Mutant Criminals
Voiced By: Derek Stephen Prince
“Something To Fight For”
Jetara is a cyborg ladybug-like mutant criminal and the first to be reanimated by Ransik. He is sent to destroy Silver Hills and would take on some modern day cops before he takes on the Time Force Rangers. After his mutant patch is exposed by the Red Time Force Ranger’s Chrono Sabers, he grows giant and causes major damage in Silver Hills until Time Force sends the Time Flyers, with him being taken in by the Time Force Megazord Mode Red.
Voiced By: David Stenstrom
“Ransik Lives”
Fearog is a cyborg frog-like mutant criminal reanimated by Ransik as extra muscle while Ransik announces his arrival to the population of Silver Hills after he takes over a television studio. He is also used to show the citizens of Silver Hills what he is capable of before he is ordered to destroy the Time Force Rangers. After he is hit by a combined blast from the Chrono Blasters, he rips off his mutant patch to grow giant but is taken in by the Time Force Megazord Mode Red.
Ransik’s Mutant Army
“Samurhive” & “Eyeacon”
“Ransik Lives”
Ransik’s Mutant Army consisted of various mutant criminals that joined Ransik in terrorizing Millennium City.
Voiced By: Richard Steven Horvitz
“A Blue Streak”
Mantamobile is a manta ray-like mutant criminal reanimated by Nadira to assist her in obtaining cash by using his power to upgrade two getaway cars and to stop a truck filled with cash. He is stopped however when the Time Force Rangers discover their Vector Cycles, stopping the two getaway cars. Nadira then orders him destroy the Time Force Rangers and fights the Red Time Force Ranger & Blue Time Force Ranger before being blasted by the Vortex Blaster. He then rips his mutant patch off, growing giant and growing armor but is taken in by the Time Force Megazord Mode Red.
Voiced By: Michael Sorich
“Force From The Future: Part 1” & “A Parting Of Ways”
Flamecon is a punk-themed mutant criminal that is cryogenically frozen by Time Force prior to Ransik taking over the Cryo Prison. He is later unfrozen to attack Silver Hills and fights the Red Time Force Ranger before ripping his mutant patch to grow giant. He is taken in however by the Time Force Megazord Mode Red.
Voiced By: Ezra Weisz
“A Parting Of Ways”
Tentaclaw is an octopus/lobster-like mutant criminal that was originally frozen after he kidnapped the Mayor Of Millennium City. He is later reanimated by Nadira to kidnap some children and ransom them for cash. After Nadira obtains this cash from the Red Time Force Ranger, Tentaclaw is ordered to destroy the kids but is stopped by the four other Time Force Rangers, rescuing the kids in the process. He then fights the Time Force Rangers, with his head being frozen by the Vortex Blaster and his body growing giant after ripping off his mutant patch. His body is taken in however by the Time Force Megazord Mode Blue.
Voiced By: Eddie Frierson
Rabbitcon is a rabbit-like mutant criminal that fought the Time Force Rangers while Nadira attempted to capture Circuit. After getting hit by the Green Time Force Ranger’s Time Strike, he rips off his mutant patch, growing giant but is taken in by the Time Force Megazord Mode Red.
Voiced By: Dan Woren
Medicon is a cyborg mutant criminal and surgeon reanimated by Nadira to corrupt Circuit’s wiring so that he is unable to summon the Time Flyers. He is then sent to attack Silver Hills, fighting the Time Force Rangers and surviving an attack from the Yellow Time Force Ranger’s Chrono Sabers before ripping off his mutant patch to grow giant. He attack Silver Hills and the Time Force Rangers with ease until the Green Time Force Ranger is able to find and fix Circuit, summoning the Time Flyer to fight Medicon and take him in with the Time Force Megazord Mode Red.
Voiced By: Tom Wyner
“Jen’s Revenge”
Fatcatfish is a catfish-like mutant criminal that was originally taken in by Alex, the Original Red Time Force Ranger & Jen Scotts, the Pink Time Force Ranger. He is reanimated by Ransik and paid an undisclosed amount of cash to destroy the Time Force Rangers. This money however is used up trying to woo Nadira, with him destroying a car in his anger. He then has an altercation with the Time Force Rangers, with the Pink Time Force Ranger remembering him, which also causes her to go into a fit of rage after Fatcatfish gloats about his death. She then tries to destroy him rather than take him in but he is able to retreat after one of her attack misses. After being tricked into a trap by Frax, he fights the Pink Time Force Ranger again, with her nearly destroying him until her teammates are able to talk her out of doing it. The Pink Time Force Ranger then does it by the books and attempts to take him in with a slash from her Chrono Saber but Fatcatfish rips off his mutant patch, growing giant and is taken in by the Time Force Megazord Mode Red.
