Name: Zhane
Ranger: Silver Space Ranger
Actor: Justin Nimmo
Episodes: 24
First Appearance: “Survival Of The Silver″
Last Appearance: “Countdown To Destruction: Part 2”
Sentai: Denji Sentai Megaranger
Producer: Saban
Character Bio
Zhane is the Silver Space Ranger from KO-35 and best friend to Andros, the Red Space Ranger that was injured during the United Alliance Of Evil’s invasion of KO-35. After being frozen in stasis for two years, Zhane resumes his role as the Silver Space Ranger. However, due to him being morphed for so long, Zhane only had a morph limit of two and a half minutes until he figured out a way to recharge his morpher. During a fight with Astronema’s force, the two develop feelings for each other and date for a short time. After coming in contact with KO-35 Rebels, Zhane decides to stay with them for a short time. However, he returns to the team to help destroy an Asteroid on collision with Earth.
Digi Morpher
The Astro Morpher is the tool necessary for Zhane to morph into the Silver Space Ranger.
Mega Winger
The Mega Winger is spaceship-like zord created by the rebels of KO-35 for the Silver Space Ranger to utilize in giant battles.
The Mega Winger can also transform into a humanoid form.
Super Silverizer
The Super Silverizer is the personal blade/blaster-like weapon of the Silver Space Ranger.
Date Outfit
Episode: “A Date With Danger”
Zhane wears this outfit on his attempted date with Astronema.
Psycho Silver
Episode: “Five Of A Kind”
Zhane disguised himself as the Silver Psycho Ranger to confuse Psycho Blue.
Episode: “Silence Is Golden”
Zhane disguises himself as a clown to distract the Psycho Rangers when they were confronting Cassie Chan.
Psycho Red
Episode: “The Enemy Within”
Zhane dresses up as Psycho Red to play a trick on Andros.
Silver Galaxy Gilder/Silver Cycle
The Silver Galaxy Glider is a silver flying surfboard-like vehicle that is ridden by the Silver Space Ranger.
The Silver Galaxy Glider can also transform into a motorcycle-like vehicle called the Silver Cycle.
Galactic Rover
The Galactic Rover is a dune buggy-like vehicle driven by the Silver Space Ranger.