Silver Rangers
Zhane, Silver Space Ranger
Played By: Justin Nimmo
Season: Power Rangers In Space
Zhane is the Silver Space Ranger from KO-35 and best friend to Andros, the Red Space Ranger that was injured during the United Alliance Of Evil’s invasion of KO-35. After being frozen in stasis for two years, Zhane resumes his role as the Silver Space Ranger. However, due to him being morphed for so long, Zhane only had a morph limit of two and a half minutes until he figured out a way to recharge his morpher. During a fight with Astronema’s force, the two develop feelings for each other and date for a short time. After coming in contact with KO-35 Rebels, Zhane decides to stay with them for a short time. However, he returns to the team to help destroy an Asteroid on collision with Earth.
Ryan Mitchell, Titanium Ranger
Played By: Rhett Fisher
Seasons: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue & Power Rangers Time Force
Ryan Mitchell is the son Captain Mitchell that was in a car crash as a young child that Diabolico saved from falling off a cliff. However, due to the deal, Captain Mitchell made with Diabolico, Ryan was brought under the care of Diabolico who trained him to be evil up until his twentieth birthday. On said day, Ryan snuck into Lightspeed Rescue and stole the Titanium Morpher and used its power for revenge. Eventually, Ryan is able to remember what happened that day and leaves the services of Diabolico. As revenge, Diabolico curses Ryan with a Cobra Tattoo that slowly drains his life force every time he morphs. However, Ryan is able to break this curse and shortly after leaves Lightspeed Rescue in order to find a way to seal away the demons.
Merrick Baliton, Lunar Wolf Ranger
Played By: Phillip Andrew
Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
Merrick Baliton was one of the six original Guardians of Animaria and the personal guardian of Princess Shayla. Due to being so close to Princess Shayla, the two forge a secret and forbidden relationship, often playing the flute for the Deer Wildzord. When The Orgs attack Animaria, he is the one to bring Princess Shayla to the Animarium so that she and the Wildzords would float into the sky until they are needed. During the final battle with Master Org, he dons a cursed wolf mask in order to destroy Master Org and succeeds but is cursed and turned into the Duke Org, Zen-Aku. He is imprisoned however by the five original guardians until the General Org, Nayzor frees him and uses him to destroy the Wild Force Rangers until he is freed from his curse. After being released from his curse, the Wolf Wildzord gives him the ability to morph into the Lunar Wolf Ranger. However, Merrick does not join the other Wild Force Rangers, choosing to become a lone wolf and decides to work at a bar called Willy’s Roadhouse while not fighting The Orgs. However, when the Deer Wildzord returns to the Animarium, he comes to play his flute for it every morning with Princess Shayla. After Merrick and the Wild Force Rangers destroy Master Org, he decides to go wherever the wind takes him with a revived Zen-Aku.
Lunar Wolf Shadow Ranger
Season: Power Rangers Wild Force
The Lunar Wolf Shadow Ranger is a Shadow Clone of the Lunar Wolf Wild Force Ranger created by the Duke Org, Onikage.
He is destroyed when the Red Wild Force Ranger destroys Onikage.
Nova, Nova Ranger
Played By: Naomi Alice Marsh
Voiced By: Antonia Prebble
Season: Power Rangers SPD
Nova is the Nova Ranger of SPD Earth’s Branch in the future and a friend of Sam, the Omega Ranger. She travels to the present in search of Sam and travels to the time when the Troobian Empire’s final attack on Earth. After assisting in the fight against the Troobian Empire, she returns to the future with Sam.
Tyzonn, Mercury Ranger
Played By: Dwayne Cameron
Season: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
Tyzonn is a Mercurian that travels to Earth in search of The Fearcats. During this search, he is ambushed by Moltor and turned into a dragon-like creature until he is turned back into himself again thanks to the Overdrive Rangers and returns to his mission. When the Overdrive Rangers cross paths with The Fearcats, they also cross paths with Tyzonn and asks him to join them. At first he is hesitant but eventually accepts their offer, becoming the Mercury Ranger. Tyzonn is interested in Earth culture when he asks Rose Ortiz questions on how she spends her day. When all the Jewels of the Corona Aurora are found, Tyzonn is reunited with his fiancee, Vella and returns to Mercuria.
Gemma, Ranger Operator Series Silver
Played By: Li Ming Hu
Seasons: Power Rangers RPM & Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
Gemma was raised in the Alphabet Soup think tank to be a test subject for Doctor K’s Ranger Operator Series Silver technology. After Doctor K releases the Venjix Virus so that they could escape Alphabet Soup, she and her brother Gem are presumed dead after they attempted to obtain the Series Gold & Silver Morphers. However, it is revealed that they are alive and have been fighting in The Wasteland since Doctor K escaped Alphabet Soup and eventually join the other Ranger Series Operators in fighting Venjix. Due to her being raised in a think tank for all of her life, Gemma is very childlike but also develops weapons for the other Ranger Series Operator to use in battle. Gemma also has a very close relationship with her brother Gem due to them being able to finish each other’s sentences. After defeating Venjix, Gemma joins Scott Truman & Gem in the new Eagle Squadron.