Voiced By: David Lodge
“The Time Shadow”
Izout is a cyborg shark-like mutant criminal that breaks into Bio-Lab to steal Zirium Powder for Frax. He is then rewarded by Frax by being able to destroy the Time Force Rangers. After being hit by a barrage of attacks by the Time Force Rangers, he rips off his mutant patch to grow giant and severely damages the Time Flyers with his grenades, but is taken in after being blasted by the Time Jet Blaster Mode.
Voiced By: Kim Strauss
“The Time Shadow”
Tronicon is a powerful golden robot created by Frax and powered by a Trizyrium Crystal. He accompanies Frax to destroy Silver Hills and is grown giant by Frax after he rips off a mutant patch. He causes major damage in Silver Hills due to the Time Flyers being too damaged to be sent to the past until Bio-Lab sends the Raimei Destroyer to fight him, inevitably failing. Tronicon is nearly successful in destroying Silver Hills until a mysterious person sends the Time Shadow to the past, successfully destroying Tronicon for good.
Cruel Senturicon
Voiced By: N/A
“The Legend Of The Clock Tower”
Cruel Senturicon is a traffic cop-themed mutant criminal that attacks Silver Hills after the Yellow Time Force Ranger wakes up from her time traveling dream. After being blasted by the Vortex Blaster, he rips off his mutant patch to grow giant but is taken in by the Time Force Megazord Mode Red.
Voiced By: Richard Epcar
“Future Unknown”
Vexicon is a dangerous red & white colored mutant criminal and the first mutant from the X-Vault. He is reanimated by Frax after he discovers the key to the X-Vault and is sent to cause major destruction in Silver Hills with his exploding tops. The Time Force Rangers attempt to fight him but are unable to damage him due to his heightened power and durable skin. That is until the Time Force Rangers are able hit him by attacking from different angles, weakening him long enough to be blasted by the Vortex Blaster. He then rips off his mutant patch to grow giant and is too much for the Time Force Megazord & Time Shadow until he is taken in by a new formation, the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Blue.
Voiced By: Wendee Lee
“Uniquely Trip” & “Reflections Of Evil”
Redeye is a cyborg cyclops-like mutant criminal that is sent to attack Silver Hills and nearly destroys a little kid until the Time Force Rangers show up and takes her in with a combined blast from their Vector Weapons. Redeye is later seen in Miracon’s Mirror World and fights four of the Time Force Rangers until the Red Time Force Ranger shows up, taking her down with a blast from the Vortex Blaster.
Voiced By: Steve Kramer
“Uniquely Trip”
Electropede is an electrical centipede-like mutant criminal that feeds off electricity to power himself up. He powers himself up by eating electricity from Silver Hills Power Plant and draining power from the Time Force Ranger’s Weapons. His powers are nearly indestructible until the Green Time Force Ranger develops a new weapon called the Electro Booster to de-power him. He then grows giant after his mutant patch is blown off by Frax and is taken in by the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Blue.
Voiced By: Bob Papenbrook
“Worlds Apart”
Univolt is a powerful mutant criminal from the X-Vault that is reanimated by Frax to attack Silver Hills and to prove to Ransik that robots are superior beings. He gives the Time Force Rangers a hard time in battle and gives the Silver Guardians an even harder time when they attempt to stop him from from attacking Silver Hills. After blasting the Red Time Force Ranger, revealing his identity to his father, he is taken in by a blast from the Vortex Blaster.
Voiced By: Michael Sorich
“The Quantum Quest”
Brickneck is a brick-necked mutant criminal that is reanimated by Ransik to obtain the Quantum Controller, dug up by a group of archaeologists. After failing to obtain it from the dig site, he attempts to track it with a device, being stopped by the Time Force Rangers. He successfully fights them off until the arrival of the Quantum Ranger, who takes him in with the Quantum Defender’s Freeze Strike Mode.
