United Alliance Of Evil
Dark Specter
Voiced By: Christopher Cho
Dark Specter is giant lava-like creature and the self-proclaimed Monarch Of Evil that successfully forms an alliance with various villainous factions together known as the United Alliance Of Evil. He also successfully conquers Eltar and captures Zordon, where he attempts to drain his power with lava to destroy him for good. When the Red Space Ranger sneaks into his United Alliance Of Evil Conference, he assigns Astronema, the Princess Of Evil, to attack the Earth and prevent the Space Rangers from finding Zordon. When Astronema learns her true identity as Karone, he orders Darkonda to recapture her and turn her back into Astronema with cybernetic implants. However, this works too well as Astronema attempts to destroy him by connecting the Psycho Rangers to his life force but are destroyed before his life force is drained completely. Dark Specter eventually order all of the various villain factions under him to attack the universe His victory is short lived however when he is destroyed by Darkonda when he fires a planet destroying missile at him, causing him to implode.
Played By: Melody Perkins
Astronema is a Karovian that was once known as Karone that was kidnapped at a young age by the bounty hunter, Darkonda and was raised by Ecliptor to be an evil and cunning warrior. She is eventually given the title, Princess Of Evil by Dark Specter and is tasked with preventing the Space Rangers from finding Zordon, attacking the Earth with her army of loyal monsters. During an altercation with the Red Space Ranger, she loses her prized locket, which reveals to Andros that she is her long lost sister, Karone. After some soul searching and doubt, Astronema decides to defect to the side of good until she is needed to sneak onto the Dark Fortress to stop an asteroid from destroying the Earth. However, she is captured by a reprogrammed Ecliptor and is turned into a cyborg herself, turning her into a more evil version of Astronema. She then proves her more evil nature by revealing that she intends on usurping Dark Specter by connecting her Psycho Rangers to his life force, slowly draining him until they are destroyed by the Space Rangers. She then attempts to grow her army by capturing humans and trapping them into Data Card in her Secret City. This ends up failing too, with Astronema eventually leading the United Alliance Of Evil’s Universal Conquest, becoming the Queen Of Evil after Dark Specter is destroyed by Darkonda. This does not last long however as she is killed during an altercation with her brother, the Red Space Ranger when he sneaks onto the Dark Fortress to rescue Zordon. She is revived however thanks to her being purified by Zordon’s Energy Wave.
Voiced By: Lex Lang
Ecliptor is a strong and cunning warrior that was given Karone as a child by Darkonda to raise her to be an evil and a fierce warrior, renaming her Astronema, the Princess Of Evil. When Astronema is given the task of preventing the Space Rangers from finding Zordon, Ecliptor becomes her second-in-command, leading attacks on Earth or fighting the Space Rangers. When Darkonda arrives on the Dark Fortress to offer his services to Astronema, he develops a rivalry with his, attempting to poison him but this end up failing due to him having many live. When it is revealed that Astronema is Karone, Ecliptor refuses to harm her due to him still caring for her but this is soon changes when Darkonda gives him cybernetic implants, erasing any sympathy he once possessed. Ecliptor is still a loyal warrior to Astronema however, siding with her when he learns that she plans to overthrow Dark Specter. Ecliptor gains immense power when he hacks the Astro Megaship’s Computer System and successfully destroys the Delta Megaship. However, he loses this power-up and returns to his former state when he is defeated in battle by the Space Rangers. During the United Alliance Of Evil’s Universal Conquest, Astronema is killed by her brother when he attempts to save Zordon, which breaks the effects of his cybernetic implants, showing sorrow for the loss of his surrogate daughter and vows to destroy the Red Space Ranger. However, this fails and is the first to be destroyed by Zordon’s Energy Wave.
Voiced By: Steve Kramer
Played By: Leonard Kelly-Young
Darkonda is a treacherous bounty hunter that kidnapped Karone when she was a child and gave her to Ecliptor to raise her into Astronema. He later show up to the Dark Fortress to offer his services to Astronema, releasing a Barillian Bugs on the Space Rangers in his first attempt in destroying them. He later backstab Ecliptor during when they are forced to work together and forcibly fuses with him to become Darkliptor for a short time. Ecliptor get his revenge on him by giving him poison in disguise of a super strength potion, mutating him and growing him to fight the Space Rangers. He gives the Space Rangers a good thrashing until they destroy him with the Mega Voyager. However, it is revealed that he has multiple lives and returns with an army of Crocotoxes to poison the Earth’s water supply. When the Space Rangers travel to Centaur B, it is revealed that Darkonda somehow infiltrated the KO-35 Rebels by disguising himself as a general named Yatru but is found out after the Space Rangers come in contact with them after exposing his plans of turning them into coral. After Astronema finds out her true identity and defects to the side of good, Darkonda is given command of the Dark Fortress temporarily until he turns Karone back into Astronema by giving her cybernetic implants. He is then thrown off the Dark Fortress until the United Alliance of Evil’s Universal Conquest, where he attempts to destroy Dark Specter with a planet destroying missile. He succeeds at this but is destroyed himself after Dark Specter eats him before blowing up.