Robo Knight
Voiced By: Chris Auer
Seasons: Power Rangers Megaforce & Power Rangers Super Megaforce
Robo Knight is a robotic warrior created by Gosei thousands of years ago to protect the environment. He is awoken from a block of ice by the Earth itself around the time Vrak teamed up with the Toxic Beasts, having no prior memories besides his mission to protect the environment. Robo Knight prefers to work alone and does not like to work with other to accomplish missions. However, Robo Knight eventually learns that he may need to work with the Megaforce Rangers when he isn’t strong enough to battle a foe alone. After a difficult fight with The Messenger, Robo Knight goes missing prior to The Armada invading Earth. It is later revealed that Vrak had captured him and converted him a mindless soldier to assist him in destroying Earth. He is freed from this mind control however after Troy Burrows, the Red Super Megaforce Rangers somehow powers up with golden energy and punches him. He then sacrifices himself in order to save Orion, the Silver Super Megaforce Ranger from being killed himself in the destruction of Vrak’s Underwater Lab. He is later revived somehow, revealing his resurrection to Troy Burrows during the Legendary Battle.
Orion, Silver Super Megaforce Ranger
Played By: Cameron Jebo
Season: Power Rangers Super Megaforce
Orion was a miner from the planet, Andresia that found the Legendary Silver Morpher and a Ranger Key during a dig one week prior to the Armada’s Invasion of his planet. He is the lone survivor of his planet and bides his time until he commandeers an Armada Spaceship by bringing it down by firing a rock at it with a slingshot. He travels to Earth and assumes the role as the Silver Super Megaforce Ranger and swears to avenge his fallen civilization. Orion has fish-out-of-water tendencies due to being on a new planet, thinking a rock concert literally included rocks. After the defeat of Prince Vekar, Prince Vrak & Damaras, Orion leaves Earth to return to Andresia for some reason but returns to Earth after hearing message about the Armada Invasion.
Prince Phillip III, Graphite Dino Charge Ranger
Played By: Jarred Blakiston
Seasons: Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
Prince Phillip is the Crowned Prince Of Zandar that arrives to the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum to retrieve the Stone Of Zandar after hearing that imposters were pretending to be apart of the Royal Family. He returns the Stone Of Zandar to Sir Ivan Of Zandar after learning that it was one of the Ten Energems and makes it his mission to find one of his own. His team finds the Graphite Energem and attempts to bond with it by doing good deeds but wouldn’t bond with it until he saves Chase Randall’s sister, Chloe from a monster attack, becoming the Graphite Dino Charge Ranger. Due to Prince Phillip’s duties as a public figure, he is only be able to assume duties as a Power Ranger part time, being called on when extra muscle is needed.
Zenowing, Silver Dino Charge Ranger
Voiced By: Alistair Browning
Season: Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
Zenowing is Keeper’s Apprentice and is responsible for creating the zords. He eventually finds the Silver Energem and bonds with it during an altercation with Lord Arcanon on Sentai 6, becoming the Silver Dino Charge Ranger. However, this does not last long as Zenowing is corrupted by the Dark Energem, becoming Doomwing. Doomwing is in control for many years and assumes the guise of the Silver Dino Charge Ranger in order to trick the Dino Charge Rangers into giving him data on their zord. However, Zenowing is able to break free from Doomwing for a short time and the two are eventually separated by the Split Emitters, with Zenowing regaining his powers as the Silver Dino Charge Ranger. At first, he is cold to the other Dino Charge Rangers but eventually softens up after Riley Griffin gets injured attempting to protect him from an attack. After Sledge is defeated, Zenowing returns to a reformed Sentai 6 with Heckyl.
Steel, Silver Beast Morphers Ranger
Voiced By: Jamie Linehan
Season: Power Rangers Beast Morphers
Steel is a human/robot hybrid created by Nate Silva when he is forced to create a mobile form for Evox. However, when Nate Silva uses the Cybergate to become the Gold Beast Morphers Ranger, part of his DNA in conjunction with Scarab Beetle DNA brings him to life and transforms into the Silver Beast Morphers Ranger. Due to Nate Silva’s DNA bringing him to life, the two consider themselves brothers, getting along and also bickering like brothers. Steel aspires to eventually become fully human, getting a taste of humanity when he temporarily switches bodies with Nate Silva and gets to experience all the things he’s always wanted to do as a human, with Nate Silva promising to turn him human one day. During the final battle with Evox, Steel attempts to destroy Evox with an Anti-Virus Arrow but fails when he is supposedly killed by Evox. However, it is revealed that his energy was absorbed into the Morphin’ Grid, with it turning him into a human being after the Beast Morphers Rangers uses Morph-X in conjunction with Human DNA to destroy Evox. After gaining his humanity, Steel becomes an Action Movie Star, starring in popular movies like Kung Fugitive.