Voiced By: Dave Mallow
“Clash For Control: Part 1 & 2”
Commandocon is a commando-themed mutant criminal that opens up a portal to the past to obtain the Quantasaurus Rex for Ransik. He successfully finds the Q-Rex in a cave, attaching a control device on it and bringing it to modern day in order to use it to destroy Silver Hills. After the Time Force Rangers summon the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Red to stop the Q-Rex from attacking Silver Hills, he rips off his mutant patch to grow giant to assist him but loses control of the Q-Rex after Quantum Ranger is able to regain control of it, with him being taken in by the Q-Rex Megazord.
Quantasaurus Rex
“Clash For Control: Part 1 & 2”
Quantasaurus Rex is put under the control of Commandocon in the past and brought to the present to attack Silver Hills. It is eventually broken free from this control after the Quantum Ranger is able to regain control.
Voiced By: Tony Oliver
“Bodyguard In Blue”
Klawlox is a hammerhead shark-like mutant criminal reanimated by Nadira to assist her in kidnapping Doctor Michael Zaskin. He attempts to gain information about the Quantum Ranger powers from him, who refuses to speak and later attempts to capture his daughter, who was being guarded by the Blue Time Force Ranger. He then fights the Blue Time Force Ranger one-on-one, who is eventually able to defeat him in battle after slashing him with his Chrono Sabers. He then grows giant after ripping off his mutant patch but is taken in by the combined efforts of the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Red & Q-Rex Megazord.
Voiced By: Steve McGowan
“Trust And Triumph”
Turtlecon is a robotic turtle-like mutant criminal with the ability to create pocket dimensions. He successfully traps the Time Force Rangers inside one of his pocket dimension, creating evil duplicates of them to fight. After the Red Time Force Ranger & Pink Time Force Ranger are able to destroy his pocket dimension, he rips off his mutant patch to grow giant and creates an evil clone of the Time Force Megazord Mode Red to assist him in his fight but is taken in by the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Blue.
Red Time Force Ranger (Evil Duplicate)
“Trust And Triumph”
The Red Time Force Ranger Evil Duplicate is an evil version of the Red Time Force Ranger that is created by the mutant criminal, Turtlecon to fight the Red Time Force Ranger in his Pocket Dimension. He destroyed when Turtlecon’s Pocket Dimension is destroyed by a synchronized blast from the Red Time Force Ranger & Pink Time Force Ranger.
Pink Time Force Ranger (Evil Duplicate)
“Trust And Triumph”
The Pink Time Force Ranger Evil Duplicate is an evil version of the Pink Time Force Ranger that is created by the mutant criminal, Turtlecon to fight the Pink Time Force Ranger in his Pocket Dimension. She destroyed when Turtlecon’s Pocket Dimension is destroyed by a synchronized blast from the Red Time Force Ranger & Pink Time Force Ranger.
Blue Time Force Ranger (Evil Duplicate)
“Trust And Triumph”
The Blue Time Force Ranger Evil Duplicate is an evil version of the Blue Time Force Ranger that is created by the mutant criminal, Turtlecon to fight the Blue Time Force Ranger in his Pocket Dimension. He destroyed when Turtlecon’s Pocket Dimension is destroyed by a synchronized blast from the Red Time Force Ranger & Pink Time Force Ranger.
Yellow Time Force Ranger (Evil Duplicate)
“Trust And Triumph”
The Yellow Time Force Ranger Evil Duplicate is an evil version of the Yellow Time Force Ranger that is created by the mutant criminal, Turtlecon to fight the Yellow Time Force Ranger in his Pocket Dimension. She destroyed when Turtlecon’s Pocket Dimension is destroyed by a synchronized blast from the Red Time Force Ranger & Pink Time Force Ranger.
Green Time Force Ranger (Evil Duplicate)
“Trust And Triumph”
The Green Time Force Ranger Evil Duplicate is an evil version of the Green Time Force Ranger that is created by the mutant criminal, Turtlecon to fight the Green Time Force Ranger in his Pocket Dimension. He destroyed when Turtlecon’s Pocket Dimension is destroyed by a synchronized blast from the Red Time Force Ranger & Pink Time Force Ranger.
Time Force Megazord Mode Red (Evil Duplicate)
“Trust And Triumph”
The Time Megazord Mode Red is duplicated by the mutant criminal, Turtlecon to assist him in fighting the real one but is destroyed by the Time Force Megazord Mode Blue.