Voiced By: Derek Stephen Prince
Elgar is the nephew of the Space Pirate, Divatox that is assigned to Astronema’s force due to his knowledge of Earth. However, Elgar ends up causing more harm than good, constantly failing whatever mission he is given by Astronema. Elgar is later assigned to be apart of the army that attacks Earth in the United Alliance Of Evil’s Universal Conquest but is destroyed by Zordon’s Energy Wave.
Psycho Rangers
Psycho Red
Played By: Patrick David
Psycho Red is the evil counterpart of the Red Space Ranger that is created by Astronema after she is given cybernetic implants. Psycho Red is the most hotheaded of the group, desiring to destroy the Red Space Ranger even if it means defying Astronema. After Psycho Pink & Psycho Blue are destroyed, he teams up with Psycho Black & Psycho Yellow to destroy the Space Rangers while they are at their weakest, donning a human disguise to look around Angel Grove until the Space Rangers figure out their plan. He then transforms into a monstrous fire-themed form, growing giant and successfully captures the Mega Voyager, which is used to lure the Space Rangers into a trap where he personally fights the Red Space Ranger. After getting into an altercation with Ecliptor, he teams up with his fellow Psycho Rangers in their monster forms to overpower the Space Rangers but is destroyed by a powerful blast from the Astro Delta Megazord, Mega Winger & Mega Voyager. His spirit lingers in the world due to his desire to destroy the Red Space Ranger until he is able to become corporeal after his spirit enters a machine used by Astronema in the Secret City. He then attempts to destroy the Red Space Ranger, transforming into his monster form until he is tricked into being turned into a Data Card. His Data Card is presumably lost in the destruction of the Secret City but is later seen in the possession of Astronema.
Psycho Blue
Voiced By: Wally Wingert
Psycho Blue is the evil counterpart of the Blue Space Ranger that is created by Astronema after she is given cybernetic implants. Psycho Blue is the victim of a plan concocted by the Blue Space Ranger where he is tricked into think there are multiple Blue Space Rangers and a Psycho Silver, attempting to destroy them all and ordering his fellow Psycho Ranger to leave the battle. He then fights all the Space Rangers personally before taken down a combined attack from the Blue Space Ranger & Silver Space Ranger. He is grown giant by the Satellasers, turning into an ice-themed monster form that attempts to freeze the Mega Voyager. However, he is destroyed himself after the Mega Voyager is able to melt the ice and blast him with the Mega V3 Missile. His spirit lingers in the world due to his desire to destroy the Blue Space Ranger until he is able to become corporeal after his spirit enters a machine used by Astronema in the Secret City. He then attempts to destroy the Blue Space Ranger, transforming into his monster form until he is tricked into being turned into a Data Card. His Data Card is presumably lost in the destruction of the Secret City but is later seen in the possession of Astronema.
Psycho Black
Played By: Michael Maize
Psycho Black is the evil counterpart of the Black Space Ranger that is created by Astronema after she is given cybernetic implants. Psycho Black is the most cautious of the Psycho Rangers, questioning Psycho Red about disobeying Astronema’s orders. After Psycho Pink & Psycho Blue are destroyed, he teams up with Psycho Red & Psycho Yellow to destroy the Space Rangers while they are at their weakest, donning a human disguise to look around Angel Grove until the Space Rangers figure out their plan. He then transforms into a monstrous rock-themed form, growing giant and successfully captures the Mega Voyager, which is used to lure the Space Rangers into a trap where he fights the Delta Megazord & Mega Winger. He then teams up with his fellow Psycho Rangers in their monster forms to overpower the Space Rangers but is destroyed by a powerful blast from the Astro Delta Megazord, Mega Winger & Mega Voyager. His spirit lingers in the world due to his desire to destroy the Black Space Ranger until he is able to become corporeal after his spirit enters a machine used by Astronema in the Secret City. He then attempts to destroy the Black Space Ranger, transforming into his monster form until he is tricked into being turned into a Data Card. His Data Card is presumably lost in the destruction of the Secret City but is later seen in the possession of Astronema.
