dai Shi Clan. Jungle Karma Pizza also houses a loft on its second floor, which is used by the Jungle Fury Rangers as their living quarters and training area. It is also used by Robert James to oversee any attacks happening in Ocean Bluff.

Doctor K’s Lab
Season: Power Rangers RPM
Doctor K’s Lab is a room located in the Ranger Series Operators home known as The Garbage. It is used by Doctor K to build new devices for the Ranger Series Operators to fight the Venjix Computer Network and is used to oversee any attacks being targeted on Corinth. Doctor K’s Lab is severely damaged by Venjix shortly after he takes over Corinth.

Shiba House
Seasons: Power Rangers Samurai & Power Rangers Super Samurai
The Shiba House is a modern style japanese-themed house located in Panorama City and is under the ownership of the Shiba Clan. It is the home of Jayden Shiba & Mentor Ji prior to the formation of the Samurai Rangers. The Shiba House has many rooms and training areas, which includes a sitting area, a kitchen, sleeping quarters, a water table that functions like a computer and an indoor & outdoor training area. The Shiba House becomes a private home once again after the defeat of Master Xandred.

Command Center
Seasons: Power Rangers Megaforce & Power Rangers Super Megaforce
The Command Center is a rock formation located on the outskirts of Harwood County. Both Gosei & Tensou are placed here by Zordon an unknown amount of time ago, should they ever be needed whenever a great evil threatened the Earth. After being woken up by the arrival of The Warstar, the Command Center becomes the base of operation for the Megaforce Rangers. The Command Center is shown to have one room, which includes five computer screens used by Tensou to oversee any attack on Harwood County and two shelves that contain all of the Ranger Keys. The Command Center is eventually converted into a ship by Tensou, which also becomes the Gosei Ultimate Megazord. 

Dino Lab
Seasons: Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
The Dino Lab is an underground cavern located under the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum. The Dino Lab functions as both a base of operations for the Dino Charge Rangers and a laboratory for Kendall Morgan to build weapons and devices for the Dino Charge Rangers to use against evildoers who are after the Energems. The Dino Lab also includes a sitting and training area, a cave where Koda, the Blue Dino Charge Ranger sleeps and two crystal beds for the Energems to charge up the Dino Chargers. The Dino Lab is raided and damaged by Snide prior to Sledge’s final attack but seems to have been repaired after the final battle against Sledge’s Crew.

Mick Kanic’s Workshop
Seasons: Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
Mick Kanic’s Workshop is a converted painting room located in Summer Cove High School. It is used by Mick Kanic & Redbot as a place to forge new Ninja Power Stars out of both Ninja Steel & Ninja Super Steel. It is also the location they place the Nexus Prism, which is used to create Ninja Power Star that activates new weapons, power-ups, vehicles and zords. It is also used by the Ninja Steel Rangers as their base of operations in their fight against both Galvanax & Madame Odius. Mick Kanic’s Workshop is severely damaged in the final battle against Madame Odius.

Command Center
Movie: Power Rangers (2017)
The Command Center is formerly a spaceship used by the Eltarian Power Rangers that crashed on Earth in the Cenozoic Era. It is buried underground in present day and becomes the headquarters of the current Power Rangers and the home of Zordon & Alpha 5.


Grid Battleforce Headquarters
Seasons: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
Grid Battleforce Headquarters is a Grid Battleforce facility located in Coral Harbor. It is primarily used to control Morph-X Towers, a clean alternative energy source made out of energy from the Morphin’ Grid. It also houses a laboratory for child prodigy, Nate Silva, who developed Morph-X and the power set for a team of Power Rangers created specifically created to defend the Morph-X Towers, the Beast Morphers Rangers, which becomes the base of operations for them during their fight against Evox. Grid Battleforce Headquarters house many rooms, which include a battle simulator, a vault filled with Ranger Relic, a bridge used by Commander Shaw to direct battle strategy and a holding bay for the zord. After the defeat of Evox, Grid Battleforce disbands all their Morph-X Towers for other clean alternative energy sources and also continues to defend Coral Harbor from threats, which includes imprisoning various aliens, including Scrozzle & Lothorn.


Seasons: Power Rangers Dino Fury & Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
Dinohenge is a formation of dinosaur statues located on the outskirts of Pine Ridge. They are created by the Morphin’ Masters and become the power source of the Dino Fury Rangers. Dinohenge also houses an underground base that became the resting place for Solon and the Red Dino Fury Ranger for millions of years. It becomes the base of operations for the new generation of Dino Fury Rangers in their fight against The Voids. Dinohenge houses many rooms, which includes an area for Solon to deploy the Dino Fury Zords and for the Dino Fury Rangers to train and strategize. Dinohenge is later revealed to have sleeping quarters and a living area, complete with a kitchen area. After Dinohenge is destroyed by Lord Zedd, the underground facility is temporarily transported to Erridus until it is converted into a spaceship known as the Cosmic Carrier.

Cranston Tech
Special: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Once And Always
Season: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
Cranston Tech is a tech company located in Angel Grove that is owned and operated by Billy Cranston, the Blue Ranger. It also houses an underground command center similar to the original Command Center, complete with its own robotic assistant, Alpha 9 and a plasma tube that Billy Cranston intended on using to house a resurrected Zordon. It also becomes the base of operations for the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers in their fight against Robo Rita and later Lord Zedd’s Universal Invasion.

Cosmic Cruiser
Season: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
The Cosmic Carrier was once the underground base located under Dinohenge that is converted into a spaceship by Solon after they are stranded on Erridus. It becomes their main travel method to journey across the universe in their fight against Lord Zedd & Squid Ink Inc.


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