Name: Cole Evans
Ranger: Red Wild Force Ranger
Actor: Ricardo Medina Jr.
Episodes: 40
First Appearance: “Lionheart″
Last Appearance: “The End Of The Power Rangers: Part 2”
Sentai: Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger
Producer: Saban & Disney
Character Bio
Cole Evan was the young son of Elizabeth & Richard Evans, two researchers attempting to discovers the secrets of Animaria with their colleague, Viktor Adler. After the two are killed by him after he eats Org Seeds, he is found by a jungle tribe and raised by them into adulthood. He would be given a picture of his parents and a Red Crystal from the Tribe Elder and leaves to looks for his parents, unaware of their fate. After arriving in Turtle Cove, he meets up with the four Wild Force Rangers and is chosen by the Red Lion Wildzord to become the Red Wild Force Rangers and leader of the team. Cole is naïve when it comes to modern things, due to his upbringing but eventually learns how to live in the modern world and has the ability to communicate with animals and the Wildzords. After Cole and the rest of the Wild Force Rangers defeat Master Org, Cole decides to use his talents to help animals in need wherever he roamed.
Growl Phone
The Growl Phone is the tool necessary for Cole Evans to communicate with the other Wild Force Rangers and to morph into the Red Wild Force Ranger.
Red Lion Animal Crystal
The Red Lion Animal Crystal is originally in the possession of Cole Evans when he is found by a tribe when he is a baby. It’s true identity is revealed to Cole Evans when he first meets the Red Lion Wildzord on the Animarium, which Cole Evans as the Red Wild Force Ranger uses to summon the Red Lion Wildzord from the Animarium.
Gorilla Animal Crystal
The Gorilla Animal Crystal is bestowed to Cole Evans after he fights Master Org in the forest home of the Soul Bird. He uses it as the Red Wild Force Ranger to summon the Gorilla Wildzord from the Animarium.
Falcon Animal Crystal
The Falcon Animal Crystal is bestowed to Cole Evans after his teammates solve a puzzle in the afterlife. He use it in conjunction with the Falcon Summoner as the Red Wild Force Ranger to summon the Falcon Wildzord from the Animarium.
Red Lion Wildzord
The Red Lion Wildzord is a lion-like zord that bonds with Cole Evan and lends him its power to become the Red Wild Force Ranger.
Gorilla Wildzord
The Gorilla Wildzord is a gorilla-like zord that awakened in the same forest the Soul Bird had one of its nests and bonds with the Red Wild Force Ranger.
Falcon Wildzord
The Falcon Wildzord is a falcon-like zord that is given to the Red Wild Force Ranger after the other four Wild Force Rangers solve a puzzle designed by Kite.
Red Lion Fang/Lion Blaster
The Red Lion Fang is the personal punching glove-like weapon of the Red Wild Force Ranger. The Red Lion Fan can transform into a blaster-like weapon called the Lion Blaster.
Falcon Summoner
The Falcon Summoner is a bow-like weapon that was given to the Red Wild Force Ranger after his teammates solve a puzzle to unlock the Falcon Wildzord. The Falcon Summoner is also the tool necessary to summon the Falcon Wildzord.
The Falconator is a crossbow-like weapon used by the Red Wild Force Ranger.
Crystal Saber
The Crystal Saber is a tiny sword-like weapon used by the Red Wild Force Ranger as a melee weapon and to summon his Wildzords from the Animarium.
Red Savage Warrior Armor
The Red Savage Warrior is a powerful piece of armor given to the Red Wild Force Ranger after his teammates solve a puzzle to unlock the Falcon Wildzord. It is first used to fight Super Toxica & Super Jindrax, shortly after the destruction of Super Nayzor.
Jungle Boy
Episodes: “Lionheart” & ‘Darkness Awakening”
Cole Evans wore these tattered up close from when he left his the jungle tribe that raised him until this teammates gave him a bath and new clothes.
Red Savage Cycle
The Red Savage Cycle is a lion-themed motorcycle-like vehicle driven by the Red Wild Force Ranger.
Wild Force Rider
The Wild Force Rider is a flying falcon-themed motorcycle-like vehicle given to the Red Wild Force Ranger by Kite after his Red Savage Cycle was destroyed by Mandilok. The Wild Force Rider was also responsible for destroying Serpentera.