Psycho Yellow
Played By: Kamera Walton
Psycho Yellow is the evil counterpart of the Yellow Space Ranger that is created by Astronema after she is given cybernetic implants. Psycho Yellow is determined to destroy the Yellow Space Ranger, betraying Psycho Pink to capture the Yellow Space Ranger, which inevitably causes her destruction. After Psycho Pink & Psycho Blue are destroyed, she teams up with Psycho Red & Psycho Black to destroy the Space Rangers while they are at their weakest, donning a human disguise to look around Angel Grove until the Space Rangers figure out their plan. She then transforms into a monstrous lightning-themed form, growing giant and successfully captures the Mega Voyager, which she downloads herself into its computer to take control of it to fight the Delta Megazord & Mega Winger. After she is forced out of the Mega Voyager, she teams up with her fellow Psycho Rangers in their monster forms to overpower the Space Rangers but is destroyed by a powerful blast from the Astro Delta Megazord, Mega Winger & Mega Voyager. Her spirit lingers in the world due to his desire to destroy the Yellow Space Ranger until she is able to become corporeal after her spirit enters a machine used by Astronema in the Secret City. She then attempts to destroy the Yellow Space Ranger, transforming into her monster form until she is tricked into being turned into a Data Card. Her Data Card is presumably lost in the destruction of the Secret City but is later seen in the possession of Astronema.
Psycho Pink
Voiced By: Vicki Davis
Psycho Pink is the evil counterpart of the Pink Space Ranger that is created by Astronema after she is given cybernetic implants. She is the first one tasked with fighting the Space Rangers solo, teaming up with Psycho Yellow to capture the Pink Space Ranger but is betrayed after she captures the Yellow Space Ranger. She then attempts to fight Psycho Yellow, with her energy shield being compromised, weakening her enough to be taken down by a combined attack from the Yellow Space Ranger & Pink Space Ranger. She grows giant and takes on a flower-themed monster form, using her vines to steal the Mega Wingers blaster but is destroyed by Mega Voyager’s Mega V3 Missile. Her spirit lingers in the world due to his desire to destroy the Pink Space Ranger until she is able to become corporeal after her spirit enters a machine used by Astronema in the Secret City. She then attempts to destroy the Pink Space Ranger, transforming into her monster form until she is tricked into being turned into a Data Card. Her Data Card is presumably lost in the destruction of the Secret City but is later seen in the possession of Astronema.
Evil Space Aliens
Rita Repulsa
Played By: Carla Perez
Voiced By: Barbara Goodson
Rita Repulsa is a intergalactic space witch and wife of Lord Zedd that joined the United Alliance Of Evil after Dark Specter conquered Eltar and captured Zordon. During the Universe Of Evil’s Universal Conquest, Rita Repulsa is given the task of attacking the Vica Galaxy but is purified by Zordon’s Energy Wave after Zordon is killed by Andros.
Lord Zedd
Played By: Ed Neil
Voiced By: Robert Axelrod
Lord Zedd is the self-entitled Emperor Of Evil and husband of Rita Repulsa that joined the United Alliance Of Evil after Dark Specter conquered Eltar and captured Zordon. During the Universe Of Evil’s Universal Conquest, Lord Zedd is given the task of attacking the Vica Galaxy but is purified by Zordon’s Energy Wave after Zordon is killed by Andros.
Machine Empire
King Mondo & Queen Machina
Voiced By: David Stenstrom & Brianne Siddall
King Mondo & Queen Machina are the monarchs of the Machine Empire that were rebuilt by unknown means and joined the United Alliance Of Evil after Dark Specter conquered Eltar and captured Zordon. During the Universe Of Evil’s Universal Conquest, King Mondo & Queen Machina are given the task of attacking Phantom Ranger’s Home Planet but were destroyed by Zordon’s Energy Wave after Zordon is killed by Andros.
Space Pirates
Played By: Hilary Shepard
Divatox is a space pirate that is recruited by Dark Specter to join the United Alliance Of Evil shortly after destroying the Power Chamber. From then on, Divatox spends a majority of her time transporting Zordon from planet to planet. During the Universe Of Evil’s Universal Conquest, Divatox is given the task of attacking Gratha but is purified by Zordon’s Energy Wave after Zordon is killed by Andros.
Voiced By: Lex Lang
Rygog is Divatox’s second-in-command that accompanies Divatox transporting Zordon from planet to planet. He also accompanies Divatox to Gratha when she is assigned to attack it during the Universe Of Evil’s Universal Conquest but is destroyed by the Zordon’s Energy Wave.
Foot Soldiers
The Quantrons are black & white metallic warriors that are used as foot soldiers by Astronema and the United Alliance Of Evil.
The Piranhatrons are fish-like warriors that are used as foot soldiers in various missions for the United Alliance Of Evil.
Aerial Vehicles
The Velocifighters are used as aerial attack vehicles by the United Alliance Of Evil.