Voiced By: Barbara Goodson
“Trip Takes A Stand”
Notacon is an innocent blue squid-like mutant that was originally frozen for petty theft. He is reanimated by Ransik to destroy the Time Force Rangers but refuses due to his innocent nature. However, Frax implants a control device on him to make him more aggressive, but ends up working too well, letting him escape from the Cryo Prison. He then bumps into Trip, the Green Time Force Ranger, who befriends Notacon after witnessing Frax & Nadria trying to control him. Trip would attempt get rid of the control device off of him, with his Chrono Morpher being fried in the process. After fending off Cyclobots and the Quantum Ranger trying to destroy him for just being a mutant, Frax finds Notacon, activating the control device to its highest setting, making him rip off his mutant patch to grow giant. After the Green Time Force Ranger is able to destroy the control device with the Electro Booster, he is taken in by the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Red.
Played By: Don Dowe
Voiced By: Sean Cw Johnson
“Quantum Secrets”
Conwing is a squid-like mutant criminal that is reanimated by Frax in order to take control of the Q-Rex. To accomplish this, he disguises himself as a human to capture the Quantum Ranger and makes him summon the Q-Rex before using a voice imitator to control the Q-Rex. He then fights the Time Force Rangers while he uses the Q-Rex to fight the Time Force Megazord & Time Shadow. After Eric Myers is able to take his Quantum Morpher back and takes control of the Q-Rex, Conwing rips off his mutant patch to grow giant and attacks Silver Hill but is taken down by the Quantum Ranger’s newly obtained Mega Battle.
Q-Rex Megazord
“Quantum Secrets”
The Q-Rex Megazord is controlled by Conwing after taking the Quantum Morpher and imitating Eric Myers’ voice with a voice-changing mask. He uses it to fight the Time Shadow until he loses control of it after Eric Myers takes back his Quantum Morpher.
Played By: Rachelle Pettinato
Voiced By: Valerie Vernon
“Lovestruck Rangers”
Contemptra is a gorgon-like mutant criminal that disguises herself as a human girl named Angelique and uses her magic bracelet to make the male Time Force Rangers fall in love with her to distract them so that Ransik could attack Silver Hills. She later uses her magic bracelet to make the male Time Force Rangers fight each other until the Pink Time Force Ranger & Yellow Time Force Ranger destroy her magic bracelet, freeing the guys from her spell. She then gets a thrashing from the Pink Time Force Ranger before being blasted by the Vortex Blaster. She survives this blast however, ripping off her mutant patch to grow giant but is taken in by the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Red.
Played By: Riley Schmidt
“The Last Race”
Dash is a race car driving mutant and an old rival of Lucas Kendall, the Blue Time Force Ranger when they were both race car drivers. Dash is originally frozen after his reckless driving caused an accident with some children and is reanimated by Nadira to be her personal driver. Dash later challenges Lucas Kendall to one last race, breaking their tie, which he gives up on after he nearly runs over a bunch of kids. Dash then have a change of heart, refusing to work for Nadria until she blasts him with a device to make him fight the Time Force Rangers. During this fight, his mutant patch is ripped off by Nadira, causing him to grow giant and fights the Time Force Megazord Mode Red until the armor that was controlling him is destroyed, with him being taken in willingly by the Time Force Megazord Mode Red.
Voiced By: Richard Cansino
“Full Exposure” & “Reflections Of Evil”
Ironspike is an oni-like mutant criminal that fought the Time Force Rangers while their fight was being photographed by a photographer named Mitch and is taken in by a combined Chrono Saber attack from the Red Time Force Ranger & Blue Time Force Ranger. Ironspike is later seen in Miracon’s Mirror World, fighting the Time Force Rangers until he is taken down again by a combined Chrono Saber attack from the Red Time Force Ranger & Blue Time Force Ranger.
Voiced By: Bob Papenbrook
“Full Exposure”
Artillicon is a mechanical artillery-themed mutant criminal that is able to overpower the Time Force Rangers in battle, de-morphing them in front of a photographer named Mitch, who intended on using these photo to publish in the Silver Hills Inquisitor. The Time Force Rangers are eventually able to land an attack on him by blasting his cannon weapon with the Vortex Blaster. He then grows giant after ripping off his mutant patch but is taken in by the Time Force Megazord Mode Red.
