Name: Joel Rawlings
Ranger: Green Lightspeed Ranger
Actor: Keith Robinson
Episodes: 41
First Appearance: “Operation Lightspeed″
Last Appearance: “Time For Lightspeed”
Sentai: Kyukyu Sentai GoGo-V
Producer: Saban
Character Bio
Joel Rawlings is a sky performer, known as the “Sky Cowboy” that is recruited by Captain Mitchell to become the Green Lightspeed Ranger. Joel has romantic feelings for Miss Fairweather, whose feelings are unrequited until Joel retires from duties as a Power Ranger.
Rescue Morpher
The Rescue Morpher is the tool necessary for Joel Rawlings to morph into the Green Lightspeed Ranger.
Aero Rescue 3
Aero Rescue 3 is a jet-like zord that is piloted by the Green Lightspeed Ranger. Aero Rescue 3 is destroyed in a battle against a super powered Diabolico & Prince Olympius.
Rail Rescue 3
Rail Rescue 3 is a freighter car-like zord that houses Aero Rescue 3 & Omegazord 3.
Omegazord 3
Omegazord 3 is a shuttle-like zord that is piloted by the Green Lightspeed Ranger. Omegazord 3 is destroyed by Red Lightspeed Ranger & Titanium Ranger after the Omega Megazord is stolen by Jinxer.
Rescue Blaster
The Rescue Blaster is a blaster/baton-like weapon used by the Lightspeed Rangers.
The V-Lancer is a lance/blaster-like weapons used by the Lightspeed Rangers to fight the Titanium Ranger and Demon Monsters.
Thermo Blaster
The Thermo Blaster is a blaster-like weapon that can fire blasts of hot & cold energy.
Mega Battle Green
The Green Mega Battle is a powerful piece of armor designed by Angela Fairweather and her brother Clark Fairweather for the Green Lightspeed Ranger that is equipped with Dual Saws.
Civilian Disguise
Episode: “The Great Egg Caper”
Joel Rawlings disguises himself as a woman in order to stop the trade of a demon egg.
Green Lightspeed Cycle
The Green Lightspeed Cycle is a green motorcycle-like vehicle driven by the Green Lightspeed Ranger.
Later Appearances
Time Force
Episode: “Time For Lightspeed”
Joel Rawlings is the Green Lightspeed Ranger that married Angela Fairweather since defeating Queen Bansheera. He travels to Silver Hills after learning of Vypra’s return and teams up with Trip to fight one of Vypra’s Demon Warriors.