IX. Arsenal


Chrono Morpher
Call: “Time For, Time Force!”
The Chrono Morpher is the tool necessary to morph into a Time Force Ranger.

Quantum Morpher
Morph Call: “
Quantum Power!”
The Quantum Morpher is the tool necessary to morph into the Quantum Ranger.

Battle Fire
Morph Call: “Red Battle Warrior!”
The Battle Fire is a magical orb guarded by the White Knight until it is bestowed to the Red Time Force Ranger, who uses it to morph into the Red Battle Warrior.


Time Force Badge
The Time Force Badge is a badge used by Time Force Officers to arrest Mutant Criminals.

Visual Scanners
The Visual Scanners are sunglasses-like devices used to search for Mutant DNA.

Futuristic Computer
The Time Force Rangers have access to a futuristic computer, which has a database of information pertaining to the past and can also be used to as a communication device with the future.

Trizyrium Crystals
The Trizyrium Crystals are powerful crystals created from Zyrium Powder, a type of synthesized energy unintentionally discovered by Bio-Labs. Frax uses this powder to create Trizyrium Crystals that power-up his giant robots. Due to them being create a hundred years too early, Wes Collins begs his father to stop all development, which he agrees. However, Frax is able to get enough Zyrium Powder to create a crystal to power up his final robot, Doomtron, which causes wormhole to form around Silver Hills due to the Q-Rex also being powered by a Trizyrium Crystals.


Chrono Sabers
The Chrono Sabers are futuristic sword-like weapons used by the Time Force Rangers as melee weapons.

Vector Weapons
The Vector Weapons are giant bazooka-like weapons used by the Time Force Rangers.

Vortex Blaster
The Vortex Blaster is a blaster-like weapon formed when the Time Force Rangers combine their Vector Weapons.

Chrono Blaster
The Chrono Blaster is a small blaster-like weapon used by the Time Force Rangers.

Electro Booster
The Electro Booster is an add-on to the Chrono Saber created by Trip that gives the Chrono Saber the ability to blast electrical energy.

Quantum Defender (Blaster Mode)
The Quantum Defender is the personal blaster-like weapon of the Quantum Ranger.

Quantum Defender (Saber Mode)
The Quantum Defender is the personal saber-like weapon of the Quantum Ranger.

Cockpit Weapons


Time Force Megazord Saber
The Time Force Megazord Saber is a smaller version of the saber used by the Time Force Megazord. It is used to perform the Time Strike, an attack that freezes giant Mutant Criminals.

Shadowforce Megazord Saber
The Shadowforce Megazord Saber is a smaller version of the saber used by the Shadowforce Megazord. It is used to perform the Time Target, an attack that freezes giant Mutant Criminals.


Mega Battle
The Mega Battle is a powerful piece of armor given to the Quantum Ranger by Alex to capture powerful mutants.
The Mega Battle is equipped with roller skates and two giant blasters.

Red Battle Warrior
The Red Battle Warrior is a powerful piece of medieval armor given to the Red Time Force Ranger by the White Knight.


Time Jet
The Time Jet is a futuristic jet-like vehicle used by the Time Force Rangers to enter their Time Flyers.

Vector Cycles
The Vector Cycles are futuristic motorcycle-like vehicles driven by the Time Force Rangers.

Time Ship
The Time Ship is used by the Time Force Rangers to travel to 2001 in order to recapture Ransik and his prison full of Mutants Criminals.

Raimei Destroyer
The Raimei Destroyer is a drill-like vehicle created by scientists at Bio-Lab in order to defend Silver Hills from Ransik’s Army. It was first tested to take on Tronicon but it was easily destroyed by Tronicon.

TF Eagle
The TF Eagle is a futuristic jet-like vehicle used by the Quantum Ranger to travel back in time to obtain the Q-Rex.

Strata Cycle
The Strata Cycle is a hovercraft-like vehicle that is driven by the Red Time Force Ranger.

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