Played By: Harvey Shain
Voiced By: Terence Stone
“Movie Madness: Part 1 & 2”
Cinecon is a movie director-themed mutant criminal that disguises himself as a human movie director to trap the Time Force Rangers in his various Movie Dimensions. After the Time Force Rangers escape their movies and beat Ransik in a chase on their Vector Cycles, he rips off his mutant patch to grow giant, causing some interesting fight scenarios that included the Transwarp Megazord. He nearly destroys the Time Force Rangers but due to the Green Time Force Ranger ripping out the last page of his script, he is taken in by the combined efforts of the Transwarp Megazord, Q-Rex & Shadowforce Megazord Mode Blue.
Frankie Chang (Cyclobot)
Played By: Kazuhiro Yokoyama
“Movie Madness: Part 1”
A Cyclobot disguises itself as an actor named Frankie Chang to lure the Time Force Rangers into Cinecon’s Movie Dimension.
Voiced By: JW Meyers
“Time Force Traitor”
Steelix is a metallic mutant criminal and the former partner Jen Scotts, the Pink Time Force Ranger. He was originally frozen after he was caught selling top secret information to Ransik, vowing revenge against Jen Scotts after she was the one to inform Time Force of his betrayal. After being unfrozen, he would enact this revenge by stealing Jen Scotts Chrono Morpher and using a hypno spray on her, turning her evil and making her fight the Red Time Force Ranger. After she is able to free herself from the hypno spray, she personally fight him, blasting him with her Vector Weapon and slashing him with her Chrono Saber before he rips off his mutant patch to grow giant but is taken in by the combined efforts of the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Blue & Q-Rex Megazord.
Voiced By: Kim Strauss
“Frax’s Fury”
Venomark is a venomous mutant criminal from the X-Vault and the one responsible for giving Ransik the bite that requires him to take his serum. He is reanimated by Frax to inflict his bite on the citizens of Silver Hills and successfully inflicts his bite on four of the Time Force Rangers. However, his bites is able to be cured thanks to the Red Time Force Ranger giving the Bio-Lab a sample of Ransik’s Serum, which they mass produce to cure everyone inflicted with Venomark’s bite, including the Time Force Rangers. He then fights the Time Force Rangers, being blasted by the Quantum Ranger’s Mega Battle before ripping off his mutant patch to grow giant. He is taken in however by the combined efforts of the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Blue & Q-Rex Megazord.
Voiced By: Paul Schrier
“Dawn Of Destiny”
Severax is a mechanical axe-themed mutant that is first used by Ransik to search for Frax. He is then used to assist Ransik in obtaining the serum at Bio-Lab after Frax destroy his entire supply. After Ransik successfully obtains the serum, he is ordered to destroy Bio-Lab but is stopped by the Time Force Rangers, taking a barrage of attacks from the Blue Time Force Ranger & Yellow Time Force Ranger before ripping off his mutant patch to grow giant but is taken in by the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Red.
“Fight Against Fate” & “Destiny Defeated”
Dragontron is a dragon-like evil zord created by Frax and is sent to attack Silver Hills shortly after Frax betrays Ransik and decides to go solo. His power is so great that the former Red Time Force Ranger, Alex travels to the past to take over the team in order to fight him off, revealing his weakness being a power core located on its back. The Time Force Rangers attempt to fire at its power core with the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Blue, but is unable to due to it being too powerful. However, Dragontron does retreat for a short time due to the Q-Rex damaging him in battle. Dragontron later shows up again in Silver Hills, with them still being unable to hit its power core until Wes Collins is given back his role as the Red Time Force Ranger, hitting the power core and destroying Dragontron thanks to the combined efforts of the Time Force Megazord Mode Red & Q-Rex.
Mister Mechanau
Played By: CJ Byrnes
Voiced By: Mike Reynolds
“Undercover Rangers”
Mister Mechanau is a telekinetic mutant criminal that disguises himself as a human gym owner to lure people into his gym with a protein shake that promises to give them super strength. However, the protein shake would also slowly turn whoever drinks it into a Cyclobot, which Frax intended on using to build a hybrid army. He is nearly able to give this drink to the Pink Time Force Ranger until she is rescued by the Red Time Force Ranger, where he reveals his true form and fights the Time Force Rangers with his telekinetic powers. He successfully overpowers the Time Force Rangers until Alex gives the Red Time Force Ranger the Strata Cycle, getting blasted by it until he rips off his mutant patch to grow giant but is taken in by the combined efforts of the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Red & Q-Rex.
