Hangout Legacy

In most seasons of Power Rangers, our heroes in spandex usually have a place to rest and relax when they aren’t fighting a monster-of-the-week.


Angel Grove Youth Center
Seasons: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo & Power Rangers Turbo
The Angel Grove Youth Center is a gym/juice bar in Angel Grove that is owned and operated by Ernie. It is also home to many karate tournaments and events hosted by Angel Grove High School. After Ernie leaves to build a bridge in South America, it is taken over by Lieutenant Stone.

Ernie’s Beach Club
Season: Power Rangers Zeo
Ernie’s Beach Club is an outdoor restaurant that Ernie opens on Angel Grove Lake after he returns from a vacation in Hawaii. 

Surf Spot
Season: Power Rangers In Space
The Surf Spot is a nautical-themed restaurant owned and operated by Adelle Ferguson. The Surf Spot has a large sitting area, a pool table for its customers to play and an arcade.

Comet Cafe
Season: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
The Comet Cafe is a space-themed cafe on Terra Venture that Bulk & Professor Phenomenus get hired at after they are fired from the GSA Science Division.

Willie’s Roadhouse
Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
Willie’s Roadhouse is a bar owned and operated by Willie in Turtle Cove. Merrick Baliton starts working here and defending it from thugs, using its pool table to improves his skills with the Lunar Cue.

Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
Bulkmeier’s is a resort owned and operated by Bulk & Skull. Tommy Oliver is seen relaxing here prior to getting a call about the Machine Empire General digging up Serpentera on the Moon.

Storm Chargers
Season: Power Rangers Ninja Storm
Storm Chargers is an extreme sports store owned and operated by Kelly Holloway in Blue Bay Harbor. It is also the workplace of Dustin Brooks, the Yellow Wind Ranger.

Hayley’s Cyberspace
Season: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Hayley’s Cyberspace is a internet cafe that is owned and operated by Hayley Ziktor in Reefside. It is also the workplace of Trent Mercer, the White Dino Ranger.

Piggy’s Cafe
Season: Power Rangers SPD
Piggy’s Cafe is a food truck bought by Piggy after he wins the lottery. Piggy’s Cafe is regularly frequented by sketchy aliens, many of which take on the SPD Rangers. Piggy’s Cafe is destroyed after being stuck by lightning prior to the last battle against the Troobian Empire.

Rock Porium
Season: Power Rangers Mystic Force
The Rock Porium is a record store in Briarwood that is owned and operated by Toby Slambook. It is also the work place of all five Mystic Rangers and eventually Leelee Pimvare & Phineas.

Jungle Karma Pizza
Season: Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Jungle Karma Pizza is a pizzeria in Ocean Bluff that is owned and operated by Robert James. It becomes the workplace of the Jungle Fury Rangers during their fight against Dai Shi and is run solely by Fran when the Jungle Fury Rangers are fighting the Dai Shi Clan. A Jungle Karma Pizza is somehow seen in the RPM Dimension, being a victim of the Scorpion Cartel.

Ernie’s Brain Freeze
Seasons: Power Rangers Megaforce & Power Rangers Super Megaforce
Ernie’s Brain Freeze is a frozen yogurt shop located in the Harwood County Mall. It is owned and operated by Ernie and becomes the work place or Orion, the Silver Super Megaforce Ranger shortly after he lands on Earth.

Dino Bite Cafe (Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum)
Seasons: Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
The Dino Bite Cafe is a dinosaur themed cafe located in the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum. It is the work place of all the Dino Charge Ranger whenever they aren’t fighting the forces of evil.

Krispy Kreme
Movie: Power Rangers (2017)
Krispy Kreme is a doughnut shop in Angel Grove that is regularly frequented by the Power Rangers. It is revealed that the Zeo Crystal is buried underneath it, with the building being destroyed by Goldar.

Riptide Gym
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
The Riptide Gym is a gym in Coral Harbor that is regularly used by the Beast Morphers Rangers to train in their battle against Evox’s Crew. The Riptide Gym also has a small juice bar known as the Juice Hut.

Season: Power Rangers Dino Fury
Buzzblast is a social media company in Pine Ridge that is owned and operated by Jane Fairview. It is also place of employment for Amelia Jones, the Pink Dino Fury Ranger & Javi Garcia, the Black Dino Fury Ranger.

Angel Grove Youth Center
Special: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Once And Always
The Angel Grove Youth Center is a gym/juice in Angel Grove that was owned and operated by Ernie. It continues to stay in business decades after the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers were teenagers, being attacked by Putty Patrollers during Robo Rita’s attack on Earth. It is later visited by Minh Kwan, Billy Cranston & Zack Taylor after the defeat of Robo Rita.



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