Name: Chad Lee
Ranger: Blue Lightspeed Ranger
Actor: Michael Chaturantabut
Episodes: 41
First Appearance: “Operation Lightspeed″
Last Appearance: “Time For Lightspeed”
Sentai: Kyukyu Sentai GoGo-V
Producer: Saban
Character Bio
Chad Lee is an aquatic theme park worker that is recruited by Captain Mitchell to become the Blue Lightspeed Ranger. Chad is a skilled martial artist, taught under a master martial artist, Master Tamashiro.
Rescue Morpher
The Rescue Morpher is the tool necessary for Chad Lee to morph into the Blue Lightspeed Ranger.
Aqua Rescue 2
Aqua Rescue 2 is a water tank-like zord that is piloted by the Blue Lightspeed Ranger. Aqua Rescue 2 is destroyed in a battle against a super powered Diabolico & Prince Olympius.
Rail Rescue 2
Rail Rescue 2 is a subway car-like zord that houses Aqua Rescue 2 & Omegazord 2.
Omegazord 2
Omegazord 2 is a shuttle-like zord that is piloted by the Blue Lightspeed Ranger. Omegazord 2 is destroyed by Red Lightspeed Ranger & Titanium Ranger after the Omega Megazord is stolen by Jinxer.
Rescue Blaster
The Rescue Blaster is a blaster/baton-like weapon used by the Lightspeed Rangers.
The V-Lancer is a lance/blaster-like weapons used by the Lightspeed Rangers to fight the Titanium Ranger and Demon Monsters.
Thermo Blaster
The Thermo Blaster is a blaster-like weapon that can fire blasts of hot & cold energy.
Mega Battle Blue
The Blue Mega Battle is a powerful piece of armor designed by Angela Fairweather and her brother Clark Fairweather for the Blue Lightspeed Ranger that is equipped with an Ice Cannon.
Civilian Disguise
Episode: “The Great Egg Caper”
Chad Lee disguises himself as a fisherman in order to stop the trade of a demon egg.
Blue Lightspeed Cycle
The Blue Lightspeed Cycle is a blue motorcycle-like vehicle driven by the Blue Lightspeed Ranger.
Later Appearances
Time Force
Episode: “Time For Lightspeed”
Chad Lee is the Blue Lightspeed Ranger that has become a lifeguard since defeating Queen Bansheera. He travels to Silver Hills after learning of Vypra’s return and teams up with Lucas Kendall to fight one of Vypra’s Demon Warriors.