Cyclobots (Human)
“Undercover Rangers”
The Human Cyclobots are citizens from Silver Hills that are brainwashed into thinking they are Cyclobots. They were intended to be an army for Frax but are turned back to normal after Mister Mechanau is frozen by the Time Force Rangers.
Black Knight
Played By: Kelly J. Bailey
Voiced By: Dave Mallow
“Beware The Knight”
The Black Knight is an evil Medieval Knight that attempted to find someone worthy to unlock the Battle Fire for him so that he could become unstoppable. He fights the Time Force Rangers and nearly defeats them until the Red Time Force Ranger is revealed to have unlocked the Battle Fire and destroys him as the Red Battle Warrior.
Black Knight’s Dragon
“Beware The Knight”
This Dragon would be used by the Black Knight to guard the Battle Fire while he looked for someone to unlock the box containing the Battle Fire. The Red Time Force Ranger challenges this dragon, destroying him with a slash from his Chrono Sabers.
Voiced By: Phillip Proctor
“Reflections Of Evil”
Miracon is a mechanical mirror-themed mutant criminal that is tasked with trapping the Time Force Rangers in his Mirror World to fight old and new mutant criminals. After the Time Force Ranger beat all these mutant criminals, he fights them himself and gives them a hard time in battle until he is outdone by a combined attack from the Red Time Force Ranger & Quantum Ranger. He then rips off his mutant patch to grow giant but is taken in by combined efforts of the Time Force Megazord Mode Blue, Time Shadow & Q-Rex.
Voiced By: Kirk Thornton
“Reflections Of Evil”
Angelcon is an angel-like mutant criminal that fights the Time Force Rangers in Miracon’s Mirror World but is taken down by slash from the Yellow Time Force Ranger’s Chrono Saber.
Miracon’s Mirror World Mutants
(Redeye, Ironspike & Angelcon)
Voiced By: Wendee Lee, Richard Cansino & Kirk Thornton
“Reflections Of Evil”
Miracon’s Mirror World Mutants are the reflections of three mutant criminals the Miracon tasks with fighting the Time Force Rangers in his Mirror World.
Time Shadow
“Reflections Of Evil”
The Time Shadow is turned evil temporarily after Miracon reverses its polarity. It is returned to normal after getting hit with an attack from the Q-Rex Megazord.
Voiced By: Kerrigan Mahan
“Nadira’s Dream Date”
Chameliacon is a chameleon-like mutant criminal reanimated by Ransik to attack Silver Hills and to help cure Nadira of her depression. After receiving some mixed signals about how to handle the Blue Time Force Ranger, he is finally ordered to destroy him after he breaks Nadira’s heart and attempts to do so with his long and powerful tongue. He fails at this however after his tongue is used against him and grows giant after ripping off his mutant patch but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Shadowforce Megazord Mode Blue & Q-Rex Megazord.
Voiced By: Mark A. Richardson
“Circuit Unsure”
Serpicon is a serpent-like mutant criminal and the last mutant released by Ransik. He is sent to the Silver Hills Space Center and sets it to blow up to cause major destruction in Silver Hills but is stopped by the Quantum Ranger, challenging him to an old fashioned duel. After losing this duel, he rips off his mutant patch to grow giant but is taken in by the combined efforts of the Q-Rex Megazord & Time Jet.
Max Axe
“Circuit Unsure” & “A Calm Before The Storm”
Max Axe is a powerful dark blue robot created by Frax, powered by a Trizyrium Crystal and accompanies Frax in an attack on Silver Hills prior to him finishing his most powerful creation, Doomtron. He fights the Quantum Ranger and the Silver Guardians before growing giant but is destroyed by the Q-Rex.
“Circuit Unsure” & “The End Of Time: Part 1, 2 & 3”
Doomtron is a copper-colored giant robot that is created by and resembles Frax that he intended on using to destroy Silver Hills. However, Ransik captures Frax and reprograms him to pilot Doomtron to destroy Silver Hills. Due to it being powered by a Trizyrium Crystal, it opens up time holes in the sky whenever he fights the Q-Rex until the Red Time Force Ranger uses the Quantum Defender to convert its Trizyrium Crystal, destroying it shortly after with a combined blast from the Quantum Defender & Q-Rex.